Tomato Lilac Lake - description and characteristics of the variety

One of the most popular vegetables among farmers and ordinary consumers are tomatoes. This is due to the fact that this vegetable is universal in consumption in food. Tomato can be eaten in the form of salad, adjika, ketchup, tomato paste, canned, etc. Every year, different varieties of tomatoes become more and more. The farm does not stand still, a lot of hybrid varieties have appeared. Lilac lake is one of the most interesting types of tomato, which will attract the attention of even the most indifferent consumer.

Tomato Lilac Lake

Tomato Information

Lilac Lake can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, it all depends on the Russian region in which the tomato will grow.


  1. As for the ripening of the fruit - it refers to mid-ripening varieties. The first crop is harvested after about 90-100 days.
  2. Bushes of this variety are of medium height, and the plant is semi-spreading in terms of leaf span.
  3. If the tomato is grown in open ground, it reaches a height of up to one meter, if in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions - up to one and a half meters.
  4. In general, the growth of the stem takes an average position. Experienced farmers call this variety semi-determinate.
  5. A fairly large number of brushes can ripen on one bush.
  6. Fertile (gives a high level of yield).
  7. Unlike nightshade varieties of vegetables, such as peppers, potatoes and others, it is immune to many types of diseases.

The downside of this variety is that it is not advisable to transport the crop over long distances. It does not tolerate transportation; cracks most often appear, which leads to tomato spoilage. It is not stored for a long time in any conditions.

Despite the negative qualities, the Lilac Lake variety grows well and gives a rich harvest even in adverse conditions and insufficiently saturated soil.

Description of the fruit and their use

Description of tomatoes Lilac Lake

  1. In shape, such a tomato belongs to flat-round varieties.
  2. The fruits are fleshy, sugar.
  3. It does not have a pronounced watery base.
  4. The ripened tomato may exceed 350 grams in weight.
  5. The name Lilac Lake appeared from the purple skin near the tail, which also resembles a pearl.
  6. The density of the tomato is high, which makes it possible to use the vegetable not only in fresh form, but also as a preservation.
  7. Experienced gardeners still prefer the salad of tomato to taste.
  8. Productivity of this variety is highly stable.
  9. Soft aroma with fruity notes.

Small fruits of tomato are consumed in a salad and on their own, large ones are processed into tomato, ketchup, adjika. Also from the tomatoes of the Lilac Lake, you get high-quality tomato paste and sauces.

Breeding Tips from Experienced Farmers

In order to get healthy, delicious fruits of tomatoes, you must follow all the rules of agricultural technology:

Tomatoes varieties Lilac Lake

  1. Be sure to prepare pots with peat contents for a dive. It is best to purchase soil special for tomatoes (it is rich in useful substances and minerals that have a beneficial effect on seedlings).
  2. The land before planting the tomato should be abundantly watered.
  3. Tomato Lilac lake can be propagated by seeds. Planting seeds should be at a depth of at least two centimeters. In most cases, the landing is already in March.
  4. Further watering must be done from the spray gun. The temperature of the irrigation water should not be colder than room temperature.
  5. For a favorable seedling growth, a greenhouse effect should occur.At home, it is enough to pull an ordinary plastic film over the pots with seedlings.
  6. In the room where the seedlings are located, the air temperature should not fall below +20 degrees.
  7. Be sure to systematically cultivate the plant (to loosen).
  8. It is very important to remember a constant light source.
  9. A week before planting in soil or a greenhouse, do not forget to temper the seedlings.
  10. The highest percentage of yield is obtained when creating two or three stems.
  11. After the appearance of two leaves, a still small bush is planted in the prepared soil.
  12. I advise gardeners not to part with bushes, and to plant no more than 3-4 bushes per square meter.

In general, the variety of such a tomato is undemanding to care. Just follow the simple instructions from the farmers.

Do not forget about proper watering (in no case do not water the bushes with too cold water and do not allow the soil to dry out), fertilizers, weed harvesting and support near the trunks.

Video: Lilac Lake Tomatoes

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