Tomato Tale - description and characteristics of the variety

Growing tomatoes is a big job. It is necessary to process seeds, plant seedlings, wait for seedlings, dive, care, harden, plant in a summer cottage ... And many varieties respond to such care with a plentiful harvest, from which tasty salads and preparations for the cold winter season are obtained. The variety in question delights gardeners with early berries, it is called Fairy Tale - an unpretentious tomato that grows well in the open air and under the film, and gives a lot of berries.

Tomato Tale


These tomatoes belong to undersized determinants:

  1. The height of the bush is from 60 to 80 centimeters. The stalk is notable for its strength, strewn with numerous dark green leaves.
  2. The vegetative period lasts 85-95 days. The variety belongs to the super-early - the first berries ripen by mid-June.
  3. Developing, the plant forms 3-4 stepson. They do not need to be harvested, but it is better to do this by leaving only two or three stems, because otherwise energy will be spent on unnecessary processes, which would be very useful for the formation and development of fruits.
  4. It has great resistance to temperature fluctuations, easily tolerates a lack of moisture. Feels normal in shaded areas.
  5. Bushes must be tied up or put up supports, otherwise they may break under the weight of the crop.
  6. Productivity is high - up to 10 kilograms of berries are removed from each square meter. Or 4 kilograms from one bush.
  7. The inflorescence is simple, 5-6 fruits are formed on each.


  1. The color of the tomatoes is dark red.
  2. The skin is not very thick and not very thin, not prone to cracking.
  3. The shape of the fetus is round, with a flattening on the upper and lower sides.
  4. Weight from 150 to 200 grams.
  5. The taste is sweet with sourness.
  6. The tomato is strong and does not deform when transported over long distances.

Seedling preparation

  1. Before planting seeds, they must be disinfected: a weak solution of potassium permanganate is made, and the seeds are dropped into it for 20-30 minutes. In order for them to sprout, then they are placed in warm water and kept there for 12 to 20 hours. You can use aloe juice instead of water - it will increase the level of seed protection and provide nutrition. The plant from which the leaves are taken must be at least three years old. Aloe leaves are previously kept in the cold for about a week - for example, in the refrigerator.
  2. Seeds are planted in boxes with earth, covered with polyethylene and grow under it for 7-8 days.
  3. After a week, the film is removed, the boxes are placed in the sun. Sprouts require a lot of light, therefore it is recommended to highlight them with shadowless fluorescent lamps.
  4. One and a half to two weeks before planting, the seedlings are hardened. They are taken out into the open air, each time increasing the time by several minutes.
  5. Watering the seedlings is done as the soil dries.

Planting and growing

Tomato cultivation Tale

  1. Sowing prepared seeds is carried out depending on the climate - in the southern regions this is already done in April, in the northern - at the beginning of summer. The most suitable soil is a mixture of soil, fine sand and humus. Best if cucumbers, carrots or greens grew there before. It will be very useful to add some ash to the soil.
  2. Pre-mulch the soil well - this will prevent the formation of weeds and enrich it with organic matter.
  3. You need to plant tomatoes in the holes - about 4 bushes per square meter. If you plant more, the seedlings will take and grow, but the yield will be less.
  4. At the end of planting, the plants are watered. Watering plants can be 4-5 times a week.Watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening (when there is no heat), be sure to warm water.

Important: for the crop to be good, a certain temperature regime must be observed for seedlings and bushes:

  1. When the seeds germinate under the film, the temperature should not be lower than 23 degrees.
  2. For germinated seeds, 20-23 degrees is enough.

Tomatoes can be fed Tale by either artificial nitrophosphate fertilizers or natural organic fertilizers: litter, manure.

Tomatoes of this variety are not immune to most diseases. The fairy tale easily gets sick, so the bushes must be treated with chemicals to protect. With numerous garden pests, the struggle is carried out in the same way - using chemicals.


Fresh tomatoes are good, for example, when preparing salads. Tomatoes are not very large, so they can be preserved whole without cutting into slices. They are also well salted, they make good marinades.


Oleg, 32 years old: Planted a Tale in the greenhouse and on the street - the crop is the same. From which he concluded - there is no difference where they will grow. The result was medium-sized tomatoes, fragrant, with a rather pleasant taste.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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