Tomato Sweet girl - description and characteristics of the variety

Among the tomato family, hybrid varieties are especially popular. Tomatoes Sweet girl are distinguished by early ripening, simultaneous ripening of fruits and rich productivity. Tomatoes are also famous for their versatility. They can not only be consumed fresh, but also added to the preparation of various dishes, pickled and put into processed products.

Tomato Sweet Girl

Grade description

  1. Hybrids begin to bear fruit 95 days after sowing seeds in greenhouses, and 100 days later - in the beds in the garden.
  2. From one bush, you can collect 0.5-0.6 kg of ripe vegetables.
  3. The shape of the fruit is oblong oval.
  4. The skin is thin and smooth.
  5. The pulp of tomatoes is dense, sugar.
  6. Small fruits have a weight of 18-20 grams each.
  7. There are few leaves on the bushes, they are all large, have a dark green color.
  8. The bushes reach a height of 0.8-1 meters.
  9. Complex brushes are formed on the plant, on which up to 18 ripe fruits are placed.
  10. Tomatoes can be stored fresh for a long time and are great for transportation to other regions.

Due to the long fruiting period, the Sweet Girl variety for decoration is often grown on balconies, on loggias and on window sills. Low-growing compact bushes do not require tying and pinching, which greatly facilitates the work of busy gardeners. From one square meter, you can collect up to 3 kg of excellent wholesome fruits. The Sweet Girl variety is perfect for growing on a small site due to its small size. The first ovary on the bush forms over 6 leaves.

The subtleties of growing

It is impossible to collect seeds on your own, because hybrids do not convey their symptoms in this way. They must be bought at a specialty store. The earth must first be decontaminated. To do this, it is calcined on a stove or filled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The soil should be mixed with peat or sand. Seed placement occurs in the grooves made to a depth of 2 cm. After about a week, the first seedlings will appear. For quick germination, seed boxes are covered with foil and placed in a sunny, warm place in the house.

Dive is carried out as soon as 2 real leaflets appear. 2 weeks before planting in the soil, seedlings need to be hardened. To do this, pots with seedlings are taken out every day, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers and rotted manure must be introduced into the prepared wells. Seedlings are laid in the soil to a depth of 15 cm. 4 seedlings should be placed on 1 square meter.

Care Rules

Tomato Care Sweet Girl

  1. Watering tomatoes should be carried out regularly with a moderate amount of water. If waterlogged land, then the roots of plants rot. After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil and destroy the weed grass. Such measures will help to avoid infection with dangerous fungal viruses and get rid of parasites that can settle on the roots.
  2. In order to get a richer crop, fertilizing should be done every 10 days. Nutrient mixtures should contain potassium, phosphorus compounds.
  3. The greenhouse needs timely ventilation, it is important to maintain the optimum temperature - 23-25 ​​degrees.
  4. For prevention and protection against fungal infections, it is recommended to treat the bushes with special chemicals.

When harvesting, it is recommended to remove only fully ripened fruits. It is mature tomatoes that are suitable for dietary nutrition, and contain the maximum amount of nutrients.Sweet and tasty tomatoes favorably affect the work of the heart, the constant use of the Sweet Girl variety is able to suppress the occurrence of a malignant tumor at the onset of the disease.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Marta Vladimirovna, 45 years old: I liked the variety very much for its unpretentiousness in care and compactness. Small red fruits are great for canning in general and for decorating dishes. Usually, my household eats all the tomatoes immediately fresh from the bush. I have a little time to pickle whole. Jars are very attractive, not ashamed to put on the festive table. Sweet fruits are very popular with children.
  2. Alexander I. 56 years: My wife bought the seeds of this variety 2 years ago. Since then we have been cultivating the Sweet Girl variety in our country house. Small sweet fruits can be consumed fresh and made various preparations. The wife even planted one bush at home on the balcony, and he bears fruit. It's great when you always have fresh healthy vegetables on hand. We preserve other larger varieties, and these kids we liked fresh. Now we grow several bushes every year.

Video: Sweet Girl F1 Varieties of Tomatoes

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