Tomato Sweet miracle - description and characteristics of the variety

A moderate level of yield and some difficulties in caring for the variety Sweet Miracle do not affect its popularity. Vegetable growers conquered the taste and size of the fruits of this type of tomato. People who at least once tasted the Sweet Miracle remain his fans forever.

Tomato Sweet Miracle

Grade characteristics

Agronomists attribute the plant to mid-season, indeterminate, sugar varieties with an average level of productivity. Tomato bushes Sweet miracle grow up to 180 cm in length and have sprawling foliage of saturated, green color. Experienced summer residents note that it is impossible to refuse stepsoning when growing this variety.

The plant is grown in various ways:

  • In the open ground.
  • In the greenhouses.
  • In a greenhouse.

The fruits begin to ripen in the second half of July on small tassels. The berries of the Sweet Miracle are ribbed and fleshy. The pulp contains a large amount of sugar, which provides a very sweet taste. This feature of the fruit is preserved throughout the fruiting period.

The average level of yield of the variety is noted. From one bush, vegetable growers collect a maximum of 10 ripened fruits, the weight of each of which reaches 500 g, and sometimes up to 1 kg. Ovaries on adult bushes begin to form in the second half of the summer period. However, when growing crops in open beds, yields tend to decrease, and the weight of the fruit does not exceed 400 g.

The fruits retain their integrity and do not have a tendency to crack, both in greenhouse conditions and when grown in open ground.

Keeping the average mass, size and yield of the Sweet Miracle will help to grow a bush in 2 stems. In that case, if the priority is not the quantity of the harvested crop, but the weight of each tomato, then it is recommended to form a plant into 1 stem. Experienced vegetable growers note that, with proper pinching, the bush of the Sweet Miracle is able to grow giant fruits on itself.

The pulp of the fruit contains a small amount of seeds. Tomatoes are elongated and resemble a comb, are large in size, and also very fleshy pulp. Berries are characterized by a sweet, rich taste. Experts advise using Sweet Miracle in children's nutrition, due to the high sugar content.

Tomatoes of this variety perfectly tolerate transportation, and also preserve the appearance and taste characteristics during long-term storage.

Features of cultivation and care

Agronomists recommend starting the process of growing seedlings in mid-March - early April. To achieve 100% germination, you should prepare a nutritious, light soil mixture for sowing seeds, the composition of which should include:

  • River sand.
  • The soil.
  • Humus.
  • Wood ash.
  • Potash fertilizer.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend disinfecting the seed before planting by soaking it in a weak solution of manganese.

Seeds are placed in containers with soil mixture to a depth of 2 cm, sprayed with warm water and covered with glass or film. In addition, for successful seed germination, it is necessary to maintain:

  1. The air temperature in the room at around 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.
  2. Good, uniform lighting.
  3. Moderate watering, carried out as the topsoil dries.
  4. The number of useful trace elements in the soil. For this, it is necessary to systematically introduce organic fertilizers.
  5. Agronomists note that a young plant that has 2 true leaves needs a pick.
  6. Bushes of tomatoes are transplanted to a permanent place of growth at the age of 2 months. Planting a Sweet Miracle on a bed should be such that 1 square meter does not have more than 3 bushes, since the root system of the plant needs space.
  7. For the correct formation of the bush and good fruiting, it is necessary to constantly loosen the soil and systematically introduce mineral or organic fertilizers.

Common diseases

The sweet miracle is distinguished by good immunity, which ensures the resistance of the plant to late blight. To prevent the development of other common diseases and pests, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Moderate watering. Excessive moisture can cause the development of rot - root, white, vertex.
  2. Airing the greenhouse. Compliance with this rule will help maintain the correct microclimate.
  3. Spraying with insecticides. Timely treatment will prevent the occurrence of spider mites.
  4. Soap solution. Leaves treated with a soap solution are of no interest to aphids.

The Sweet Miracle variety is one of the most useful and delicious types of tomatoes, which has earned its popularity. Having grown these tomatoes once, abandoning them will no longer be possible.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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