Tomato Slavic masterpiece - description and characteristics of the variety

A garden or a summer cottage cannot be imagined without the presence of beds with tomatoes. Universal vegetable is very popular and is used to prepare many dishes. Russian breeders are working on improving and breeding varieties constantly. Species of tomatoes Slavic masterpiece is characterized by rich productivity and high germination of seeds. Designed for growing in greenhouses and open beds. Low-growing bushes are often planted in closed ground.

Tomato Slavic masterpiece

Grade description

The plant reaches a height of 1.5 meters. When growing bushes in need of garter and removal of stepsons. Fruits of medium and large size, weight ranges from 150 to 180 grams, individual specimens can grow up to 400 grams. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, the skin is smooth, strong. Large tomatoes are slightly ribbed. When fully ripened, the vegetables acquire a red tint. The taste is sweet, with a slight acidity.

The harvest begins in June, and ends in September. From one bush you can collect 8-10 kg of ripe tomatoes.

Agricultural technology

The variety is grown in the seedling method. Seeds are sown in containers filled with prepared soil. To do this, the earth must be mixed with sand and peat. For rapid germination, containers are covered with foil or glass, and cleaned in a warm, well-lit place. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves on the seedlings, the plants dive into separate pots. Before planting, it is necessary, according to general rules, to conduct hardening of seedlings. Planting in a permanent place carries out 50 days after sowing seeds.

Care Rules

  1. For tomatoes of this variety requires good watering with simultaneous loosening of the earth and the removal of weed grass. Watering is carried out once every 3-4 days, on dry days such manipulations are carried out daily. Watering should only be under the root, preventing water from entering the leaves.
  2. During the summer season, plants need to be fed several times with organic fertilizers. This must be done during the growing season, during the flowering of the bushes, and when active fruiting begins. To improve the taste of tomatoes, mineral supplements should be added.
  3. So that the branches do not break under the weight of a tomato, the bushes must be tied to supports. Stepsons need to be removed, and the soil around the bushes to spud.
  4. During the summer, it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of plants for the presence of affected areas in diseases. Sick leaves and rotten fruits are removed. Bushes should be sprayed with special insecticides.
  5. In order to avoid many dangerous fungi, it is necessary to regularly air the greenhouses. If there are signs of an invasion of harmful insects, then the bushes need to be treated with chemicals.
  6. Regular loosening of the soil will help get rid of many dangerous larvae and beetles.

Grade Benefits

Variety tomatoes Slavic masterpiece
Tomatoes of the Slavic masterpiece variety are quite resistant to various diseases. The strong peel of the fruit makes the tomatoes suitable for long-term storage and for transportation over long distances without losing their presentation. Gardeners note a long fruiting period, which is a clear advantage of the culture. The fruits have standard sizes, so they are excellently used for all types of workpieces. Pasta, sauces, ketchup are prepared from tomato, canned in whole form and halves. If you follow all the rules for growing a Slavic masterpiece, you can get excellent quality fruits and a rich harvest.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Nikolay Sergeevich, 49 years old: Last year, I planted this variety of tomatoes in the garden.The bushes grew very strong and low. Despite the stunting, plants must be tied to the crossbars, and cut off stepsons. The result was a pleasant surprise. All tomatoes are of excellent quality. The taste is sweet with a slightly pronounced sourness. Over the summer I fed bushes 3 times. I think it helped to get excellent yields. Tomatoes are well suited for fresh consumption and for canning.
  2. Tamara N., 48 years old: I have been growing Slavic masterpiece tomatoes for 3 years. I like their tomato sour taste. Billets are obtained in the highest class. I always make lecho and tomato juice. Bushes do not grow and are not tall. Stepsons must be removed. I water about 1-2 times a week. This variety is characterized by high productivity. In addition to preparing preserves, we eat fresh tomatoes all summer. Even a novice can handle the cultivation of this variety. I want to recommend to all gardeners who love planting a variety on their site.

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