Tomato Slivovka - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Slivovka delights experienced gardeners with its taste characteristics, ripening speed and ability to ripen until the first decrease in temperature. You can meet this plant in many suburban areas.

Tomato Cream

Grade Features

Slivovka is one of the examples of successful work of agrobiologists who regularly improve the performance of tomato varieties and strive to satisfy all the needs of vegetable growers. Thanks to the efforts of specialists, this variety has a unique ability to successfully grow and bear fruit in regions that are characterized by a hot but short summer period.

Variety of tomatoes Slivovka is grown only in open ground. It refers to tomatoes with a short ripening period, which does not exceed a time period of 100 days.

The plant does not reach large sizes. Its height does not exceed 40 cm, which indicates the absence of the need to tie adult bushes to the support. In addition, Slivovka refers to tomatoes with poorly developed foliage, which is painted in a bright, green shade.

Agronomists note a high level of yield of the variety and the simultaneous ripening of berries. If all the rules for caring for the plant are observed, up to 8 kg of ripened fruits can be collected from 1 meter square.

Variety Slivovka has good immunity. Diseases such as vertebral rot and septoria are not terrible for the plant.

Tomato belongs to unpretentious varieties, which allows beginning summer residents to easily get a good harvest. Seedlings of Slivovka have no tendency to stretch, and the fruits are tied in any weather. In addition, berries are not prone to cracking.

Fruit characterization

The berries of the Cream have a rich shade of red and a shape that resembles a plum with a slight sharpening and flattened base. Tomatoes are characterized by a smooth, dense skin. In the event that the fruit is poured and ripened during the dry period, the skin may become stiff.

Tomatoes do not differ in large sizes, the maximum weight of the berry does not exceed 120 g, which allows the use of tomatoes as a whole for harvesting for the winter.

Taste characteristics of fruits are very high. The variety is characterized by fleshy flesh with a sour taste and a small amount of juice.

Positive grade characteristics

Slivovka is one of the most popular varieties. Experienced vegetable growers growing this type of tomato, note a number of positive characteristics:

  • Lack of difficulties in leaving.
  • Resistance to serious diseases.
  • The lack of influence of weather conditions on the formation of the ovary.
  • Simultaneous ripening of tomatoes.
  • Good transportability.

Care Features

Despite the unpretentiousness of the Slivovka variety, in order to achieve high yields, agrobiologists recommend adhering to the basic rules for plant care:

  1. Start to germinate the seed should be in mid-March, but no later than the 20th. Seedlings at the stage of germination need moderate and regular watering, ventilation and highlighting with ultraviolet lamps.
  2. Agronomists recommend tempering the young bushes of Slivovka before transplanting into the open ground.
  3. For rapid growth and development of seedlings, biostimulants should be used.
  4. It is recommended to introduce mineral or organic fertilizers into the soil at the summer cottage site before planting seedlings.
  5. It is forbidden to grow tomatoes for 2 years in a row in one place.
  6. Young bushes of Slivovka need a pick after the appearance of 2 real leaves.
  7. The garden on which tomato cultivation is planned should be prepared in the fall. Transplanting seedlings to a permanent place of growth is possible only at the end of frost. During planting, young plants need a lot of nutrients. To ensure their availability will help natural fertilizers.
  8. Agronomists recommend not to refuse to mulch the soil. Observe moderate watering, without over-moistening the soil, regularly loosen the soil.
  9. During the formation of the ovary and the formation of fruits, mineral fertilizers should be introduced.
  10. It is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner, preventing their growth. They provoke soil oxidation and threaten the health of tomatoes.

The opinion of vegetable growers

Some gardeners complain about the inability to grow the Slivovka variety in a greenhouse: “I planted the seedlings in the greenhouse and did not see the crop. The bushes grew and developed well, but they did not start blooming. ” Agrobiologists have developed a variety for rapid fruiting in open ground, so it is not able to bear fruit in a greenhouse.

When grown in proper conditions, vegetable growers respond positively to the variety: “We plant bushes in May and cover with a film until warming. No more efforts are needed for a good harvest. The popularity of the Slivovka variety is increasing every year. Gardeners claim that it is simply impossible to refuse to grow these tomatoes, planting them once.

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