Tomato Office romance - description and characteristics of the variety

Gardeners have long been eyeing the work of Siberian breeders, in practice checking the declared properties. According to the results of practical tests in various regions, the variety took its rightful place among the early ripening species. The size and properties of fruits allow them to be used fresh and canned.

Tomato Office Romance

Grade characteristics

In order to survive the spring frosts and get the maximum amount of solar heat, the plant must be short, strong and squat. The height of the bushes does not exceed 60 cm. Even under favorable growing conditions in the greenhouse. Fruiting is not very plentiful. Provided that the bushes almost do not form stepsons, they are very compact, more dense planting of up to 6 plants per 1 sq. m. Due to this, the total yield reaches 20 kg per 1 sq.m.

Tomato is recommended for outdoor cultivation on an industrial scale, therefore, it is unpretentious, does not require tying to supports and trellises, is undemanding to soil.

Small elongated fruits reach 90 - 120 g., Several ovaries are formed in the brush, the compactness of the bush does not allow to receive a plentiful crop from 1 plant, but this is compensated by a denser planting pattern. The pulp is dense, the skin is thin, the taste is with a little piquant acidity, there are few seeds.

Important: The variety is universal in application.


Among the especially valuable qualities are noted:

  1. High resistance to typical diseases caused by high humidity and lack of lighting.
  2. Endurance.
  3. Resistance to sudden changes in temperature, frost, drought.
  4. Early fruiting.
  5. Friendly seed similarity.
  6. Compact bush.
  7. Quick adaptation to open ground when planting seedlings.
  8. It tolerates transportation and storage.

The flip side of the small size of the plant becomes a limited number of fruits from one bush. Ovaries form on just a few hands, the first is formed over the 6 - 7 leaf. But the bushes calmly tolerate gusty winds, horse frosts, since the fruits are close to the ground. Resistance to gray rot and late blight excludes fruit spoilage in short summers with high rainfall. For prevention, it is necessary to carefully examine the plants once every 2 weeks, paying attention to the color change of the leaves, the appearance of spots on fruits of varying degrees of ripeness. Treatment of diseased plants is symptomatic; spraying with solutions of Fitosporin, Quadris, Ridomil, Fundazole, Bordeaux mixture, Thanos is most often used.

It is worth considering: when processing fungicides, you must strictly adhere to the safety dates for eating fruits.

How to grow a good harvest

Variety Tomatoes Office Romance
For tomato Office romance, all the main recommendations that apply to the other varieties of early ripening apply.

  1. Growing through seedlings reduces the time to harvest by 10 to 14 days.
  2. Before planting, it is necessary to sort the seeds, disinfect the solution of potassium permanganate, place them for 2 - 4 hours in preparations stimulating germination.
  3. In the process of diving, you should add tools for better rooting, for example, Kornevin.
  4. When calculating the number of seedlings, it should be remembered that the bushes are compact and they will need 5 - 6 pcs per 1 sq.m.
  5. Compliance with the timing of planting will eliminate the problem of excessive stretching of tomatoes.
  6. Hardening should be started 2 weeks before the intended landing in the ground.
  7. Plants are ready to move to the beds when several leaves and one branch with buds have appeared. The optimal seedling age is 55-60 days.
  8. In the first 7-14 days of planting in the open ground, it is worth covering it with a film or a garden cloth at night.
  9. Regular top dressing with complex fertilizers will increase immunity, and will give strength for the ripening of larger fruits.

Some gardeners attribute the small sizes of hearths to disadvantages, others claim that in this form they are universal and suitable for whole-canning. In any case, tomatoes will withstand any natural vagaries, and tasty and fragrant fruits will please summer residents by the end of July.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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