Tomato Solokha - description and characteristics of the variety

Vegetables are an integral part of the proper nutrition of people. In the gardens of Russians, a rich assortment of diverse crops is grown, each of which has its own positive characteristics and nutritional value. Tomatoes occupy one of the leading positions in the cultivation and use in cooking. The variety was bred by specialists from Russia, since then it has become widespread, and is popular among gardeners. Bushes of a standard form do not need to be tied up and torn off by stepsons. Feel great in open beds and in greenhouse facilities. When canned, the fruits do not lose their shape.

Tomato Solokha

Grade description

Bushes reach a height of up to 1 meter. Leaves of medium size and dark green in color, covered with fluff on all sides. The fruits have a plum shape.

Large tomatoes have an average weight of 150 to 200 grams. The pulp is juicy and dense. The skin is smooth and strong, does not crack, when fully ripened, it acquires a raspberry-pink color. Taste great.

Fresh tomatoes can be stored for a long time, they are often used by trading companies for transportation to other regions. In the section, several chambers with seeds are observed.


Planting seeds is recommended in mid-February. The ripening period from the moment of sowing seeds to planting in the soil is 100-110 days. Before planting the seeds, they should be soaked for a day in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect the planting material from damage from pests and fungi. It is also recommended to shed the soil for planting with a solution of manganese or calcine at high temperature in the oven or on the stove. Seeds are planted in the prepared soil to a depth of 1-2 cm. The containers are covered with a film on top and put away in a warm place with sufficient lighting. If there is not enough daylight, you can use additional lighting, such as a lamp.

In the phase of germination and formation of 1-2 leaflets, plants are dived into separate cups. 10-14 days before planting in the soil, it is necessary to harden the seedlings. To do this, seedlings for several hours should be taken out to the balcony or to the veranda, and on warm days to the street. The residence time of plants in the fresh air must constantly be increased. As soon as the seedlings will be 60-65 days, you can plant in the ground. To obtain larger tomatoes, it is important to maintain the distance between the holes. Plants should have enough nutrients for the formation and development of the fruit.

Care Rules

Bushes are stunted, so they do not need to be tied. Plants should be watered with warm, settled water, but the soil should not be over-moistened to prevent rotting of the root system. Water the bushes under the root no more than 1 time per week in the absence of rain. To increase productivity, it is recommended to use drip irrigation.

An important point in the care is the periodic feeding of organic and mineral fertilizers. Nutrient mixtures should contain potassium and nitrogen supplements. The variety has strong immunity from common diseases. But, for preventive purposes, you can treat the bushes with chemicals or spray with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Also, despite its high resistance to pests, tomato bushes can be invaded by Colorado beetles and aphids. A special tool will help cope with harmful insects. Spraying is recommended to be carried out during flowering, until the fruits are tied, chemicals are poorly washed off the surface of the vegetable. In the fight against fungus and insects, timely loosening of the soil and the destruction of weed grass will help.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Maria Anatolyevna, 42 years old: I have been growing the variety for 3 years in a row. Tomatoes have always grown large, the taste is pleasant, the flesh is juicy. Fruits do not deform when pickled from boiling water. I made a lot of tomato juice, sauces, pickled in halves. Taste quality of the workpieces at the highest level. I recommend to all gardeners to grow Solokha variety, the result will not disappoint.
  2. Victor V., 58 years old: Planted this variety for the first time this year. Despite interruptions in water and irregular top dressing, the harvest was pleased with its results. Almost all the fruits were large and smooth. I am very sorry that I did not know about this tomato variety before. All summer my family ate fresh vegetable salads. My wife rolled up many cans of lecho and juice. Now I will grow Solokha variety every year and advise the rest of the summer residents. The most important thing is to properly care.

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