Tomato Soviet - description and characteristics of the variety

The article discusses the characteristics of the variety, a description of the fruit and growing conditions. The main difficulties of cultivation, methods of obtaining a high yield are considered.

Tomato Soviet

Each season, breeders get a lot of new varieties of vegetables by crossing, and sometimes it’s difficult for a summer resident to understand all this variety. Therefore, many adhere to old traditions and prefer to grow familiar, proven over the years types of tomatoes. One of these varieties is Soviet tomato.

Grade characteristics

Soviet tomato - a hybrid variety of tomatoes. Suitable for cultivation in the middle and southern latitudes. Cultivated both in greenhouses and in open ground. The variety is mid-season, the period from the appearance of seedlings to the ripening of the first fruits is approximately 118-120 days. Resistant to disease, unpretentious care.

Belongs to tall plants, the stalk is powerful, 1.2-1.8 m long. Fruits are flat-round, raspberry-colored, large, fleshy, weighing 300-700 grams, sweet in taste. Use for fresh consumption and various processing. Productivity from 1 m2 is about 8-9 kg.


Sowing seeds is carried out 60-65 days before planting in the ground. It is important not to overexposure seedlings, so in the southern latitudes sowing is done from mid-February to mid-March; in the middle lane - from mid-March to early April.

To obtain strong healthy seedlings, it is necessary to provide:

  1. Good lighting (with a lack of natural light, you can use electric lamps).
  2. High humidity (perform regular spraying and prevent the soil from drying out).
  3. The optimum temperature for growing seedlings, which is + 18-25 C.

Landing is carried out in the presence of 7-8 leaves.

Planting seedlings and forming bushes

In the absence of a threat of frost, the finished seedlings are planted in a film greenhouse or open ground. This removes part of the leaves of seedlings, 3 well-formed leaves are left in the upper part of the stem. Planting density: up to 3 bushes per 1m2.

The Soviet tomato variety is recommended to be grown in one stem. Bushes are formed using pinching (removal of unnecessary processes). It is advisable to leave the two lower stepson and, when their length reaches 15-20 cm, attach them with studs to the ground, while the tops are brought to the surface. When roots are formed in the place of attachment of the stepsons to the ground, the ground part of the processes is removed and sprinkled with earth. Thus, additional nutrition is provided to the mother bush, and the fruits ripen a little earlier and are characterized by a high content of sugars.

As the main stem grows, a garter is made to the support to keep the bush upright.

Watering and feeding

Watering and feeding tomatoes Soviet
Watering is preferably done basal, avoiding the ingress of drops of water on the leaves. In order to prevent drying out of the soil and sprouting of weeds, beds with tomatoes are mulched with hay, straw, sawdust. Black agrofibre is also suitable for these purposes. It is lined on prepared beds before planting seedlings. The use of agrofibre also reduces the risk of tomato disease in various diseases.

It is recommended to do periodic radical top dressing of plants with complex mineral fertilizers up to the first harvest. Usually do 3 dressings:

  • 1st feeding - 10 days after planting;
  • 2nd feeding - with the formation of ovaries up to 1.5 cm in diameter;
  • 3rd feeding - at the beginning of the first harvest.

So, observing simple methods of cultivation and the rules for caring for Soviet tomato, you can achieve a high yield of delicious tomatoes.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Alexander, 33 years old: Growing in a greenhouse. I have been growing tomatoes in the greenhouse for several years. The Soviet Tomato variety is the favorite tomato of my customers, it always leaves the counter first. It's all about large, bright pink fruits, on the break visible fleshy sugar pulp. The tomato is tasty, not sour, good in fresh salads. I did not encounter any particular difficulties in cultivation. The only problem - cracking of the largest fruits, occurs when I do not guess with watering and ask for an excess of moisture. Therefore, I recommend everyone not to allow the soil to dry out, and always maintain moderate watering.
  2. Maria S., 28 years old: Grown for the first time in the open ground. Despite the fact that the summer was arid, the plants bore fruit well. Saved drip irrigation. The fruits were large, tasty and sweet, about 6 kg per bush. Harvest I am very satisfied.

Video: Soviet variety tomatoes

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