Tomato Stanichnik - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family. Specialists have developed many varieties, each of them has individual characteristics. Tomatoes of the Stanichnik variety - the development of Russian scientists twenty years ago. Tomatoes are included in the register for propagation in the open ground. Tomatoes are recommended for cultivation on large sown areas.

Tomato Stanichnik

Grade Advantages

The main feature of the variety is high yield. Tomatoes have excellent taste, and also ripen the fruit almost at the same time. Tomatoes Stanichnik can be harvested in a mechanized way, which is an important criterion for harvesting from farm fields. There is also the possibility of rare fees. Tomatoes perfectly tolerate transportation without significant loss and deformation of the fruit.

Grade description

Short bushes reach a height of 48 to 55 cm. Smooth leaves have a green color, the surface has a slight corrugation. Sown seeds give ripe fruits after 95-100 days. They are assembled with brushes of 7-9 pieces each.

Fruits are oval cylindrical. The skin is smooth, shiny. The pulp of a tomato is dense, in the section there are 3-4 chambers for storing seeds. Ripe tomatoes have a bright red color. The mass of one vegetable is from 60 to 100 grams. The pulp contains 4.6% dry matter and 2.5% sugar.

Vegetables are used for fresh consumption, for the preparation of fresh vegetable salads, as well as for all types of preparations. The amount of tomato harvested depends on the region of cultivation.

Culture cultivation

Sowing seeds is recommended in mid-March - approximately 10-20 numbers. First, the seeds are soaked for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate. Land should be mixed with peat or humus. Seeds are laid in grooves and moisturized. On top of the container with crops covered with glass. After 5 days, the first shoots will appear. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, seedlings are dived into a separate container. Watering and top dressing is carried out as necessary.

Landing at a permanent place is carried out after hardening of seedlings. To do this, they take her outside for 10 days, increasing the time spent. On 1 square meter should be placed no more than 3 seedlings. Landing area should be selected well-lit. The plant is heat-loving, therefore, adverse climatic conditions can affect the yield of the variety.

Care Rules

Varieties of tomatoes Stanichnik

  1. Topping the bushes should be done 2 times per season. First, fertilizers are applied after the appearance of the ovaries, then they feed the plants when the harvest begins. Nutrient formulations should contain nitrogen and potassium.
  2. It is advisable to water the tomatoes in the evening with warm water. Watering is carried out 1-2 times a week. Tomatoes are not too susceptible to soil moisture, but air humidity can affect crop yields. During fruit ripening, it should not exceed 60 percent. Lack of moisture can lead to the appearance of fungal diseases, the stems will stretch, and yield will decrease. In order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of bushes with drugs.
  3. About 1 time per week should weed the soil from weeds. Loosening the earth near the roots will help get rid of harmful insects.
  4. Chemical pesticides with which to spray the bushes for preventive purposes will help well from pests.

Observing all the rules for care, you can get the highest possible yield of healthy and delicious tomatoes.

Reviews gardeners

Gardeners and farmers note the variety has more advantages than disadvantages. Red fleshy fruits have earned respect for their taste and versatility.

  1. George S., 65 years old: Engaged in growing vegetables all my life. I tried to grow many different varieties of tomato. Variety Stanichnik fell in love with me because it does not require tying and pinching. All fruits are dense and large. Great for fresh consumption and for the preparation of various preparations. My wife always makes sauces and juice for the winter. All products are of excellent quality. Tomatoes are stored for a long time, up to frost. I want to plant more bushes next year.
  2. Nadezhda Anatolyevna, 49 years old: A friend advised to plant the Stanichnik variety. The bushes turned out low, not tied. All summer weeding and fertilizing, as stated in the instructions for growing. The result exceeded my expectations. Tomatoes are very tasty, juicy and meaty. Got juice for the whole winter, and left a lot of fresh fruit. Very well kept, lossless.

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