Tomato Super banana - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Super Banana has long been an exotic favorite of experienced gardeners. Unusual fruits appeal to both children and adults. And the taste allows you to use tomato for the preparation of many dishes.

Tomato Super Banana

Grade characteristics

Tomatoes Superbanana belong to indeterminate types of plants with medium-term ripening of fruits. The berries reach full maturity 4 months after germination of the seed material.

Variety bred for cultivation in a greenhouse. In the open ground, the bushes are prone to late blight. In addition, on unprotected beds, the plant does not bear fruit well due to changes in the daily temperature regime.

The plant is very tall. It can reach 2 meters and needs a garter to a strong support. Vegetable growers who have been growing Super Banana for more than a year do not recommend refusing to tie it up, as the stem is not able to withstand the pressure created by the weight of the berries.

The fruits are painted in a bright shade of red and have an elongated shape that looks like bananas. Their average length is 15-20 centimeters, the diameter does not exceed 5 cm, and the weight of one berry can reach 150 g. Tomatoes grow by brushes, 10-12 pieces each, and are not prone to cracking during pouring and ripening.

Taste characteristics of the variety are very high. The fruits have a delicate, sweet taste. They are used both for canning in its entirety, and for the preparation of first and second courses.

Features of growing varieties

Agronomists recommend germinating seed material in an apartment setting in advance. To achieve 100% germination, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Seed disinfection. Disinfection is carried out before planting by processing the material for sowing with a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Choosing the right soil. Germination soil should contain the maximum amount of nutrients. You can purchase a ready-made nutrient mixture or make it yourself.
  3. Proper fit. Seeds go deeper into the soil mixture by 0.5 cm. For convenience, you can place the seed material on a good moist soil. Then cover with a layer of dry soil. Some vegetable growers use sand as their top coat.
  4. Greenhouse conditions. Before the first shoots appear, the container with seedlings is covered with a thick film or glass.
  5. Compliance with comfortable conditions. It is necessary to grow seedlings in a room with a stable temperature regime of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius, avoiding the occurrence of drafts. Regular, moderate watering and good lighting should be observed.
  6. Fertilizers and stimulation. Experienced vegetable growers recommend applying organic fertilizers and biostimulants. This will ensure active growth of the leaves and roots of the system.
  7. Dive. After the first true leaf appears, the plant is dived.

Start to germinate the seed should be in the last weeks of February or early March.

At a constant place of growth, the plant is planted in mid-May, adhering to the planting scheme 7 × 7.

Agronomists recommend applying nitrogen fertilizer 10 days after planting young bushes. The second feeding is carried out during the flowering period of the tomato, and the third before the formation of the ovaries.

Positive and negative characteristics

Super Banana Tomatoes
Experienced gardeners highlight a number of positive characteristics of the Super Banana variety:

  1. High yield.
  2. Stable fruiting.
  3. Good immunity to common diseases.
  4. Simple care.
  5. The opportunity to independently collect seeds for planting next year.
  6. High palatability.
  7. Unusual appearance.
  8. Good keeping quality.
  9. Preservation of appearance and taste during transportation over long distances.
  10. The ability of the fruit to ripen when stored in a cool, dark room.
  11. The ability to use in the preparation of any dishes.

The negative characteristics of many vegetable growers include:

  1. The need to form a plant.
  2. The inability to grow tomatoes Superbanan in open ground.
  3. A tall stalk makes harvesting difficult.
  4. The height of the tomato prevents the development of other plants.

Tomato Super banana conquered fans of exotic vegetables and won the approval and trust of many summer residents. The variety gives a good harvest and does not cause much trouble, but only if the gardener adheres to the rules for growing the plant.

Video: Super banana tomatoes

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