Tomato Super giant pink - description and characteristics of the variety

Delicious and healthy vegetables are most often grown in vegetable gardens. Tomatoes are very popular. Hybrid varieties are especially appreciated. Tomato Super giant pink has long taken a leading position among its brethren. The variety is great for growing in greenhouses and outdoors.

Tomato Super Giant Pink

Grade description

The bushes are stunted, reaching a height of 70 cm. Thanks to this, they do not need to be tied to the crossbars. Compact bushes do not need to stepchild.

Large fruits are dense. The skin is smooth, not prone to cracking. When fully ripened, the tomatoes acquire a pink color. The pulp is fleshy, there are few seeds inside. The weight of one fruit is from 250 to 350 grams, under favorable growing conditions, the weight of vegetables can reach up to 400 grams. Tomatoes have a high sugar content.

Solid and dense tomatoes are great for transporting long distances, often used by trading companies for trade. Also, tomatoes can be stored fresh for a long time, without losing their taste.

They use fresh tomatoes, make salads, add various dishes when cooking, and also produce juice, sauces and pasta.

Growing Features

Sowing seeds should be done in early March. Soil should be prepared in advance. To do this, add peat or sand to the garden earth. To protect future shoots from dangerous fungi and harmful insects, the earth must be calcined in the oven or pour boiling water. Seeds are laid in grooves or furrows. Top crops should be sprayed with water, and cover with glass. For faster germination, it is recommended to put the boxes in a warm sunny place.

Dive plants in the phase of 2-3 leaves. Planting in a permanent place is carried out when there are 6-7 leaves on the seedlings. Younger sprouts take root better than overgrown bushes. Plants feel great and give a higher yield at a temperature of 24-25 degrees.

Plant nutrition

To obtain healthy and strong plants, and then a high yield of quality fruits, it is recommended to make organic and mineral additives in a timely manner. Top dressing is added in the following periods:

Top dressing of tomatoes Super giant pink

  1. The first time the nutrient mixture should be prepared 20-25 days after planting in the ground. In about 5-7 days, a solution should be prepared, which should be infused. In a bucket of 10 liters, a fresh mullein with water is bred. After the solution has stood for a week, you can dilute it with water at the rate of 1/5, and water the bushes. One plant should take half a liter of fertilizer.
  2. The second time you need to feed the bushes when the fruiting time begins. To do this, chicken droppings are bred with water. Water the mixture to the very root, using approximately 1 liter per bush.
  3. If the plants begin to wither away, their leaves begin to curl, and the flowers begin to fall off, then the roots of the plants must be nourished with brown. To do this, it must be dissolved in water and irrigated.
  4. Sodium nitrate will help to get rid of the top rot.

Top dressing has a beneficial effect on the development and fruiting of a tomato. The Supergiant variety is quite resistant to various diseases and pests, however, preventive treatment with chemicals should be carried out.

Plant care

The rules for caring for this crop are no different from similar measures for other varieties. It is important to carry out hilling and loosening of soil in a timely manner, to destroy weed grass.On top of the ground around the bushes, you can put mulch from rotted sawdust or last year's fallen leaves, this will also be a great fertilizer for tomatoes. Watering is required to be carried out infrequently, but plentifully. This should be done especially during the setting of the tomato and at the beginning of fruiting. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for the variety, you can get a rich harvest.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Svetlana Stepanovna, 62 years old: Planted a variety in his garden for the first time. Loved the grown tomatoes. They have an exceptional dessert flavor, fleshy flesh and a pleasant pink color. I made a lot of blanks, everything turned out just fine. In the care bushes are completely unpretentious. No need to tie and tear off stepsons and leaves. Fertilizers brought in by all the rules. I was satisfied with the result. Now I will try to always grow this variety.
  2. Olga Olegovna, 45 years old: For 3 years now I have been growing a supergiant tomato variety in my country house. I like juicy and fleshy fruits with excellent taste characteristics. I make juice, pasta from them and make lecho. All blanks are stored until next year.

Video: pink tomato varieties (best varieties)

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