Tomato Superstar - description and characteristics of the variety

Superstar tomato was bred for growth in a greenhouse. This is a semi-determinant type. In view of this, tomato shoots grow to a certain level, and therefore it is not necessary to pluck the tops, it is only necessary to periodically remove the interfering leaves. Those who had the experience of planting such tomatoes in their own area say that plants need to be regularly tied to supports. Since tomatoes grow quite large, additional support must be installed under the stem so that it does not break.

Tomato Superstar

Key Facts About the Variety

The main advantage of this vegetable is its quick ripening. About three months pass from the day the shoots appear until the time of harvest. Bushes of tomato varieties grow tall, with an average number of branches. They have strong erect shoots that can grow up to 1.4 m in height. The size of the sheets is average.

Salad variety was bred by Europeans. Large Superstar fruits are not suitable for canning, but from them you can make homemade tomato juice, pasta or mashed potatoes. The main use of tomatoes is, of course, slicing into salads.

Tomato Superstar is considered large-fruited, tomatoes in the end are large and ribbed, have a glossy surface. The mass of the fetus sometimes exceeds 0.25 kg. Superstar has a bright red color, fleshy softness and pronounced taste. The number of tomato seeds is average. If you cut the fruit horizontally, you can see up to 4-5 cameras.

As a result, a large amount comes out - up to 3.5 kg from each tomato bush. Up to 12 kg of large ripe tomatoes are harvested per square meter.

It is impossible to compile a complete characterization of the Superstar variety without mentioning its resistance to disease. Phytophthora is never observed in this vegetable, since the crop is harvested earlier than the bacteria that cause this disease appear on the crop. To other viruses and fungi, the plant has a fairly high resistance.

Pros and cons of the variety

The main advantages of growing Superstar varieties include:

  1. A large number and stability of the crop.
  2. Adaptation to various environmental conditions (the possibility of planting in greenhouses and on the balcony of the apartment).
  3. Fast vision (approximately 3 months to full maturity).
  4. Pronounced taste and good appearance (which is important if tomatoes are grown for sale).
  5. Large-fruited.
  6. Resistance to diseases inherent in plants.

Vegetable growers who planted this sort of tomato in their greenhouse, as one say, they practically did not reveal any shortcomings in Superstar. As a minus, one can only mention the need to tie up shoots and remove stepsons.

Note! Basically this tomato variety is used for cooking vegetable salads.

The nuances of sowing and plant care

Superstar seedlings should be sown after March 15th. You need to dive the plant after the appearance of three real leaves. After about two months, young plants that grew at home can be moved to the greenhouse. Seedlings, which were planted in protected ground in the second half of May, usually produce a fertile crop within a month and a half from the time of planting.

After moving the plant to a permanent place of further growth, you need to take care of it: regularly water, loosen the soil, remove weeds and feed. It is also important to tie the bushes so that the large weight of the tomatoes could not break them.

Reviews about the tomato variety Superstar

  1. Elena P., 34 years old: A friend of mine herself grew a variety on her site and advised me to try, saying that she personally liked the Superstar tomatoes. I listened to her advice and planted seedlings in my country house. In less than three months, all the fruits were fully ripe and ready to harvest. The only inconvenience during the cultivation is that you need to tie tomatoes, and so with them no problems. The fruits I picked are juicy, sweet. I can conclude that this is one of the best varieties that I grew.
  2. Maria, 29 years old: Last season, I stumbled upon Superstar seedlings and decided to try to plant at home. Moistened the prepared soil and planted the seeds at a small distance from each other. She wound the pots with a film, after the emergence of shoots, removed it. In May, already transplanted into a greenhouse. In less than two months, the fruits ripened. Honestly, I was surprised at their size and maturity. The tomatoes turned out to be soft, tasting good. Now I constantly add them to my vegetable salads. I will continue to plant these tomatoes.

Video: Superstar Tomatoes

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