Tomato Toptyzhka - description and characteristics of the variety

Lettuce tomato variety Toptyzhka is a breeding development created in the Primorsky Territory in 2008. Vegetable crop is intended for cultivation in the Far East. Vegetable growers tried a new variety, planting it in their gardens, and most of them left positive feedback about it.

Tomato Bruiser

Grade characteristics

Breeders describe this type of tomato as follows:

  1. A variety of medium early ripening.
  2. The plant is determinant, standard.
  3. It is successfully grown in climatic conditions of the Far East.
  4. The variety is salad.
  5. It is intended for cultivation on an open ground in personal subsidiary plots.
  6. The fruits have excellent taste.
  7. The size of the tomatoes is average - from 100 to 160 grams.
  8. Yield indicators range from 2 to 3.5 kilograms per square meter.

The short-term summer season of the Far East makes it impossible to grow a large number of simple tomato varieties. Such climatic conditions require strong crops designed for planting in such regions. These include tomato Toptyzhka. The excellent qualities of this variety allow you to collect a large number of crops from garden beds to gardeners of the Far Eastern regions, even under the condition of a short summer.

Sowing seeds

Tomato Toptyzhka is grown by seedling. Seeding time varies by region. It is necessary to subtract 55-60 days from the time when spring frosts usually end. Since the root system of this plant is underdeveloped, pots from 0.5 to 0.7 liters are suitable for diving seedlings. 14 days before the transfer of germinated sprouts to a permanent place, they must begin to harden.

Bush formation

The plant is stunted, reaching a height of 60-75 centimeters, and has a stalk of large thickness. Leaflets of medium and large size, dark green in color.

Variety Tomatoes Toptyzhka

You can plant seedlings in open ground quite close to each other (30-40 centimeters between the bushes). This is allowed due to the compactness of the root system. First, at night and in cool weather, it is advisable to cover the bushes with foil. The variety does not feel very well at temperatures below 14-16 degrees.

Seed producers state that a plant of this variety does not need to be tied to a support. However, reviews of gardeners indicate the opposite. A large number of fruits are formed on the bush, because of which it can break even despite its squat. For this reason, a reliable vertical support should be installed near especially fruiting bushes.

Stepsons on a plant of this variety practically do not appear. However, if formed, they must be removed. Thanks to herding, the bush will be able to put all its strength into fruiting.

Since the plant is standard, the leaves and fruits do not come into contact with the soil, so that the crop is protected from rot damage.

Landing on the beds

In the Far East, vegetable crops, as a rule, plant "warm" beds. This helps to increase the temperature of the soil by two to three degrees. To do this, in the autumn months in a trench with a depth of 50-60 centimeters, a layer of branches, foliage, compost, manure, sawdust and other organics is applied. It is not necessary to use the tops of any varieties of tomatoes for such purposes. Upstairs should be filled with fertile soil with a 30-centimeter layer, sprinkled with manure or peat. Borders are equipped with curbs from boards.

During the winter months, organic elements rot; and by spring, the soil will be prepared for planting seedlings. In such a bed, a vegetable crop will be better accepted and easier to tolerate cool weather.


The variety is considered mid-season. After 105-110 days after the appearance of the first seedlings, you can start collecting ripe fruits. Unripe tomatoes have a green color; a dark spot is located near the stem. The color of ripe fruits is bright pink, the surface is ribbed. The weight of each tomato averages from 110 to 160 grams, however, there are specimens reaching 220 grams.

The peel of tomatoes is thin, the flesh is fleshy and juicy. Mistresses most often use tomatoes Toptyzhka for the preparation of salads, sauces, juices. In addition, they are canned and pickled. If the tomatoes were picked from the beds immature, you should put them on the windowsill, where they are well matured.

Variety Toptyzhka is intended for cultivation in individual garden plots and is poorly transported.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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