Tomato Your Majesty - description and characteristics of the variety

Gardeners appreciate tomatoes for their versatility and useful qualities. The vegetable is well grown on open ground and in greenhouses. Tomatoes are planted by Your Majesty throughout our country. They are great for fresh consumption, they are frozen, salted, pickled in general and cut, they are prepared with sauces and juices. High yields, wonderful taste and a pleasant amber color of the fruit made the variety quite popular.

Tomato Your Majesty

Grade description

  1. The bushes of the plant are strong with medium foliage; as they grow, they reach a height of up to two meters.
  2. Fruiting begins in 90 - 110 days after sowing seeds for seedlings. The fruits of tomatoes have a juicy fleshy flesh, the skin is thin and has a bright yellow color.
  3. Tomato seeds are few, the shape is uneven.
  4. Fruits can be flat-rounded or slightly elongated.
  5. The average weight of one tomato varies from 350 to 500 grams. In excellent climatic conditions and with proper care, a tomato can grow up to one kg. Large fruits sometimes have no seeds.

Ovaries form before the onset of frost, differ in the duration of fruiting. The first inflorescences appear above the 7-8 leaf, and continue every 4-5 subsequent ones. On one brush usually grows from 3 to 5 tomatoes. The presence of a thin and fragile skin makes tomatoes prone to cracking.

Planting Tomatoes Your Majesty

Sowing of seeds is carried out in late February or early March. Landing on the open soil of the finished seedlings takes place no earlier than 60 days after sowing. Seeds can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can collect them yourself. For this, several fruits are left on the seeds. Smaller, as in large fruits, they may simply be absent. To do this, prepare the planting material. The soil can be taken from the garden or purchased ready-made in the store. If the earth is taken from a personal plot, then first you need to warm it up well in the oven in order to destroy fungi and viruses that are dangerous for the culture. Any capacity can be taken, wooden or plastic boxes are perfect.

Planting Tomatoes Your Majesty

It is recommended to mix garden soil with fertilizers and fill the boxes with it. Seeds are evenly distributed over the surface, and sprinkled on top of the ground. Then you need to pour the soil and cover the prepared film material. Boxes need to be cleaned in a warm place, regularly watered and cleaned the film. It is also necessary to ensure that future seedlings receive sufficient sunlight. After the shoots have acquired two full leaves, the plants dive. Any glasses are suitable for this. You can use disposable glasses or cut plastic bottles.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it must first be hardened. To do this, the tomato needs to be placed on the veranda or on the balcony so that the plants get used to the street conditions. Ready seedlings have a strong powerful stalk and dark green leaves. For landing, you need to make small indentations in the ground at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. Half a teaspoon of urea can be added to the wells. Next to each plant, you need to install a wooden or metal support to which the plants become attached as they grow and develop. After planting, it is also necessary to water the plants with warm water.

Tomato Care

To obtain a rich harvest, proper care is required for the plants.

Tomato Care Your Majesty

  1. In dry, warm weather, you need to water the tomatoes, regularly loosen the soil and remove weed grass.
  2. In addition to the binding, the extra branches and leaves must be removed from the tomato. This will help to get larger fleshy fruits.
  3. To prevent the bushes from growing too high, you should pinch the top, otherwise there may be difficulties with the garter.
  4. As the vegetable crop grows, you need to regularly feed them with mineral fertilizers. During the season, it is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-3 times.

The variety has a fairly strong immunity and resistance to various diseases and pests. Subject to all the rules of agricultural cultivation, you will not have to face such troubles.

Tomatoes of the grade Your Majesty will be liked by all the lovers of this vegetable culture with their juicy meaty flesh and pleasant sour taste. Tomatoes can be preserved in halves, slices, and small fruits are suitable for marinating whole. If you follow the bushes and provide timely care, then you can get a fairly high yield.

Video: tomato varieties Your Majesty

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