Tomato Important Person - Variety Description and Characterization

Without tomatoes, it’s hard to imagine wholesome nutrition of modern people. In every house in the kitchen there are always tomato pasta, mashed potatoes, various sauces. Caring housewives pickle and salt tomatoes for the winter. They are used to prepare many dishes for every taste. Tomato variety An important person refers to hybrids with early ripening. Tomatoes perfectly tolerate adverse conditions, and do not require special care measures. Perfectly take root and develop on the open ground and in greenhouse structures. The excellent characteristics of tomatoes of this variety make them quite popular among many gardeners. It is grown mainly in the Far Eastern and East Siberian districts.

Tomato Bighead

Grade description

  1. The plant bushes reach a height of 110 cm. If tomatoes are grown in greenhouses, then the length of the shoots can increase to 1.5 meters. As they grow and develop, the bushes need a garter to the wooden or metal supports.
  2. The stem of the tomato has dark green leaves of medium density. One bush can contain from 5 to 7 brushes with inflorescences, in each of which 5-6 fruits are tied. The fruits themselves have almost the same size and round, slightly ribbed at the base, shape.
  3. The pulp is sweet and not very dense. The peel has a high density, so the vegetable crop is ideal for transportation over long distances.
  4. The color of the tomatoes is red. The fruits break well, without splashing.

Note! This variety is appreciated for its high yield. From a greenhouse with one square meter, you can collect about 25 kg of fruit.

The average weight of one tomato is about 150 grams, if plants were grown in greenhouse conditions, then some copies can grow up to 200 grams. Due to the dense and durable skin, tomatoes are well suited for long-term storage. They make all kinds of preparations, salt, pickle, make ketchup and tomato juice. Fresh tomatoes are ideal for preparing healthy vegetable salads rich in vitamins and minerals.

Planting tomato

Fruiting of planted bushes begins about 100 days after sowing seeds for seedlings. Seeds should be purchased at a specialist store. At the end of March, you need to prepare boxes and land for sowing seeds. The soil should contain mineral fertilizers. If you use land from the garden, then first you need to warm it up in the oven to destroy the fungi. The store product has already been processed and contains the necessary organics. Seeds are distributed evenly, not deeper than one cm. From above they need to be sprinkled with earth and slightly moistened. After sprouts appear, and form 2-4 leaves, they can be planted in separate containers.

Planting Tomato Bighead

Before planting in the ground or in the greenhouse, the plant must be hardened. For this, plants are placed near an open window or window for about 1-2 hours in the morning and evening. In warm and sunny weather, seedlings can be taken outside. On one square meter of soil, 5-6 seedlings are planted. To do this, small holes are made, the root of the seedling is placed in the recesses and covered with soil. The row spacing should be approximately 1 meter.

Near each plant, a supporting stick of their tree or metal rod is installed. As the bushes grow, they need to be tied up. It is believed that determinant plants do not need to be tied. But as the fruit grows and develops, the bushes will bend to the ground, and the stem may break. It is very important to conduct timely herding. Due to this, the yield will be richer, and the fruits of tomatoes are larger.

Care Features

Hybrid plant suitable for drip irrigation. This method will help increase the yield of tomatoes without increasing the cost of physical care. Watering tomatoes is recommended at the very root, preventing water from entering the leaves and fruits. During the growing period, tomato should be regularly loosened the soil and remove weeds. Several times during the summer it is advisable to feed the plants with complex additives.

People who are engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes of the cultivar Important person, note their high resistance to various infections and fungal diseases. If you follow all the rules for caring for plants, then tomatoes will never suffer from tobacco mosaic, late blight, fusariosis and bacterial spotting.

Tomatoes have many useful substances that are important for the human body. A versatile vegetable will help diversify the human diet. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, a rich harvest is always waiting for you.

Video: variety tomatoes Biggie

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