Tomato the Great Warrior - description and characteristics of the variety

Many people like tomatoes for their versatility and excellent taste. Modern breeders do not cease to amaze with the development of new varieties. The tomato variety The Great Warrior belongs to the early ripening vegetable crops. Suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions and in open soil. The plant easily tolerates a sharp change in temperature and is quite resistant to some common diseases.

Tomato Great Warrior

Tomato fruits are used for fresh consumption, for salads, from which they make all kinds of preparations, including juice and various sauces. The Great Warrior variety belongs to the hybrid group, so the seeds must be purchased at the store.

Grade description

The bushes of the plant have a powerful stem and large leaves of a dark green color. The length of the plant with proper care can reach 1.5-2 meters. Requires mandatory tying to supporting structures.

Early ripe tomatoes differ from their counterparts in large fruits of raspberry hue. Each tomato has a rounded shape and weighs at least 200 grams. Seeds inside are in small quantities. The pulp is dense and fleshy, has a sweet, pleasant taste. Near the stalk there is a slight ribbing. The skin is strong and thick, not prone to cracking. Due to this, tomatoes can be stored for a long time fresh and used for transportation without loss of presentation. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology from one bush, you can get up to 18 kg of the crop.

Features of cultivation: planting and care

  1. Sowing of seeds is carried out 100-110 days before the onset of the first harvest. To do this, you should first prepare the planting material. Seeds are purchased at a specialty store. Before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect with a weak manganese solution to kill fungi and viruses. Soil can be used from the garden. First, you need to fry it in the oven or spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate, then pour it into prepared containers.
  2. For the rapid growth and proper development of future bushes, tomato must be applied with organic fertilizers. The earth should be slightly moistened, then sowing should be done, not deeper than 1 cm from the surface. The containers are covered with a film, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. Shoots require regular watering and the flow of sunlight.
  3. As soon as 2-4 full leaflets appear at the seedlings, the plants dive and harden. After the sprouts are planted in separate glasses, they need to be taken out into the open air.
  4. Immediately before planting in a permanent place, seedlings are left on the street overnight. Landing in the open ground is carried out in a sunny area. On one square meter should be 3-4 bushes. In prepared wells, humus and ash should be added, pour well with warm water. Seedlings are placed in the recesses and covered with soil. It is necessary to place the seedling deep, leave only the crown with leaves on the surface.
  5. A solid support should be installed near the hole, to which the plant will become attached as it grows.
  6. To obtain a richer harvest and the formation of large fruits, it is necessary to carry out stepsoning. In order to get tomatoes weighing 500 grams, only 5-6 ovaries should be left on the bush. This will allow plants to give all the nutrients to the fruit.
  7. About ten days after the seedlings are planted in the ground, the first top dressing can be done. To do this, you can use mullein infusion or sugar and yeast. You can purchase ready-made complex supplements in the store. For the season, you need to feed the bushes 3 times.

Note! If the bush has a powerful and strong stem, dark green large leaves, and forms a large number of stepsons, then such a plant does not need to be fed.

Caring for the Great Warrior tomato variety is fairly straightforward. Soil loosening should be carried out in a timely manner in parallel with the removal of weed grass. Ensure regular water intake. All care work can be suspended when tomato ripening begins. For a faster ripening process, all leaves can be removed from the bushes.

Tomatoes are a universal vegetable crop, without which a full-fledged diet of a modern person cannot be formed. A huge number of dishes cannot be cooked without using a tomato. Favorite ketchups, pastes and juices are made of them, used in canning, both in a separate form and in combination with other vegetables.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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