Tomato Fidelity F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

A large number of tomatoes are known to breeders. Early ripening, climate resistant, not susceptible to disease - those that will be conveniently grown in different conditions. But the breeders do not stop there, they cross increasingly productive and stable species among themselves, adding the best genes. One of the most successful hybrids is F1 Fidelity. We will talk about him in this article.

Tomato Fidelity F1


Tomato has excellent taste. The variety gives a large harvest, which is characteristic, in fact, for many hybrids. Ripens quickly enough, from the moment of sowing, only 100 - 105 days pass, when the first tomatoes can be harvested. The bush is not low - on average it reaches 1 meter 300 centimeters. It has a powerful and thick stem with a large root system.

Inflorescences have a light, almost white color. They grow in clusters, reminiscent of large grapes. The skin of the tomato is moderately dense, not subject to cracking.

A speck of a stalk has a normal white color, immediately turning into a bright red shade of a tomato. The fruits are delicious have a sweetish flavor. Thick, juicy pulp and thick skin makes it possible to use tomato in canning. They can even be cut into slices - they will retain their original appearance, do not crawl around the bank, turning into a soft, shapeless consistency.

Tomatoes are well and long stored in a mature and green form. Perfectly tolerate transportation. Used in summer salads. Combine with other vegetables. They will be especially tasty when combined with onions and vegetable unrefined oil. They will show their taste features in combination with cheese salads, feta cheese. Suitable for making lecho, sauces and ketchups.


“Fidelity” can grow almost everywhere, both in a special soil for tomatoes, and in areas where the land is not very favorable for crops. Sowing should be carried out in March - April. Before placing the seeds in the ground they are disinfected in a solution of manganese.

After the seeds are buried in boxes or special trays for seedlings at a distance of 2 to 3 centimeters. As in all other varieties, it is necessary to pick, so that the roots of the seedlings do not mix and get mixed up. This should be done when the second leaflet appears.


Seedlings are transplanted into the soil for 55 - 70 days from germination.

Planting Tomatoes Fidelity

Important! There are 17-19 kilograms of crop per season per square meter. This is a very good indicator.

Before transplanting seedlings in open ground, it is tempered for a week. In the afternoon she is left in the open. Thus, the tomato gets a little used to the climatic conditions outside the warm home or heated greenhouse.

The soil for planting should not be acidic. This hybrid does not tolerate too acidic soil. Plant a plant should be in the complete absence of frost, both in the daytime and at night. The plant is quite thermophilic and will not tolerate cold.


It is necessary to timely feed tomatoes with fertilizers, which include potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. It is necessary to constantly get rid of weeds in the garden and carry out loosening of the soil. After the growth of the stem to 30 - 50 centimeters, you need to eradicate the soil at the base, making a slight elevation. Thus, the tomato begins to form additional roots, which consume more fertilizer and water.

It is necessary to water the tomatoes with warm, settled water with a temperature of 22 to 25 degrees.In connection with a fairly high bush, it should be tied in order to avoid falling, breaking the stem and rotting the fruit.

Pests and diseases

Colorado beetles are the main pests for tomatoes. Particularly discomforting and can lead to the death of the plant, the larvae of beetles that are in the soil and harm the root system of the plant. It is important to spray in advance before the fruit appears. But, if the pest activated during ripening, it is necessary to spray the soil and foliage very carefully so that the substance does not fall on the crop.

May invasion of beetles, worms and aphids. They also need to be fought in advance. To eliminate the ill-fated insects, it is necessary to constantly introduce ash into the soil, you can even spray it on plants. Smoke treatment is also carried out. A bonfire is made using foliage in the barbecue or barrel. You can use a smoke bomb. This method will help exterminate some of the pests.

Unlike many tomatoes, this variety has a good immunity to diseases that affect many tomatoes. However, it is important to prevent the possible occurrence of diseases in advance using special treatments of the soil and the plants themselves.

Tomato Fidelity will always be faithful to those who breed him. With proper care and care, it will give a large and tasty crop that can please any agronomist.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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