Tomato viking - description and characteristics of the variety

A huge number of varieties of tomatoes are bred every year. One of the wonderful and delicious varieties that will suit the breeders of these crops is the Viking. Due to its size and juiciness of the fruit, it is very loved by many summer residents. A good and big crop will be the hallmark of the site. To show such a miracle tomato will be an occasion for meeting friends and neighbors. You can also take part in annual local farming exhibitions. We will talk about this amazing variety in the article.

Tomato viking


Viking is a mid-season vegetable ripening in the middle of summer. It was brought out primarily for use in fresh salads due to its bright taste characteristics. It grows well in open ground in personal plots.

The plant itself is small, and the fruit is large in size. The variety is recognized as one of the best for growing on personal plots.

Tomato tolerates temperature extremes, is not afraid of cold and heat. It grows to a height of 70 centimeters. This is a low bush characteristic of determinant varieties. Planted on 7 - 9 sprouts per square meter.


Up to 6 tomatoes ripen on a branch. The mass of one fruit varies from 80 to 170 grams. This is a fairly large vegetable for such a short bush. On average, from one plant you can collect from 5 to 6 kilograms of the crop.

The taste of each tomato is sweet, has a juicy internal consistency. The color of a ripe tomato is bright orange. Ripening from the start of biting is an average of 120 days. The shape is rounded slightly flattened. It has characteristic ribs for this species. Favorite variety of Tambov agronomists.

The fruit is not susceptible to cracking, so it is stored for a long time and well tolerates transportation over long distances. Almost all ripe tomatoes are salable. Great for selling at grocery stores and the market.

Viking is not usually used in pickling due to the size of the fetus. But it is suitable for all kinds of salads, as well as for preparing hot dishes. It will make excellent sauces, ketchups, pastas and lecho. It will be a great addition to cooking meat. And also quench your thirst on any sultry summer day.


Sowing of seeds occurs in mid-March. Each seed is placed in the ground at a distance of one and a half centimeters, then sprinkled with earth. Until the plant has pecked, it can be watered with warm water from a spray bottle. After the container is covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. When the sprout has hatched, containers with earth are placed on the windowsill and additional illumination is made by a pendant or table fluorescent lamp.

Growing Tomatoes Viking

The Viking variety must be dived and placed each sprout in a separate peat pot or plastic container. Thus, with further plant transplantation into open ground, its roots will not be confused with its relative, but will be in its capacity.

Note! Viking is very fond of black soil and when growing this variety it is necessary to constantly add good and fresh, loose soil.

It grows both in open ground and in greenhouses. The yield of the bush depends on the time of sowing and planting seedlings in the soil, on the conditions of the region, the frequency of planted bushes per square meter, treatment from weeds, loosening of the soil and top dressing. Timeliness of irrigation and the number of warm and sunny days also affect the yield.

Tomato will grow well in warm regions. In colder places, he will need a greenhouse and additional lighting.


  1. During planting seedlings in the ground, you must adhere to the following pattern of placement of sprouts 50 * 40 centimeters. Such remoteness makes it possible to place from 7 to 9 bushes per square meter.
  2. Tomatoes should be planted on updated and rested ground from tomatoes. The soil is suitable after cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, dill and parsley. You can not plant plants after the growth of zucchini, pepper and potatoes.
  3. It is necessary to feed the plant in a timely manner, adding granules containing nitrogen and potassium. Ash should be constantly added. It is she who will help to avoid the invasion of harmful insects. Aeration of tomatoes will also help to avoid a number of common diseases.

Observing all the rules of processing, fertilizing and watering, you can grow a truly excellent and tasty crop.

Viking is one of the favorite varieties of agronomists. It has a great taste, low bush size. It is quite simple to look after him and he bears fruit in the middle of summer. Its size is the pride of any gardener.

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