Tomato Vityaz - description and characteristics of the variety

A low-growing mid-early tomato variety Vityaz, suitable for cultivation in an open area of ​​soil, is becoming more and more popular among amateurs and professionals in vegetable growing. This variety is in demand for growing large volumes for commercial purposes, which is confirmed by the taste and characteristics of the storage and processing of tomato.

Tomato Knight

Best grade characteristics

  1. Short vegetation period - no more than 110-120 days pass from the moment of sowing until the first harvest, and the fruiting period falls on the warmest months of the year and is about 150 days per season. It tolerates dry and hot climates.
  2. High productivity allows you to collect from one hundred parts 830-850 kilograms of vegetables, with the release of marketable tomato up to 90%. Ripened tomatoes weigh from 120-140 to 180-200 grams, depending on the number of inflorescences and the sequence of ripening. This quality makes this variety attractive for commercial cultivation in large volumes.
  3. The ripening of fruits together allows harvesting simultaneously in large quantities for sale or preservation, preparation of hot dishes and cold snacks for crowded events. The largest fruits are used in grated or chopped form, and small ones are used for preservation in general condition.
  4. Beautiful tomato with high marketable performance for sale. Perfectly round tomato with a bright color, smooth dense skin and semi-sweet taste. Ideal tomato for advertising and sales.
  5. The resistance of the variety to daily temperature changes and changes in weather conditions, such as dry hot weather or wet greenhouse effect. These qualities of tomato can be grown in greenhouses and glazed or film greenhouses. With a sharp decrease in night temperatures and the retention of heat and moisture of the soil, it is recommended to use agrofiber, which helps protect the plant in extreme situations.
  6. High palatability allows you to diversify the process of harvesting and preserving tomatoes in the form of juices, pastes, sauces, salads, ketchups. A high percentage of dry matter and sugar gives the original taste to tomato juice. Thick, semisweet tomato juice is suitable for diet food, cooking hot dishes, fresh salads, cold appetizers and fruit drinks.
  7. Tomato tolerates transportation well, the duration of storage allows you to transport it over long distances, while maintaining the appearance of a tomato. Harvesting of unripened fruits is possible, with a greenish edging around the stem - for longer storage and ripening if necessary.

Growing Recommendations

The method of cultivation does not require complex activities. Standard technology:

Growing tomatoes Vityaz

  • soaking seeds before sowing;
  • dive into individual pots after the first two leaves appear;
  • planting in the open ground of a two-month mature plant with five leaves;
  • top dressing after rooting and regular watering.

Pasynkovka can be done 1-2 times, on the open ground, this procedure will not greatly affect the increase in the productivity of undersized tomatoes. During planting, you can apply a non-standard form - to plant plants in long grooves to better retain moisture and simplify watering by the inlet method. This method is convenient for the device mulch, if necessary, the retention of additional moisture.

It is important to treat bushes from bacterial diseases, especially late blight. Plants should not be planted very thickly so that excessive moisture does not linger, and air remains between the bushes.The distance between adult plants should be 40-50 centimeters. Periodic loosening of the soil, removal of weeds and fertilizing the tomato with organic fertilizers is welcome.

In the formed inflorescences contains 5-6 fruits, and in total the plant can simultaneously give 3-4 inflorescences. Excessive greens are pinched only when the first inflorescence ripens. When several inflorescences ripen, the bush under its own weight can be damaged in the stem, therefore, it requires additional support, although it reaches a height of only 70-75 cm.

With moderately dry soil, the bush spreads on the ground without losing its yield, but the color of a tomato can be uneven only until it is fully ripe. When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is possible to remove unnecessary shoots, which take a lot of strength and moisture for growth. Tomatoes in greenhouses can grow slightly higher than in open ground, reaching 80-90 centimeters in growth, and require additional tying plants on trellises.

Tomato is very useful in containing vitamins and minerals, suitable for fresh and canned foods, and helps with health problems - cardiovascular diseases and the digestive system.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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