Tomato Vova Putin - description and characteristics of the variety

Variety Vova Putin brought Chelyabinsk breeder Nikolai Alexandrov. Like most varieties, it is indeterminate and mid-early; in addition, the stem of this tomato is characterized by unlimited growth.

Tomato Vova Putin

Basically, the bush grows more than a meter, sometimes it reaches even one and a half or more, so the plant needs to be monitored and tied up as it grows. Mandatory action is pinching, as this leads to a high yield of the variety.

Note! You can increase the yield when making tomatoes with a maximum of 2 stems and growing in greenhouse conditions.

Fruit characterization

The fruits of the Vova Putin variety are heart-shaped in appearance, at the maturity stage they have a rich red hue and weigh mainly up to one kilogram. Tomatoes are meaty, their pulp is always dense, very tasty and juicy. Vegetables can be consumed both fresh and pickled for the winter. A maximum of one kilogram of plants of this variety can be obtained from a single bush.

Growing Features

It is necessary to sow the seeds of this variety 2 months before the proposed moment of planting an adult plant in prepared and open ground. We must not forget about the dive, which is carried out with the appearance of two true leaves. After 2 months, an adult plant needs to be planted in open ground, however, it is worth remembering about maintaining a certain distance between the bushes:

if one stalk is formed, then up to four plants can be planted on one square;
if the tomato is arranged in 2 stems, then no more than three plants can fit on one square.

The rest of the cultivation features rest on a systematic top dressing and periodic fertilizer. It should be noted that due attention should be paid to watering plants, so the best option in greenhouse conditions is the installation of drip irrigation, which will not only save time and strength of the gardener, but also increase productivity and protect the plant from the development of late blight.

Advantage of the Vova Putin variety

  • From one bush you can get up to four kilograms of tomatoes.
  • Resistance to change in weather conditions.
  • Unpretentious care.
  • Productivity
  • Relatively long fruiting.
  • Distinctive flavoring features.
  • The possibility of universal use.

Origin of variety name

According to the same breeder from Chelyabinsk, the name of the variety is in no way connected with the president of the Russian Federation, and Nikolay Alexandrov named it in honor of his best friend, with whom he has been friends since childhood.

Reviews gardeners and gardeners about tomato Vova Putin

  1. Angelina, Ekaterinburg: "Vova Putin" exceeded all my expectations! The variety is really very good, with proper care of plants you can achieve high yields. The plant does not require complex care, you only need to fertilize the plant sometimes, loosen the earth and do not forget to water. If you adhere to all these parameters, then it is quite possible to achieve high rates.
  2. Irina, Novosibirsk: Once I came across an article on the Internet about this variety, and it became very interesting. At first, it was very unusual to tell neighbors that I have my own “Putin” in my garden and not even one. But later I realized that the variety is clearly appreciated not because of the name, but because of its taste and meatiness of the fruits. The appearance of tomatoes is very attractive, directly pleasing to the eye.I believe that this variety is in no way inferior to many others that I have tested, so I will now constantly plant tomatoes of this variety.
  3. Vasily, Barnaul: Every year I try to find new varieties so that there is at least some kind of variety, and now I came across a variety with a very interesting name, which directly interested me. I looked at the images of the fetus, everything looked very appetizing, read the reviews of other summer residents and firmly decided that I would also try, experiment, maybe the variety would really like it. All my expectations were met! The fruits are very juicy and tasty, while the tomatoes are large, weighty and fleshy. Yields were pleasantly surprised: tomatoes were eaten all summer, and they were salted for the winter. In general, Vova Putin is very pleased, I will sit more than once.
  4. Sergey, Moscow: As usual, I arrived at the cottage, talked with my neighbors and heard from them about the interesting Vova Putin variety. At first I didn’t believe that a variety with that name existed at all, I thought what a joke. But I read it on the Internet and decided to ask the neighbors for seeds. As it turned out, the decision was absolutely right, the variety turned out to be solid: there was a lot of harvest, tomatoes were big and tasty. I liked the variety very much!

Video: Vova Putin variety tomatoes

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