Tomato Leader F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Several beds with this useful vegetable can be found on any personal plot. Everyone has different preferences, someone does not like the soul in small varieties of cherry, for others, the question of prestige is growing supergiants. A more practical task is to get a good crop in a limited area. The Leader F1 is perfect for this.

Tomato Leader F1

Hybrid features

Distinguish varieties and hybrids. The former are the starting material for obtaining seeds and fruits in new characteristics. For this, 2 varieties are crossed. The main difference is that collecting seeds from hybrids is useless. In the second year, a completely unexpected result will be obtained or there will be a return to one of the derived varieties. Nevertheless, the cultivation of hybrids is economically justified and profitable even on a personal compound. Their advantages:

  • plentiful harvest;
  • even fruit size;
  • high resistance to diseases and parasites;
  • quick acclimatization;
  • endurance and unpretentiousness to soils.

Only a high-class specialist is able to distinguish between a variety and a hybrid. They are equivalent in the content of useful substances and are very similar in taste. For marking on packs with seeds, a special designation is used. If F1 is added to the name, this is a hybrid. It stands for children of the first generation. The abbreviation is universal and is used to refer to hybrids of any crop, from potatoes to sunflowers.

The main disadvantage is the annual purchase of seeds of the kind you like.


The species belongs to mid-season; ripening periods are 110 - 125 days. The bush reaches a height of 0.8 - 100 cm, in a greenhouse with a competent garter grows to 1, 2 m. The fruits are round, bright red in color, weight from 330 g. up to 1 kg. Juicy pulp and a small amount of seeds made the hybrid very popular for making salads. The thickness of the skin is average, so ripe fruits are stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. With the seedling method of growing, the crop begins to ripen in the second half of July - early August.

Secrets of strong seedlings

To obtain an earlier crop, plants are planted in a heated greenhouse or seedlings are grown on the windowsill according to the old-fashioned method. Planting is carried out 60 - 65 days before the onset of the garden season and the planned planting in the beds. The hybrid is unpretentious, so it is problematic to ruin young plants. They delight friendly shoots, a powerful root system. For good adaptation when transplanting into the ground you will need:

Secrets of strong tomato seedlings Leader F1

  • dive;
  • timely top dressing;
  • compliance with the optimum temperature.

Important: 1-2 weeks before planting in the soil, hardening is carried out, taking the plants out into the open air and gradually increasing the residence time from 20 minutes. until full daylight hours.

Seasonal Care Basics

To get a good harvest you need to remember a few points. First of all, large varieties and hybrids must be tied up. Tall for the formation of the stem and the prevention of their fractures. The species where a large, multiple cluster of 5 to 8 ovaries forms is fixed directly below it. Tall species are more suitable for greenhouses, because with the correct formation of the trunk, both vertical and horizontal are used as free space. The leader F1 belongs to mid-growth, grows well in any conditions. The peculiarity of the hybrid is the abundant formation of stepsons, therefore it is necessary to remove them regularly, then the fruiting will be long, and the fruits will turn out to be larger.

Watering is carried out as necessary, during the rooting period after transplanting - more often, during the flowering period - more rare, but plentiful. Tomatoes do not like moisture on the leaves, so drip irrigation is preferable. Fertilizing is carried out several times with complex fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Places for landing are selected sunny, protected from sudden gusts of wind.

Harvest and unpretentious hybrid Leader F1 is easy to grow, gives a rich harvest, is well stored and perfectly shows itself when preserved in its entire form, in the composition of sauces and seasonings.

Video: ammonia - super fertilizer for tomatoes!

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