Tomato Fun - description and characteristics of the variety

Variety Zabava is characterized by high productivity, is mid-season and indeterminate. It is a development of Novosibirsk breeders, created in 1997. It is recommended to grow it in greenhouses, but in places with a warm summer, many fruits can be harvested even by growing tomato in open beds.

Tomato Fun

Grade description

The time from the moment the seeds have sprouted to the first harvest is approximately 2.5 months. The bush grows to a half to two meters in height. The trunk is flexible, it is desirable to carry out its formation only in one stem in regions with a cool climate, and in warm regions - in two stems. Without fail, garter and pinching of the plant should be carried out. When growing on beds it is allowed to use trellis.

Typically, about 14 brushes are formed on each bush. This vegetable crop grows with brushes, in one of them up to ten, and in some cases more fruits are formed. The weight of each tomato is from 100 to 150 grams, and larger fruits are also found. In length, tomatoes reach up to 14 centimeters. They do not crack while they grow and mature. Tomato seeds of this variety do not lose their characteristics in future generations.

From each bush in favorable weather, you can collect up to 7 kilograms of crop.

Crop description

The fruits of this type of tomato have an unusual shape - elongated, resembling an ellipse, at the ends they are bifurcated. The color of ripe tomatoes is bright red. In the inner part, the color is uniformly red; there are no pale veins on it.

The pulp is distinguished by density, excellent taste and aroma, the seeds are small. Such fruits are perfect for preservation in general. In addition, they like to eat fresh. Tomatoes are easily transported. When harvested at the beginning of the ripening, they can lie for two to three weeks.

Growing recommendations

To increase productivity, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. Sowing. Seeds must be pre-treated in a weakly concentrated manganese solution, dropping the seeds into it for one to two hours. After they are disinfected, they are sown in containers with soil.
  2. Growing seedlings. Sowing of seeds is carried out 2 months before planting in open ground. When transferring seedlings to a permanent place, you must maintain a distance of 50 cm between the bushes and 40 cm between the rows. It is necessary that for every square meter of soil there are no more than three bushes.
  3. The soil. The variety prefers slightly acidic soil, which contains a large amount of calcium. For this reason, with the onset of autumn, lime in the garden should be liming.
  4. Crop rotation. It is not recommended to plant a vegetable crop of this species after potatoes or tomatoes of other varieties. It is better if earlier cucumbers, carrots, greens, cauliflower or zucchini grew on the beds.
  5. Fertilizer. The variety is highly sensitive to potassium in the soil. For this reason, it is important to monitor the composition of the soil in the garden and fertilize it with fertilizers containing potassium three times a season.
  6. Seed collection. Only the best grains should be left on the seeds. It is necessary to remove such fruits after they have fully ripened on the bush. This should be done as follows: carefully cut the tomato, remove the seeds from it and place them on gauze or cardboard so that they dry out. Drying is preferably carried out in a warm room, which is well ventilated.


Tomato Diseases Fun
The Zabava variety is practically not exposed to the diseases characteristic of this vegetable crop, therefore it is considered resistant. But since the fruits have a non-standard elongated cylinder shape and are in great need of calcium, the plant may undergo apical rot.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of tomato Fun Gardeners include the fact that the variety:

  • resistant to disease;
  • tolerates temperature changes well;
  • has a good taste;
  • easily transported;
  • stored for a long time.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • increased in comparison with other varieties the need for potassium and calcium;
  • when the fruits ripen, they fall off the bush.

The opinion of gardeners

As can be seen from all of the above, the advantages of tomatoes of the Zabava variety are still much more than disadvantages. For this reason, a large number of gardeners from year to year choose this variety for planting on their sites, since the plant is unpretentious in maintenance and gives a good harvest of delicious tomatoes.

Video: Fun tomatoes

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