Tomato Zebra green - description and characteristics of the variety

The uniqueness of the tomato, whose variety is called "Green Zebra", lies in the fact that its fruits have an unrivaled taste and aroma. It is considered mid-season, America is its homeland. Below, we consider what other distinctive features this variety has, what its yield, and other important points that relate to this vegetable crop.

Tomato Zebra Green

Grade characteristics

The variety is determinant. The plant is powerful, medium-sized, grows up to 150 centimeters in height. However, the greatest interest among gardeners is that tomatoes can be of other varieties that differ in color:

  • dark
  • white
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • combined and others.

To obtain a large number of crops, the formation of a trunk in two stems is required. In addition, the bushes must be systematically tied, and supports should be installed.

On one brush of the bush, on average, 8 round-shaped tomatoes are formed. Their weight is small - about 100 grams. The color of the crop will vary depending on the variety planted. However, it is the Green Zebra that has a green color, like a cucumber. After the fruit fully ripens, dark spots form on its stalk.

Taste data and scope

Gardeners respond extremely positively to the taste of tomatoes of this variety. It is described as sweetish, but fruits with a slight acidity can also be caught. The tomato pulp is juicy and meaty, the skin is quite dense, has a sugar structure.

Housewives use tomatoes of this kind for almost all culinary purposes: they make salads and vegetable slices from them, preserve them, make jam, etc. In addition, many prefer the use of fresh green tomatoes, that is, they are not processed in advance.

How to grow a variety

Sowing of seeds is carried out in late February or early March. However, 14 days before this, the seed should be processed - place them for 12 hours in saline. Thanks to this, future bushes will be more powerful and will give more yield. In addition, a similar procedure will identify unviable seeds that are not suitable for planting. Such seeds should be thrown out.

To accelerate the germination period of the sprouts, you can pre-germinate the seeds. To do this, they need to be wrapped with damp cloth or paper, and then put for five days in a warm place. Then they need to be squeezed into the soil to a depth of one centimeter.

How to prepare the ground

Before sowing tomatoes of the Zebra Zebra variety, preliminary soil loosening is required. So it will be saturated with oxygen and will be easier. After the first two or three leaves appear, seedlings can be transplanted into a container. This procedure should be carried out with utmost care in order to avoid harm to the plant. You should choose the size of the container, given that the plant is conveniently located there.

Gardeners who prefer to grow tomatoes in open beds can transfer seedlings to a permanent place in June. When grown in greenhouse conditions, this can be done in May. When planting, it is necessary to ensure that on one square meter of soil there are no more than four bushes.

Caring for tomatoes of this variety is quite simple. It is only necessary to constantly water the plantings in the first days after planting to maximize the deepening of the bushes in the ground.After this, the plant should be watered once or twice a week.

Storage and transportation

Storage and transportation of tomatoes Zebra green
Tomatoes can be stored for a long time. After harvesting, the fruits do not crack, they do not form dark spots, they are transported without any difficulties at any distance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any variety, Green Zebra has both positive and negative qualities. We give them below.


  1. The fruits are very attractive and original, often the color is combined - three or four shades.
  2. Tomatoes are very fragrant and tasty (taste is usually described as fresh and sweet).
  3. The plant is resistant to various diseases of tomatoes (if you follow all the recommendations for care).
  4. Possible transportation and storage for a long time.
  5. Wide range of culinary applications.


  1. The plant is very tall, which creates some difficulties when growing.
  2. Bushes must be tied and stepsoned.

Despite the small disadvantages, the variety fell in love with a huge number of gardeners, who from season to season choose it for planting on their sites.

Video: Zebra green tomatoes

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