Tomato marshmallows in chocolate - description and characteristics of the variety

A wide variety of tomato varieties makes breeders breed more and more unusual species. “Marshmallow in Chocolate” is one of the most amazing and beautiful varieties of tomatoes that professionals have been able to reproduce in recent years.

Chocolate Marshmallow Tomato


“Marshmallow in chocolate” is one of the most popular varieties, which is in incredible demand among agronomists. Officially, tomato has been registered in the state registry since 2015. However, it became known in the world of vegetable growers much earlier.

The tomato has a rounded appearance, slightly flattened in the middle. A dark color that changes from brown to dark green. Inside, a lighter tone than outside. Very tasty.

Suitable for cultivation in all regions. In places with a warm climate, it can grow in open ground without additional shelters. In cooler regions, it is necessary to grow tomatoes in greenhouses. It does not ripen very quickly, but will please its fruits 115 days after seed germination. It has a good harvest - up to 6 kilograms of fruit from one bush. It tolerates common diseases to which many tomatoes do not have resistance.

Most of all, such tomatoes are suitable for summer salad, and will also be good to use fresh. For use in the preparation of vegetable caviar, soups, pastas and sauces, tomatoes can be frozen, cut into slices and distributed in plastic packaging.


Tomatoes of a dark color are the sweetest and saturated with sugars. They are very tasty in themselves and more like a fruit than a vegetable according to their data. The inside is very soft, so it is not stored for long.

When cut inside a tomato, lighter and more pronounced veins are visible. Such color contrasts are associated with insufficient illumination of the fruit. The more sun falls on the vegetable, the more red it is inside. The smaller the sun, the veins are whiter. On average, the stem grows from 160 to 170 centimeters in height. Needs additional garter culture.

The pulp of a tomato is very tender. Inside the fetus there are up to 4 chambers with seed placement.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Original external data.
  • Great catchy taste.
  • Very high yield.
  • Fairly fast ripening vegetables.
  • Confronting various forms of fungal diseases.


  1. Despite all the excellent qualities of the culture, it should be remembered that such a variety is not stored for long, so it needs to be quickly eaten or used in the preparation of various dishes, as well as frozen.
  2. Does not tolerate long transport. Implementation is possible not far from the places of growth. During transportation, even over short distances, it is necessary to use good packaging with the laying of each vegetable to avoid cracks and dents.

The right seed choice

The right choice of tomato seeds marshmallows in chocolate
It is important to purchase a variety with the name "Marshmallow in Chocolate" without adding additional characters, or vice versa - the absence of part of the name. Seeds must be sold in a trusted store or department. When purchasing seeds online you should also pay attention to the reputation of the company and reviews about it. There are one-day firms or sellers, it is better not to trust them. Their goods may turn out to be of poor quality, respectively, money will be wasted in vain, and caring for the culture will not live up to expectations.

Sowing and planting

Sow seeds in the middle - the end of March. In a week sprouts emerge.An additional highlight is important so that the tomatoes have enough light, and they do not stretch out and become very high. It is important that the trunk is strong from the start.

Germinate seeds at a temperature of 18 degrees, then the temperature is warmer from 22 to 23 degrees.

After the appearance of the second leaf, the plant is transferred to the ground. To form a plant should be no more than two stems. During the entire growth, plant nutrition, loosening of the soil and irrigation with warm water are necessary.

Observing all the rules for caring for tomatoes, the plant will surely please the breeder with its tasty and unusual fruits.


  1. Alla Ivanovna, 60 years old: Very beautiful and tasty tomato. I have long dreamed of growing tasty and unusual-looking tomatoes on my site in the suburbs. The husband acquired unusual seeds of tomato “Marshmallows in Chocolate” in a summer house. As always, tomatoes for seedlings were sown in mid-March. In mid-May, they moved to the ground under a polycarbonate greenhouse. Already at the end of July we got very tasty tomatoes. My daughter gasped. She really liked the tomatoes. I generally only eat tomatoes. And these were simply delighted. I highly recommend this variety.
  2. Dmitry Sergeevich, 53 years old: My wife and I plant tomatoes every year at our dacha. They tried different varieties. Even cherry tomatoes were grown. And then the seeds of "Zephyr in Chocolate" caught my eye. I liked the very appearance. We decided to buy. In care, like everyone else. It is important only to do everything on time: to loosen, feed and water. Great tomatoes came out. Only they ate half the summer. They didn’t even buy at the market. And the wife froze several bags for the winter. Great variety. We’ll also plant next year.

Video: chocolate marshmallows

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