Tomato Zhenaros - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Zhenaros perfectly demonstrated the ability to grow in greenhouses and on the open ground. Refers to hybrid species bred by Dutch breeders. In Russia, they started growing it recently. Since the variety is of hybrid origin, seeds cannot be obtained at home.

Tomato Zhenaros

Tomato Zhenaros has shown its resistance to various diseases, excellent growth in areas with bad and unstable weather and a good middle-class crop. But still she loves to stay in the greenhouse for some time, like all tomatoes.

Bush characteristic

The growth of this species does not stop if its roots are located in the ground, and climatic conditions favor growth. The indeterminate classes of tomatoes have this ability to grow. Therefore, in order for the bush to be of the correct form, the plant must be looked after all the time and given the desired look by means of pinching. In the cold summer, it is necessary to remove leaves on the bush that touch the site to prevent damage from wet ground.

Throughout the entire period of growth and ripening of the fruit, the bush must be tied to wooden supports, which can be ordinary wooden slats, etc. Garter will allow the plant to have a compact appearance and exclude the disease with all kinds of diseases that are in the soil.

Tomato Zhenaros has a lot of leaves on the bush and the initial ovary appears in the cavity of the ninth leaf. In unfavorable hot months, the flowers do not fall off and form powerful ovaries due to the good heat tolerance of this variety.

Fruit characterization

Harvest can already be harvested for 124 days from the time of planting. Fruits with proper cultivation show the following characteristics:

  • the mass of tomato reaches - 220 grams;
  • It has a slightly ribbed and flat-rounded appearance;
  • glossy peel and thick pulp;
  • sweet and sour taste.

After harvesting, ripe red fruits do not deteriorate for 12 days, and at a colder temperature - much longer.

It can be used in all types of preparations - these are juices, marinades, salads, sauces and pastes. Also suitable for pickling along with other fruits from your garden. First-class pasta is made from tomatoes of this type, and in industry large quantities of juices and various mashed potatoes are prepared from vegetables with the addition of tomato.

Zhenaros variety will provide you with 12 kilograms of excellent quality fruits, naturally, if all the favorable conditions for plant growth are met. Tomatoes well tolerate transportation at a decent distance.

Poor soil will not be a problem for this type of tomato, but they need excellent light, although in shaded areas they will give you a harvest. At the suggestion of the state registry of Russia, planting tomato class Zhenaros should be made in an area with 3 light zones.

Disease resistance

Zhenaros tomato disease resistance
The variety is very resistant to all diseases that affect the plants of this family, as the Golan breeders say. Here are some common tomato diseases:

  • tobacco virus;
  • cladosporiosis;
  • late blight;
  • Fusarium
  • verticillosis.

The golden nematode, which affects the root system and leaves of plants, is not afraid of culture. Based on this, there is no need to spray the bushes with all kinds of chemicals to remove the pest throughout the growing period.

Seedling time

The instructions on the package with the seeds say that the growth of an excellent crop occurs on the 124th day from the moment of planting, so in the third light zone it is worth planting the seeds in early March.

When planting directly in the ground in the open air, it should be borne in mind that frost in Russia is a fairly common occurrence, and lowering the temperature will kill the early shoots. It is recommended to grow seedlings in greenhouse or home conditions, and only then, when you can be completely sure that frost is not expected, plant seedlings on beds.

To make the seedlings healthy, the seeds are planted in containers with high-quality soil. The immersion depth of the seed is 20 mm. Then close with a special film. Planted seeds should be at a temperature of 19 degrees.

Landings must be constantly watered. When sprouts appear, it is advisable to illuminate them with a specialized lamp. On the bed after planting a tomato, 1-2 shoots are formed. Before planting, the seedlings should be hardened, and then they are placed on the beds in the proportions of 4 plants per square meter. Watering the bushes in the summer season is carried out if necessary and preferably not with cold water.

Feed potassium and phosphorus 3-4 times. Destruction of weeds and loosening of the soil must be done at a predetermined time.

Video: Zhenaros variety tomatoes

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