Goldilocks Tomato - Description and Characterization of the Variety

Experienced gardeners and gardeners are growing so that they do not plant. These people never rest on their laurels, but constantly experiment, planting something new and unfamiliar. One of these innovations is Goldilocks tomatoes. The variety is quite interesting in all respects - both in appearance and in taste. It looks like cherry tomatoes and is suitable for all types of dishes. Also, these tomatoes are very convenient to preserve for the winter.

Goldilocks Tomato

Characteristic and Description

Goldilocks have a lot in common with the aforementioned cherry tomatoes. The same small fruits, there are also quite a lot of them, they hang in clusters on a branch.

The difference from other tomatoes in Goldilocks in color is the golden yellow berries. The plant during the summer, while warm, constantly pleases the owner with a plentiful harvest. I would like to note - this variety is not cold-resistant, therefore, in the regions where the summer is cold, it is better to plant them indoors. For example, in greenhouses.

The variety is early ripe. From planting seeds to the appearance of fruits, a little time passes - a maximum of 90-95 days. But, as a rule, usually smaller. The bushes are covered with many leaves, and for tomatoes are very high - in greenhouses and greenhouses stretch up to 2 meters.

From one plant, up to three and a half kilograms of berries are collected. The variety is resistant to many diseases that affect the nightshade, but still it needs to be sprayed from time to time, like other nightshade.

Fruit Characteristics

  1. The sizes are small, the mass of a large fruit does not exceed 100 grams. On average, one tomato has a weight of 15-25 grams, the density of the pulp is average.
  2. The berries are round, the skin is thin, smooth, without pimples and dents.
  3. Ripened tomato bright yellow, occasionally interspersed with red.
  4. The taste of tomato is sweet and sour, the pulp is quite juicy.

The advantage of this variety is that tomatoes are stored for a long time and without any problems carry a long road.

Tomatoes themselves are not very large. They grow on a branch in long clusters and mature at the same time, which makes harvesting very convenient.

How to grow

  1. Tomatoes of this variety are planted by seedling method. Seedlings are grown under the film for 60-65 days. Of no small importance is the temperature regime - the temperature should be at least 21 degrees heat. And you definitely need light. For this, it is better to keep the sprouts on the windowsill.
  2. After the first leaves appear, seedlings must be dived.
  3. Before planting in the soil, the plants are hardened about a week or 10 days before planting. They are daily taken out into the natural environment. This is done so that they, accustomed exclusively to room conditions, can normally tolerate outdoor temperatures. Moreover, hardening should be carried out in increasing order - starting from 20-25 minutes and up to two hours.
  4. Since the bushes of the tomatoes of the variety Goldilocks grow big, then many of them should not be planted - four pieces per square meter are enough. It is necessary to take care of the planted plants according to the standard scheme: morning and evening watering, when necessary; regular weeding of land, constant cultivation; you definitely need to feed the plants - fertilize the soil at least four times per season. Stepson is a must. The plants are large, the bushes will bend under their own weight, so they need to be tied.


And here are a few reviews of gardeners who decided to try planting Goldilocks tomatoes on the garden plot.

  1. Lisa: Planting tomatoes of different varieties, once advised Goldilocks. Planted seedlings and almost did not deal with this new resident of the garden, fed very little. As a result, sweet tomatoes were only in the first crop, the rest were distinguished by a lack of taste. The next year, planted two bushes of this variety and fed weekly. It mixed ash, then threw manure - as a result, I was always happy about sweet tomatoes. The only thing - often the fruits were cracked - apparently due to overriding or a large drop in humidity. Next year I will plant another bush.
  2. Vera Fedorovna: I bought Goldilocks seeds - very satisfied. the fruits ripen early - at the end of July the first crop was already harvested. The cut fruits are stored for a long time without undergoing rotting. And becoming more sweet and tasty every day. On the one hand, it is bad that the growth of the bushes is unlimited and endless. On the other hand, they also produce crops in unlimited quantities. The only thing is that each branch must be firmly attached to the trellis, otherwise it will break under the abundance of fruits. ”

Video: Goldilocks Tomatoes

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