Tomato Golden Canary - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Golden canary is a fairly common variety that is often grown. Of course, these tomatoes have their own characteristics, so you do not confuse them with other varieties. Consider their characteristics in more detail in order to understand what exactly is the Golden Canary tomato.

Tomato Golden Canary

Grade Features

The height of the bush itself can reach 2 meters - this is average size, the plants have a strong stem. The fruit itself is yellow in color and usually weighs between 70 and 100 grams. The tomato has a ripening period of 120 days. The taste is characterized by a sweet shade, which makes the fruit tender, great for salads.

Landing and care

Tomato Golden Canary also has its own characteristics that must be considered when planting and further care for the bushes. Consider this issue in more detail.

  1. It is customary to grow tomatoes with seedlings, this is a fairly common method, as it is one of the most effective. It is best to plant seeds 60 days before planting in the soil - this is the optimal time, during which time you will have time to get excellent seedlings. By the way, before planting seeds, they also need to be prepared. The preparation is to take them outside. This should be done gradually, starting from 20 minutes a day, and on the last day this period can be 8 hours. Thus, the seeds will be perfectly ready for planting, as they will be resistant to frost and other weather conditions.
  2. The process of planting in the ground is simple and does not present any difficulties. However, it should be noted that tomatoes need to be fed with fertilizers, this must be done at least 2 times for the entire flowering and ripening period of the fruits.
  3. As for watering plants, there are some nuances. The best time is after sunset, and it is necessary to water the tomatoes with warm water, this is very important. Weeding and loosening plants is necessary as necessary.


Many are interested in the question - how much is the harvest worth from Golden Canary tomatoes. This question is very individual, because it depends on many factors, and one of them is the care of the plant during ripening. But let's consider the average values ​​in order to have an approximate idea of ​​how much crop can be obtained from the bushes.

The manufacturer says that with tomato canary, you can get up to 4 kilograms of fruit from one plant, that is, on average - this is from 40 to 50 fruits of medium size. However, summer residents themselves argue that these indicators are incorrect, and in fact the fruits can be obtained up to 7 kg from one plant. Therefore, this question is very individual, but with proper care, you can definitely expect that you will receive 4 kg of fruit from each bush.

The use of tomatoes

Another common question is how can you use tomatoes? Of course, it all depends on your personal preferences. But it should be noted that tomatoes are very tasty, have a sweet flavor, so they are great for eating them raw, add to various dishes, salads. But also Golden Canary tomatoes can be preserved, they will also have a great taste.

So, this tomato variety is universal, and it can be safely used in a variety of fields, since they are excellent for this.


It is worth noting that each plant can be susceptible to various diseases.The advantage of Golden Canary tomatoes is that they can withstand many diseases, but, as you know, prevention never hurts. Fighting pests is best done with folk remedies - this is an excellent prophylaxis, and so you definitely will not cause damage to the plant, and you will have an excellent harvest.


  1. Natalia, 47 years old: I am very pleased that I planted this type of tomato. Harvest large, about 6 kg per plant. The tomatoes themselves are very tasty, sweet. We eat them with pleasure, the next year I will definitely plant this variety - I really liked it.
  2. Irina, 40 years old: Great tomatoes, but, in my opinion, better suited for raw consumption. If you want to preserve them, then you definitely need to use a lot of salt, since tomatoes have a sweet aftertaste. But in general, everything is fine, the harvest is good, I was satisfied.
  3. Victor, 50 years old: The first time my wife planted this variety of tomatoes, and were delighted. the fruits are very beautiful, the taste is delicate and sweet. We’ll definitely plant next year, they’re not whimsical in leaving.

Video: F1 Golden Canary tomatoes

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