Tomato Golden brush - description and characteristics of the variety

In a short time, a new variety of early ripe tomato received positive reviews and recognition from professional vegetable growers. The shape of ripe tomatoes is pear-shaped, resembling garlands of light bulbs. The taste is excellent, a sweetish fleshy decorative vegetable has become a favorite of children and adults.

Tomato Golden Brush


Suitable for fresh consumption, serving a festive table, decorating dishes, cooking colored vegetable assortment. Thanks not juicy pulp, do not spread when sliced. Skilled housewives use unripened fruits for harvesting sweet jam. Ripe tomatoes do not have a sour taste, they have a sugar consistency, the pulp has only two seed chambers. Used for corking cold vegetable salads.

Variety characteristics, productivity

Variety of high productivity, unpretentious in care. It is grown on open soil and under film structures. Bushes are tall, reach up to 1.6 - 1.8 m tall, require tying and separation of extra stepsons.

From one meter of land, it is possible to get a crop of up to 7 kilograms of ripe tomatoes. The first tomatoes ripen 2.5 months after planting in the ground. When grown indoors, the bushes are tied to the crossbars. On one bunch at the same time up to 20-22 tomatoes ripen in weight up to 30 grams.

The Golden Brush variety is grown by seedlings, sowing seeds is carried out in March - April, depending on the place of planting for fruiting. For heated and illuminated greenhouses, sowing of seed material is possible from the month of February, to obtain a harvest for sale - in late May - early June. For planting in open ground, sowing is recommended in March - April.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are sown in special wooden boxes, labeled rows of 5 cm, no deeper than one centimeter in depth. Provide uniform heating of the soil to 25 degrees of heat. From sowing to the appearance of seedlings, it takes up to 10-12 days, until the appearance of two or three leaves - about another 14 days.

Growing tomato seedlings Golden brush

The lack of natural light is compensated by fluorescent lamps, ultraviolet lamps. Plants can be dived into individual peat pots. The room temperature is lowered to 18-20 degrees so that the stem does not stretch. Seedlings grow within 50-55 days, throwing leaves. After the formation of more than 5 leaves, the seedlings must be hardened, lowering the air temperature to 15-17 degrees, arrange through ventilation of the room.

Hardened plants can be planted in the ground. Tomatoes that are grown in seedlings for film greenhouses do not need additional hardening.

When growing tomato bushes in film greenhouses, it is necessary to monitor the heating of air and soil. It should not exceed 35 - 37 degrees in the warmest time. At high temperatures, the bush grows, throws out many additional stepsons and leaves for conditioning. When the premises of the greenhouse or the greenhouse overheat, it is necessary to arrange ventilation, access to fresh air and mandatory evening drip irrigation of plants. With proper care, yields in greenhouses are slightly higher than in open fields. Bushes in open space grow up to 1.5 - 1.6 meters, in closed greenhouses I reach up to 1.8 - 2.0 meters.

Vegetative period of tomato

Planting is carried out when reaching night temperatures up to 10 - 12 degrees Celsius, when the soil is heated to a depth of 10 centimeters.Plant roots are planted in warm holes, providing a comfortable rooting. The earth is additionally fertilized with peat, sawdust, with loamy soil add a little sand or sifted fine slag. After rooting, mineral fertilizers are used, not more than once every ten days. The soil after watering is subjected to loosening and freed from weeds. Up to 4-6 plants can be placed on one meter if they are planted in rows, and not in a square-nesting way. Plants do not interfere with each other in growth, tied up as they grow.

Bunches are formed evenly over the entire height of the bush, up to 4-5 pieces with 20-24 tomatoes on a branch resembling grapes. Beautiful ripe tomatoes look like toy bulbs. Juicy yellow color is formed under the influence of ultraviolet sunlight. Sweet taste and pleasant smell seduce to eat tomatoes directly from the garden. Most often, the Golden Brush variety is grown for commercial purposes. Convenient for transportation and storage of goods. Unripe tomatoes gradually gain color in a dry and warm room.

The variety is not hybrid, so the seed material can be harvested independently.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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