Tomato Gold of the East - description and characteristics of the variety

Among the varieties of tomatoes that are popular among domestic summer residents, the hybrid has long taken a leading position, which has received a poetic name - "Gold of the East." This culture is characterized by high productivity and resistance to common diseases. Due to the rich taste, tomatoes are widely used for the preservation and preparation of vegetable dishes. We will tell you in detail about the features of this hybrid, as well as the rules for growing it.

Tomato Gold East

Variety Characteristics

The tomato "Gold of the East" received its unusual name for a coloring similar to the color of a noble metal. This variety is included in the Eastern Delicacy collection, as it has an exotic taste. The plant is well adapted in the difficult climatic conditions of our country, and is successfully cultivated in the middle lane. Moreover, it feels great, both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The variety belongs to mid-season tomatoes. Its vegetation period is about 115 days, which allows you to collect a decent harvest in regions where there is a short period of plus temperatures.

If we talk about the main characteristics of this variety, then you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  1. Tomato Gold East can be grown on open soils without shelter in places with a warm climate.
  2. A mature plant reaches two meters in height and forms the so-called indeterminate type of bush. Therefore, agricultural activities include the mandatory removal of lateral shoots and timely pinching of growth points. Moreover, such procedures should be carried out regularly.
  3. On the tomato bushes by the ripening period, brushes are formed, on which there are up to 6 massive fruits of honey color. The weight of other specimens reaches 0.4 kg.
  4. Hybrid Gold of the East is famous for its amazing sweetish taste and juicy flesh.
  5. This variety is able to withstand relatively long shelf life, although it is mainly used for the preparation of salads and canning.

Helpful information! Tomatoes of the Gold series are recommended to be removed with the peduncle, and then they ripen at room temperature for about a week. During this time, the fruits have time to acquire a characteristic taste for this variety.

Hybrid Benefits

When creating the variety, breeders tried to combine the best qualities of famous tomatoes in their brainchild. Therefore, the hybrid "Gold of the East" has a number of advantages:

  1. It can be safely cultivated in various conditions: greenhouses, open ground.
  2. A short stage of vegetation allows the fruit to ripen completely.
  3. Stably high yields make this variety the most promising for growing in suburban areas.
  4. A set of nutritious components, including organic acids and a whole complex of vitamins, allows the use of tomatoes of this variety for dietary nutrition.

Of course, the main advantage of the tomato Gold of the East is its exotic taste. It is this quality that is most appreciated by gardeners and foodies. Indeed, from this representative of the nightshade family you can cook a lot of delicacies and snacks using minimal heat treatment.

Agricultural Engineering Rules

Before sowing seeds, which is usually carried out in mid-March, care must be taken to prepare containers suitable for this purpose. Specialists recommend the use of special containers with a drainage hole, which will prevent the development of diseases of seedlings.Containers for seedlings are filled with a mixture of peat and sand, and before sowing, the prepared soil should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are laid to a depth of 1 cm, and the planting site is sprayed with warm water. To do this, you can use a conventional spray.

To ensure favorable conditions for the sprouts, sowing should be done at a distance of 4 cm. After sowing, the container should be covered with foil and put in an illuminated place where there is good circulation of air masses. Until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at the level of +23 C. When the sprouts “hatch”, the film can be removed.

Care Tips

Tomato Care Gold East
Tomatoes Gold of the East at the stage of growing seedlings do not need special care. The necessary set of measures includes the following procedures:

  1. Regular watering.
  2. After the formation of 2 real leaves, you need to dive seedlings.
  3. In the second half of May, strong sprouts are planted in a greenhouse. In open soils, they should be planted after the cessation of frost.
  4. Planting frequency - 4 plants per square meter of sown area.
  5. Tomatoes need a garter to a reliable support.
  6. When the bushes form, you need to pinch. Side shoots should be removed regularly.
  7. The periods of feeding and watering for this variety are exactly the same as for the rest of the tomatoes.

An important point! Hybrid Gold of the East can be grown in one place for several years in a row, if the soil is enriched with organic fertilizers.

Gold of the East is one of the few cultures that have earned a special arrangement of summer residents and farmers. Unpretentious tomatoes in yield yield stunning yields. Therefore, the feedback from gardeners is the most positive.


  1. Marina Nikolaevna, Bryansk: By chance, I had at my disposal several seeds of this amazing hybrid. Sow just like that, for fun. But, as it should be on time, seedlings amicably rose. Planted in a greenhouse, and by autumn from several bushes gathered an unprecedented crop. There were so many tomatoes that I had to give them to neighbors. Really, a golden grade! Now I allocate the best place for these tomatoes on the site.
  2. Alexey Pavlovich, Krasnodar: I am always interested in new varieties of tomatoes, because I belong to farmers. The seeds of the variety "Gold of the East" ordered two years ago on the Internet. I must say, the order was completed quickly. In the first season, he planted tomatoes in a greenhouse and in the ground. The result was almost the same in both cases: the fruits are large and juicy. He sold part of the harvest in the market, and part of it was left for personal needs. I especially liked the unusual taste of this variety.

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