Tomato Golden bull - description and characteristics of the variety

Many gardeners prefer interesting specimens in the tomato family. The Golden Bull variety has strong shoots at the bushes and excellent large fruits. Tomatoes are grown with success both in the southern regions and in Siberia. Vegetable culture bears fruit well after planting in open areas on the ground and in greenhouses. Fruits are great for diet, do not cause allergies. Mainly used for making salads and fresh consumption. For canning, the fruits are not suitable in size. If only to prepare a sauce or pasta, and make the cuts in cut form.

Tomato Golden Bull

Grade description

Bushes of plants can grow up to 1.8 meters in height. The leaves are dark green. Bushes require a little removal of excess leaves. Inflorescences begin to be tied over the ninth leaf, then every 2-3. Tomatoes grow with brushes, each with 4-5 fruits. Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Fruiting begins about 120 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.

Golden bull varieties are real giants in the nightshade family. The weight of one fruit grown in open ground can reach up to 800 grams, in greenhouses and hotbeds on bushes fruits grow up to 1200 grams each. When fully ripened, the tomatoes become yellow with a red spot on the underside. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened. The skin is smooth, strong, pronounced ribbing is noted on the lower ovaries. The structure of the pulp is sugar, almost seedless.

The variety has high palatability, the taste is sweet and juicy. The only disadvantage of Golden Bull tomato can be considered a short shelf life in fresh form. Therefore, they are hardly used for transportation. From one bush you can collect up to 13 kg of tomato.

Growing tomatoes

Mid-season tomatoes are grown in the garden and in greenhouse constructions. In order to get healthy seedlings, you need to prepare seeds and planting equipment. It is advisable to soak the seeds in a manganese solution and remove empty shells. The earth also needs to be warmed up at high temperature in the oven. This will help remove harmful insects and viral infections. After sowing, the boxes must be covered with foil and put in a warm sunny place. Watering is carried out as necessary with warm water.

Planting tomatoes in the ground

After the shoots form 2-4 leaves, they must be planted in a separate bowl. For this, you can use disposable glasses or another suitable container. Before planting in the ground, plants need to be accustomed to street conditions in order to avoid diseases or death of seedlings. Several days you need to take out the seedlings for several hours in the fresh air.

When the seedlings begin to be planted in a permanent place, organic fertilizers should be added to the wells. In one square place should be three seedlings.


Tomato Care Golden Bull
To obtain a healthy and high-quality crop, bushes need proper and timely care.

  1. During the summer, 3 times you need to feed the plants with mineral additives. When watering, you can add wood ash.
  2. Around the bushes it is necessary to carry out cultivation, removal of weed grass and hilling.
  3. Do not overdo it with watering. Water only with settled warm water in the evening.

The Golden Bull variety is highly resistant to diseases and pests. However, the Colorado potato beetle can become a real threat to the future crop. To avoid this, you should treat the bushes with special insecticides.Also, one should not forget about pinching, then the fruits will be larger.

Reviews gardeners - lovers

  1. Maria K. Moscow Region: I grew Golden Bull tomatoes in a greenhouse, tried to follow all the recommendations, added nitrogen. The results obtained even exceeded all expectations. I have not seen such large tomatoes. To feed a family of three with a fresh salad, one large tomato is enough. Be sure to plant this variety next year.
  2. Vladimir, Lipetsk region: For the first time, this unusual giant variety was planted with his wife in the country. Of course, I would like to see the giants more than a kilogram, but the harvest we received was enough for us. Almost every tomato weighed 500-600 grams. I think this happened because I irregularly applied fertilizers and planted bushes. But my wife and I are still pleased with the particularly palatability of a tomato. The pulp is sugar and sweet. Next year I will definitely follow the advice of experienced gardeners, I think we will grow even larger fruits.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps!

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