Tomato Cinderella - description and characteristics of the variety

To grow a good tomato crop in the northern regions, you need to choose the right variety. For such purposes, Cinderella is a great option. Consider its features and recommendations for growing.

Tomato Cinderella

general characteristics

Gardeners living in the southern regions, this variety will please a good harvest, even when grown in open ground. If you live in the northern latitudes, it is best to grow such tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Already 90 days after the shoots appear, it will be possible to harvest the first crop. Cinderella is a stunted variety. The plant grows up to 50 cm in height. They do not need to be tied. Up to 8 kg of tomatoes are usually harvested per square meter. Their weight is approximately 150 g. They are round, red. Such tomatoes can be preserved. They are very tasty and fresh.


  1. To get a good harvest, seedlings should be grown. Sowing occurs at the end of March. For 6 hours, the seeds should be soaked in a pre-prepared solution with humic fertilizers.
  2. The soil needs to be prepared in the fall. To do this, garden land, humus and peat are mixed equally. Then 10 l of soil, a half liter can of ash, and also superphosphate (2 tablespoons) are added.
  3. For seedlings, take any suitable container with drainage holes. They need to be washed and soaked for 3 hours in a solution of manganese. It is advisable to take the land from the beds on which cabbage or cucumbers were grown.
  4. When the seeds hatch, they are planted to a depth of 1 cm. The distance is 4 cm. The box is covered with a film. They should be kept at a temperature of 21-24 degrees. And when the seedlings are visible, the temperature needs to be slightly reduced.
  5. After the appearance of the second leaf, seedlings are dived and transplanted into spacious containers.
  6. 15 days before planting, plants need to be hardened. Every day for 2-3 hours they are kept in a cool place at 15 degrees.
  7. For any plant, the length of daylight is important. In order for the seedlings to be strong, you need to provide them with good lighting for 14 hours daily. It is advisable to use halogen or LED lamps. If you use incandescent bulbs, plants can suffer due to the heat that they give off. Every 10 days you need to make universal dressing. Chicken droppings and ash are bred into 10 liters of water. Each component - half a glass. The drug should be infused during the day.
  8. A month after emergence, the plants are planted in the ground. At the same time, the height of the seedlings should already be 20-30 cm.
  9. The soil should be loamy, light. Every 2 years it needs to be changed. In the soil before planting tomatoes, you need to make a glass of ash and a bucket of humus for every square meter. The greenhouse is disinfected, the glass is washed. To prevent plants from spoiling, they need to provide good ventilation.
  10. Tomatoes of this variety are planted according to the scheme 50x40 cm. It is recommended to plant tomatoes in the evening, and so that the plants do not freeze, for the first time the greenhouse is covered with an additional film.
  11. Water for irrigation should have a temperature of about 20-23 degrees. Water the tomatoes only at the root.

In the daytime, the temperature must be maintained at 21-25 degrees. At night - 15 degrees. If the greenhouse is too hot and humidity rises significantly, the plants will stop growing. At the same time, the risk of disease increases significantly.

Plants of this variety do not need to remove stepchildren, since there are practically none.

15 days after planting, you need to do top dressing. 25 g of urea, 15 g of potassium sulfate, 25 g of double superphosphate are added to 10 water. On each bush pour 1 liter of funds.After 14 days, this fertilizer is applied: 500 ml of bird droppings and mullein are diluted in 10 liters of water.


Tomato Diseases Cinderella
The variety is resistant to moisture and temperature. If the temperature drops for a while, the plants will tolerate this normally. Tomatoes of this variety are very resistant to diseases such as vertebral rot and late blight.

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety has both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Very little sick.
  2. The variety belongs to early ripening.
  3. Resistant enough to adverse weather factors.
  4. The bushes are compact and do not need to be tied up.
  5. Growing tomatoes of this variety, you can independently stock up on seeds for the next year.
  6. Fruits ripen early and almost simultaneously.


  1. Compared with other southern varieties, the yield of the variety in question is not very high.
  2. The fruiting period for Cinderella tomatoes is quite short.

For conditions of the middle strip, this variety is excellent. Such tomatoes can be grown both in the garden and just in the beds.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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