Tomato Star of the East - description and characteristics of the variety

More recently, the Star of the East tomato variety, which differs from other tomatoes in its unsurpassed taste, quick and prolific ripening, has become popular on the goods market.

Tomato Star of the East

The Star of the East tomato is a hybrid of tomatoes that bears fruit and ripens throughout the season, spets very quickly (about 90-95 days from the start of cultivation) and is intended for cultivation in closed ground. When removing excess shoots from the plant, the amount of yield of this variety increases. It is considered one of the most popular and best types of tomatoes. It is in great demand not only among gardeners, but also among ordinary buyers.

Growing rules

In order to have a rich harvest of tomatoes, you need to follow the proper care of the plants. Variety "Star of the East" is very light and moisture-loving, so you should plant it not in a dark place, but where the light falls well, you also need to water the plant with plenty of warm water. But gardeners say it's best to do this when the sun has set.

This plant requires constant loosening of the soil, as well as the use of fertilizers. Fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, which favorably affect the growth of tomatoes, are best suited. Also, the bush sprouts best in a climate where air humidity is at 60%. It is important not to forget to weed the plant, as it does not like weeds.

It is best to start planting seeds in early March, but before that you should treat the seeds with growth stimulants. When they germinate, and will have 2-3 leaves, seedlings should be transplanted in different pots. Tomatoes should be transplanted into the natural soil in early May. The bushes of the plant should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, the distance between the rows should be at least 70 cm. You can collect tomato fruits already at the end of July. This tomato variety can be grown not only in the beds, but also in greenhouse conditions. Surprisingly, despite all these requirements for proper care of the plant, it can germinate on its own and give high-quality fruits without favorable conditions.

Ripening fruits "Star of the East"

A month before the end of the ripening of tomatoes, flowering shoots should be removed, this will help the main fruits ripen better. After all the tomatoes are harvested, you need to put them in a dry box - so that they ripen. In order for the tomatoes to ripen better, it is important to store them in a place where oxygen is constantly supplied.

Description of tomato fruits "Star of the East":

  1. The tomato variety "Star of the East" has a round shape, they are very dense and weigh up to 300 grams.
  2. The color of the tomatoes is pink.
  3. The plant has a high growth, reaches 60-80 cm in height, because of this it is required to fix the bushes on any support in the form of a stick in order to avoid their death.
  4. Fruits of tomatoes are collected in brushes of 5-6 pieces.

Advantages and disadvantages of this variety of tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Star of the East

  1. The variety ripens quickly enough, while giving a large amount of yield every year. From one bush you can collect about 6 kg. If you supply the plant with regular organic fertilizers, then the number of fruits will be much larger.
  2. This plant, of course, requires good self-care, but it can easily yield crops in not very favorable conditions.
  3. Very good and pleasant taste. Fans of tomatoes note the sweet taste with a slight acidity in this variety.
  4. Tomato "Star of the East" is quite resistant to various diseases.
  5. Tomatoes have a beautiful, smooth appearance, without roughness.
  6. Relatively low cost.

The disadvantages of this variety of tomatoes: the only minus of these tomatoes is that they require constant high-quality nutrition.

Methods for using tomatoes

  1. Fresh tomatoes are perfect for a light salad.
  2. No less tasty is the use of tomatoes in various hot dishes.
  3. If the tomato crop was too large, then you can preserve them whole fruits. You can also make lecho or adjika for the winter, various pastas or sauces.

This variety is considered popular among most gardeners.

Gardeners reviews about the tomato variety "Star of the East"

Many consumers note that the Star of the East tomato has very good taste characteristics, and it can also be used for any purpose in the kitchen. But there is another opinion that this product is better not to use in the pickled form, but only in a fresh state, because it becomes viscous and not very pleasant in appearance. Also, most summer residents note that the plant, indeed, gives a very large crop, is unpretentious to the conditions, does not require strong care and is immune to various diseases.

As a result, most gardeners approve of the Star of the East tomato variety and recommend it to many people for cultivation and consumption.

Video: East Star Tomatoes

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