Green tomatoes - benefits and harm to the body

The fact that vegetables are healthy is an axiom. Eating them with great pleasure, it is rare that anyone thinks that vegetables can sometimes be harmful. Some self-confident daredevils naively believe that eating, for example, green potato does not pose any harm to the body and poses no danger. But then for some reason they come to complete bewilderment over their poor health.

The benefits and harms of green tomato

In practice, everything is a little different. It is enough to eat green tomatoes and get poisoned. Drowsiness, general discomfort, headache will appear. In severe cases, respiratory failure, up to death, is possible. Tomato belongs to the nightshade family, which is translated from English as “night shadows”. In ancient Rome, for example, from the plants of this family poisons were prepared that were intended for enemies. In this family there are a lot of poisonous representatives. We are talking about bleach or dope. This also applies to tobacco, which is considered by many to be household drugs.

In this regard, a reasonable question arises as to whether green tomatoes are acceptable?


Green tomato is low in calories, which is only 23 kcal in terms of 100 g of product. In small quantities (0.2 g per 100 g tomato) they contain fats. In addition, the composition is marked by the presence of saturated and unsaturated acid series. The carbohydrate palette is mainly composed of mono and disaccharides. But when consumed, they are not absorbed 100%. The composition is also represented by dietary fiber and a wide range of representatives of the chemical mineral kingdom, in which copper dominates. It holds the palm with potassium.

The composition of vitamin substances is quite wide, but a tomato cannot boast of a large number of them. Perhaps only vitamin C is contained in it in the amount of 26% of the daily requirement.

I would also like to dwell on such a substance as solanine. It belongs to the group of glycoalkaloids and determines the toxic properties of green tomatoes. This is his merit in the fact that for a long time tomatoes were not eaten, as they were considered poisonous in nature. This fully applied not only to green, but also to red tomatoes.

Important! In order for signs of poisoning to occur, it is enough to eat only 5 green tomatoes.

First aid for poisoning consists in washing the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, taking tablets of activated carbon. It is mandatory to call a doctor for medical care.

Solanine in unripe tomatoes is contained in very variable quantities, the range of which is from 9 to 32 mg. Approximately 200 g of solanine can cause poisoning in humans. If the dose is double, then there is a real opportunity to go to another world. As it ripens, its amount decreases. The higher the ripeness of the fruit, the smaller its number. In red tomatoes, it contains only 0.7 mg in terms of 100 g of product. Such an amount is considered harmless to humans.

In such concentrations, on the contrary, it has a positive effect on the body, which manifests itself in the following moments:

  • It has a painkiller and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect.
  • It is able to reduce blood pressure and strengthen capillaries.
  • It has antifungal and antiviral effects.
  • It is indicated for hepatic pathology and diseases of the respiratory system.

However, the idea of ​​self-treatment of corned beef should be immediately discarded.First, you must consult with your doctor.

Of interest is another toxic substance represented by tomato. This glycoalkaloid is also dangerous for humans, but in much larger quantities. It should be said that a lethal amount of tomato is contained in several kilograms of tomato. It is unlikely that anyone is able to use such a quantity at the same time.

With all this, even he is put at the service of man. From it, cortisone is produced. It is a well-known medicine and is used to treat many diseases. If the tomatoes are fermented, then the tomato goes into another substance called tomatoidine. For humans, it is toxic, but in certain doses it exhibits properties positive for the body:

  • is a good immunomodulator;
  • inhibits the growth of cancer cells;
  • exhibits an antibiotic effect;
  • possesses pronounced antioxidant properties.


The benefits of green tomato

  1. If a slice of green tomato is applied to the dilated veins, then this can eliminate the manifestations of varicose veins.
  2. In addition, green tomato stabilizes the acid-base balance in the body.
  3. The rich content of dietary fiber helps to cleanse the intestines.
  4. With the use of green tomatoes, the production of serotonin is activated, and it is known to be a hormone of joy. Under his influence, the regulation of nervous processes is carried out, which leads to an improvement in mood.

It turns out that in green tomatoes at the same time is the benefit and harm. Eating fresh green tomatoes is very limited. This is due to the unattractiveness of their appearance and sour taste. Another thing is preparations for the winter. They have a more presentable appearance and many of them have decent taste.

Do not be afraid to make blanks for the future from green tomatoes and eat them. The fact is that solanine is destroyed during heat treatment and salting. Therefore, you can use such a product without any fear. As for the recipe, which includes green tomatoes, there are so many of them that just your eyes run up. Some gourmets are true connoisseurs of green tomato pickles.

By the way, you can get rid of solanine in green tomatoes when salting. To do this, they just need to soak in salt water. The exposition is several hours. During this time, water is changed several times.

Advice! It is better to eat green tomatoes in conjunction with foods rich in fats, both animal and vegetable origin.

According to nutritionists, you can not eat green tomatoes with bread, meat products, eggs. After eating them, before you eat green tomatoes, you need to make an exposure.

Contraindications to the use of green tomatoes

There are certain restrictions and prohibitions for their use. They are contraindicated for persons with renal pathology who have problems on the part of the joints and those who have a pronounced tendency to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Those who have no contraindications to their use should remember that in everything there should be a measure. In addition, one should not forget about observing the technology of cooking dishes from green tomatoes.

Video: beneficial properties and harm of green tomato

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