What is missing in the body if the nails are flaked

Exfoliation of nails is a fairly common problem, especially in women. Poor condition of the nail plate may indicate a malfunction in the body. For example, a lack of vitamins and minerals or some kind of disease. A number of external factors can also lead to delamination of nails.

What is missing in the body if the nails are flaked

Before embarking on the restoration of the nail plate, you need to find out the cause of this condition. Otherwise, endless cosmetic procedures will be completely useless.

What can cause delamination of nails

The reasons for the poor condition of the nail plate are very diverse. And in order to achieve the desired result in the fight for the beauty of nails, you need to find out what exactly the problem is and try to get rid of it. Here are some common reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • negative external factors;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • chronic diseases or infections.

Of course, if there is a genetic predisposition, then this reason cannot be eliminated. Then you just need to take additional measures to maintain the nails in good condition. You can deal with all other factors on your own or with the help of specialists.

Environmental impact

One of the most common causes of brittle and layered nails is the aggressive effect of chemistry. Daily contact of hands with dishwashing detergents, powders and other cleaning agents is very harmful for the nail plate and the skin of the hands.

The impact of the environment on the nails

Even ordinary water can do a lot of damage to the nails. This is faced by most dishwashers and cleaners. Water softens the nail plate, making it brittle and brittle. And any mechanical impact leads to damage. How to protect your nails, if you can not exclude contact with water and chemistry.

To protect your hands while washing dishes, you need to wear gloves. Many people know about this, but do not use it because it is rather inconvenient to work with rubber gloves. And therefore, they continue to further expose their hands to the aggressive effects of water and chemistry. But for a long time thin latex gloves appeared on sale, which fit snugly on the skin, do not slip and do not interfere.

Fans of bright manicure and frequent change of varnish coating also face the problem of nail foliation. The fact is that acetone, as the most affordable solvent, is still added to varnishes. It dries the nail plate and leads to its fragility. To enjoy beautiful nails and not deprive yourself of the pleasure of applying your favorite varnish, you should adhere to simple rules:

  • use only high-quality varnish;
  • keep nail polish for no more than five days;
  • after removing the coating, give the nails a couple of days of respite;
  • remove varnish only with acetone-free liquid;
  • during respite, rub moisturizing oils into the cuticle and nails.

Also, various mechanical damages lead to the appearance of layering of nails. This can be either incorrect trimming and file sawing of the nail plate, or bad habit of biting nails. The latter should be disposed of as soon as possible.

Those who are used to doing manicures on their own are advised to purchase a good tool. It is better to file nails to the desired length, rather than trim. The Internet is now full of master classes, you can see how to do it right, or watch the work of the master in the salon.

What trace elements are missing

In summer, nails peel and break much less often than in autumn and winter.The reason for this is avitaminosis. Fresh fruits and vegetables fill the body with the necessary trace elements. But in winter vitamins are not enough. What substances does the body need in order for nails to be healthy, strong and beautiful?

Vitamins for nails

First of all, calcium deficiency leads to such consequences. It is found in fermented milk products and is responsible for the hardness of the nail. Also an important element for the formation of a healthy nail plate is animal protein. It is found in meat, eggs, poultry and sea fish. These foods should be consumed daily.

Magnesium is responsible for normal cell metabolism, which is necessary for normal nail growth. The problem is that magnesium is found in small quantities in foods. And to get the norm of this microelement you need to eat about 2 kg of meat or consume about three liters of milk per day. Physically, this is unlikely, so doctors recommend periodically drinking vitamins with magnesium.

The amount and sulfur in the body also affects the thickness and appearance of the nail plate. Often a deficiency of this element leads to the appearance of fungal diseases, sagging skin and lifeless hair. Sulfur is found in hard cheese, onions, garlic, eggs, cabbage and some other foods. Other trace elements are also important for beautiful and healthy nails: chromium, phosphorus, silicon, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C, B, E.

The deficiency of these vitamins also lead to women's desire for harmony. Many weight loss diets are unbalanced and do more harm than good. A slender body in exchange for health is a disadvantageous barter. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to take into account the consequences and make up for the lack of vitamins by pharmacy complexes.

What diseases can cause stratification of nails

Some chronic or infectious diseases can also cause brittle and layered nails. Many of them have external manifestations, while others are hidden inside. If a pathological process occurs in the body, then no visits to salons will not help until the cause is eliminated. Here is a short list of diseases that can cause stratification of the nail plate:

  • fungal infections and infectious diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • damage to the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • decreased immunity.

Fungal diseases of any type are most often negatively reflected in the condition of the nails. In the absence of proper treatment, the fungus spreads. Modern pharmacy antifungal drugs quickly help to cope with the problem. After eliminating the fungus, you can do the return of a healthy looking nails.

Chronic inflammatory processes in the organs sometimes lead to cracks and delamination of the nails. If the nail plates, even after conducting regenerative therapy, remain brittle and brittle, it is worth passing the appropriate tests to exclude inflammation.

Improper diet and lifestyle, as well as some medications, often lead to metabolic disorders. The body's ability to absorb nutrients is reduced. Even after normalizing nutrition, the nail plate often does not recover. When the metabolism is already impaired, it is very difficult to restore its functions.

A decrease in immunity occurs due to numerous diseases and seasonal vitamin deficiency. Immunomodulators and vitamin complexes will help support the body. In addition, you should constantly do strengthening baths with sea salt and essential oils.

Knowing the causes of brittleness and stratification of nails, it will be much easier and faster to restore them. If the usual means to strengthen the nail plate do not help, most likely the pathological processes inside the body are the fault of this condition.

Video: what to do if fingernails are flaking

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My cause of exfoliation of nails was a lack of iron in the body. The doctor prescribed a course of the Merz Special Dragee. After a month, the condition of the nails improved significantly. They have become healthier in appearance and in structure.


I don’t know what is the reason and drank vitamins and balanced nutrition. Nails flake and break 🙁


drink linseed oil.


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