Prunes - benefits and harm to the body

Delicious prunes are popular due to their useful qualities and universal combination with various products. Baking and decoctions are prepared on the basis of fruits, prunes are added to salads and main dishes, and applied externally as lotions. The product has other advantages, let's talk about them in more detail, consider the potential harm from taking.

The benefits and harms of prunes

Prune Composition

Prunes are obtained by drying the fruits of Italian Hungarian. In the end, we have a great opportunity to saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Among the most useful vitamins found in prunes, it is worth highlighting thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and other B-group vitamins. The fruits are also rich in gamma-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, alpha-tocopherol, biotin, alpha and beta-carotene, vitamin K.

If we talk about the accumulation of minerals, with the consumption of 5-7 fruits per day, you will replenish the norm in calcium, silicon, chlorine, sodium and magnesium. Also, prunes can boast of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, vanadium, boron, iron and aluminum.

A special place in the product is given to cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, rubidium, and nickel. With all this, the nutritional value of 100 gr. fruit is quite low (in comparison with dates, for example). Calorie content is only 254 Kcal. From 100 gr. more than 57 gr. carbohydrates, 0.6 g. - fats, 2.3 gr. - squirrels.

The benefits of prunes

  1. Aronia plum has the highest antioxidant and tonic properties. The systematic intake of dried fruit increases efficiency and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment. This is made possible thanks to the presence of the most valuable B vitamins. They soothe the body and help improve sleep.
  2. Prunes must be introduced into the diet of those who seek to lose weight. Despite the carbohydrate content, protein and fat metabolism are normalized. Saccharides are transformed into energy, and not deposited in the form of fat at the waist. Prunes boost metabolism and cleanse the intestines.
  3. Traditional medicine has long recognized the fruits of black plum as a powerful tool for cleansing the liver and restoring its structure. With the help of decoctions based on dried fruits, the outflow of bile is stimulated, and the load on the filtering organ is reduced.
  4. Prunes contribute to the rapid improvement in overall health. Dried fruits must be taken with you on the road or to work to satisfy a sharply raging hunger. In this case, harm to the figure or stomach will not be done. Fruits are better than cookies or fruits to saturate the body.
  5. Prunes are irreplaceable for categories of people who spend a lot of time behind a PC or a wheel. Beta and alpha-carotene improve perception and concentration, and are also required for eye health. Prunes must be eaten by people with low vision.
  6. Another benefit of plum fruits is to improve intestinal motility and normalize its microflora. The composition contains dietary fiber that cleanse the esophagus and prevent the fermentation of food in it. The frequency of constipation and bloating decreases.
  7. Even with obesity, doctors are allowed to include fruits on the menu to make up for the deficiency of nutrients. Do not pay special attention to the accumulation of saccharides, they are in the correct form. But people with diabetes should be careful, a doctor’s consultation is required.
  8. Prune based broths are necessary to cleanse the body of strong slagging and toxic substances. Such drinks have a positive effect on blood composition, improve blood flow and open channels, as well as cleanse them of cholesterol.
  9. If you have a malfunction in the heart muscle, the product must be included in the diet. And it is not necessary to use it in an independent form. Add prunes to salads, main dishes, teas.
  10. Of course, not without the most valuable qualities of dried fruit for hypertensive patients. Due to the mild diuretic effect, plum fruits lower blood pressure. Intracranial pressure is also normalized, which leads to the elimination of frequent headaches and throbbing in the temples.
  11. Prunes are good for the mouth. Due to its bactericidal properties, the product kills pathogenic microorganisms, prevents caries and stomatitis, and strengthens tooth enamel. Aronia plum fruits are necessary to prevent the propagation of staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli.
  12. Due to its special color, dried fruit is called a “black doctor”. It is indicated for liver diseases, osteoporosis, low vision, gastrointestinal problems, rheumatism, varicose veins and atherosclerosis. In all these cases, prunes have a powerful therapeutic effect.
  13. Healers of traditional medicine are advised to prepare an infusion for the treatment of bronchitis from grated fruits of prunes and vodka. After insisting, such a remedy is taken on a teaspoon three times a day. This helps to remove sputum from the respiratory tract.

The benefits of prunes for women

The benefits of prunes for women

  1. Dried fruits should be introduced into the diet of girls who experience pain during the menstrual cycle. Prunes eliminate cramps, normalize the abundance of secretions, replenishes iron deficiency, eliminating dizziness and lethargy.
  2. Not without benefits for women in the climatic period. Prunes reduce the number of hot flashes and make up for the lack of vitamin D and calcium, thereby preventing osteoporosis.
  3. For pregnant women, dried fruit is indicated for use to suppress anemia and its consequences. The fruits of black plum are necessary for the correct formation of the central nervous system of the child.
  4. Dried fruit is used by women for weight loss, because it has the ability to enhance metabolism and trigger the breakdown of fat. Weight loss is achieved by cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid.
  5. It is important for girls and women to always look well-groomed. Prunes do an excellent job of this. It supports the beauty and health of hair, skin, teeth, nails.

The benefits of prunes for pregnant women

  1. Any dried fruit has a valuable niche of useful enzymes for the human body. Prunes are one such product. Active substances are needed by the fair sex during gestation.
  2. The abundance of B vitamins is necessary for the rapid restoration of the nervous system. Prunes significantly increase mood, prevent panic attacks and depressive states.
  3. The presence of ascorbic acid allows a pregnant girl to protect herself from seasonal viruses. Tocopherol has a positive effect on muscle tone. The enzyme also establishes a hormonal background.
  4. Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of bones in the baby. With the help of the enzyme, the protein in the body is correctly synthesized. The abundance of iron in the product avoids the development of anemia. The mineral has a positive effect on blood formation.
  5. Prunes are famous for the richness of folic acid, a substance necessary for the formation of the baby's nervous system. Silicon synthesizes collagen in the body. The substance prevents the development of rickets in a child.
  6. The only condition remains the normalized eating of prunes. In case of non-observance of the prescribed norm, the level of sugar in the blood and urine can jump. The risk of obesity and rashes on the skin increases.

The benefits of prunes for weight loss

The benefits of prunes for weight loss

  1. Systematic consumption of dried fruit can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. Prunes performed well in the fight against harmful deposits.
  2. In addition, the product produces a mild laxative effect, removing all the muck from the body. The result is a natural weight loss.
  3. The undoubted advantage of the product is the low glycemic index. As a result, the eaten prunes will give a feeling of satiety for a long time. Fruits have a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, due to which the filling of the stomach is felt.
  4. Prunes will be a good alternative to snacks during snacks. You need to exclude fast food and all kinds of sandwiches. Dried fruit is useful in that it does not have saturated fats, due to which obesity and cardiac pathologies develop.
  5. The sweetness of the product is achieved by the presence of natural sugars. Therefore, during weight loss, you can replace all kinds of harmful treats with natural dried fruit. It is enough to eat about 3 fruits to satisfy your desire.
  6. Observations have confirmed that prunes are an excellent antidepressant. Systematic eating of the product allows you to have a stable mood. The effectiveness of weight loss may depend on this.
  7. Weight loss with the inclusion of prunes in the diet will help to improve the psycho-emotional background and increase brain activity. The product saturates the body with essential enzymes. Also, you are not threatened with vitamin deficiency.
  8. The active substances in the raw materials stop premature aging. Prunes increase skin elasticity, sagging gradually leaves, wrinkles and creases are smoothed out.
  9. The abundance of potassium in prunes avoids cardiovascular diseases and strengthens muscle tissue. Do not forget that the timely intake of dried fruit improves metabolism and prevents the formation of constipation.
  10. Nutritionists recommend combining prunes with homemade yogurt. Such a duet allows you to lose weight in the shortest possible time without harm to the body. Together, the products have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive tract.
  11. During the diet, replace 1 meal with a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt with 4 dried fruits. You can skip the product through a blender and enjoy a healthy cocktail.

Prune Harm

If you do not adhere to practical recommendations and consume dried fruit immensely, you can encounter serious problems.

  1. It is not recommended to eat prunes for diabetes. Dried fruit can cause a sharp jump in blood glucose.
  2. It is forbidden to include raw materials in the daily diet for obesity. Abuse of the product provokes complications.
  3. If you suffer from prolonged diarrhea, prunes are contraindicated for a while.

Undoubtedly, prunes can be classified as useful products that should be included in the daily diet in the absence of contraindications. The only condition remains that you must comply with the daily rate of dried fruit.

Video: 10 reasons to love prunes

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