How to quickly restore a figure after childbirth

Do you have a baby? Congratulations! From now on, you are a happy mom of a beautiful creature. Nine months of pregnancy are left behind, it is time to begin to restore the figure after childbirth. There are unspoken rules for weight correction, which must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. During the period of pregnancy you have developed a certain lifestyle, now you need to bring it in a different way. The task is difficult, but not impossible. Let's try to figure it out.

How to quickly restore a figure after childbirth

How to restore the body after childbirth

Not sure which side to approach in order to begin a comprehensive recovery? Now you are exhausted, so classes in the gym should be excluded for a while. It is important to restore strength, and return the body to its previous combat readiness.

It is worth considering the fact that now you are a mother who must devote all her free time to the child and at the same time deal with herself. You are sure to breast-feed your baby, as a result of this, the body will conserve calorie reserves, wanting to save milk.

General recommendations for postpartum recovery

  1. Adjust your daily routine, change your lifestyle. The first 2-3 months after birth make the woman feel stress, do not panic. Distribute the day in such a way as to carve out 1.5 hours for classes by yourself. If this is problematic, ask for help from the father of the child or your mother, friends will also want to help.
  2. Spend enough time outdoors. It doesn’t matter whether you are alone or with the baby, most importantly, to breathe fully. A pastime on the loggia is also suitable.
  3. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but try to get enough sleep. Take care of sleep like the apple of an eye. In cases where the child is capricious and does not give rest at night, take the habit of falling asleep with him at lunchtime. Now an extra hour of rest will not hurt you, because you need to gain strength.
  4. Always ventilate the apartment. Of course, not when the baby is in the room, but while walking or in another room. The musty air adversely affects the body of an adult, let alone a baby.

Nutrition tips

As a mother, you must eat for two. Open the calculator and calculate how much calories a nursing woman needs to fully support her body. Add to the calculations another 500 Kcal, this amount will be daily for you.

Postpartum Nutrition Tips

  1. Pay particular attention to your diet and look at serving sizes.
  2. Limit the use of foods containing a lot of animal fats (cream, butter, pork, etc.).
  3. Do not eat too much baked goods, sweets and other junk food.
  4. It is mandatory to include fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and healthy cereals in the daily diet.
  5. Do not eat too spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods.
  6. Nursing mothers can not get carried away with diets, as an option, you can switch to proper nutrition (PP). It is balanced, diverse and extremely useful.

Body correction methods

Ice. The restoration of the body must be thought in the first postpartum hours. After 5 days in the hospital, apply ice cubes to the lower abdomen. Wrap them in a towel or put them in a plastic bag. The exposure time is not more than 10 minutes.

Cold reduces uterine bleeding, and the process of its purification from blood clots accelerates. The vessels are contracting, so the bleeding does not develop even more.

Gymnastics. Exercise is an integral part of restoring a female figure. Take your time with gymnastics, start classes around the ninth week after the birth of the baby.

How to restore a figure after childbirth

If you have had a cesarean section, aerobics is allowed after 3 months, not earlier. Neglecting this advice, physical activity will contribute to intra-abdominal pressure, the vaginal wall will drop, diastasis will remain and the sutures will open.

Gradual increase in loads. Pilates is the best gymnastics for girls who want to recover from the birth of a baby.

Do breathing exercises as follows: lie on your back, inflate your stomach while inhaling, pull it in strongly as you exhale. Do 15 sets of 20 repetitions per day.

For mothers who gave birth on their own, it is recommended to complicate the training a little. Carry out exercises lying on your stomach, with such a load the intestines are stimulated, which allows you to get rid of constipation.

Hiking Bringing your hip muscles and abs to tone will help walking for several hours at a time. It is advisable to make an outing in the morning, afternoon and evening. There are no medical contraindications, it is suitable for mothers who have given birth by caesarean section and naturally. Being in a vertical position strengthens the abdominal wall and improves metabolism. Alternate the intensity of the steps from fast to slow and vice versa.

Postpartum Exercises

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press them against each other. Stretch your legs forward, holding them together, do not touch the floor. Do this 12 times.
  2. Roll over on your back, bend your knees, extend your arms in front of you, clenching them into a fist. Slowly raise your shoulders off the floor with your arms between your legs. No need to climb much. Repeat the complex 15 times.
  3. Lying on your back, put your hands on the lower abdomen and bend your legs. Make a slow entry with your nose, then exhale with your mouth. When you inhale, the stomach rises itself, and during exhalation, you need to help him with your hands, conducting from the pubis to the navel. Do not push, but tighten slightly. Repeat exercise 25 times.
  4. Lie on your side so that your chest, head and pelvis are at the same level. Bend your knees, put one hand under your head. Stretch your upper leg forward and up, then return to the starting position. Repeat this 15 times with each leg.
  5. For the next exercise you will need a "stand". While on your back, put your feet on a bed or other piece of furniture so that the heels are in contact with the surface. Lift the body with your hands behind your head. Do this 12 times.

Use of a brace in postpartum rehabilitation

There are 3 types of bandage:

Use of a brace in postpartum rehabilitation

  1. Grace - briefs with an overstated suspender. This type of medical device has a wide belt, as well as special inserts from the lower back and abdomen.
  2. Postnatal - The next look, it is especially suitable for women who have had a cesarean. Also prevents diastasis and hernia.
  3. Belt - the main and most popular. The bandage has a Velcro fastener, made of elastic tape, the size of which varies from 15 to 40 cm wide. The belt is able to grasp the abdomen and hips at a time, it is recommended for use during and after pregnancy, respectively.

The shape of the abdomen is determined by the size of the woman’s uterus and the rectus abdominis muscles, which are located on the anterior abdominal wall. During the bearing of the baby, they stretch and diverge in different directions, forming diastasis. As practice shows, this feature takes place in the tenth postpartum week.

In order to solve the problem, professionals advise using a bandage No. 2 (postpartum), which supports the stretched muscles, fixes the internal organs, prevents the appearance of a hernia, and does not allow the seams from the caesarean section to diverge.


  • pathology and temporary kidney disease;
  • gastrointestinal upset and diseases (GIT);
  • skin irritation in places where the bandage is located;
  • dermatitis and other endocrine diseases;
  • inflamed seams due to cesarean section.

Using. Wear a bandage while lying on your back, so the abdominal muscles relax, as a result of which the device can be correctly fixed. If you have not noticed contraindications for use, wear it all the postpartum period (2-3 months), it will reduce back pain, restore the figure. Breaks between the toe should be 40-60 minutes every 4 hours.

Skin care

The skin condition of the field of 9 months of carrying a child is significantly deteriorating, especially for the female tummy. The skin becomes flabby, stretch marks appear, an apron is formed (accumulation of excess skin in a large fold). The feature is extremely individual.

Postpartum Skin Care

Cold and hot shower
Increase skin tone with a contrast shower in the morning and evening. Important: the skin on the stomach must be heated with hot and warm water much longer than cold. After the procedure, rub with a hard towel to improve blood circulation.

An excellent solution to enhance are special cosmetics from stretch marks. Manufacturers produce cold and hot cycle series. Get scrubs, body wraps, lotions and stimulating body masks. However, you should carefully read the composition, it is recommended to buy natural cosmetics, which when absorbed do not affect breast milk. Do not purchase funds of dubious brands, give preference to trusted companies that can be found by reading the reviews.

Breast care

During pregnancy, the mammary glands enlarge. When lactation ends, the breast loses its former shape, as a result of which it decreases and sags. The degree of damage depends on the individual predisposition, as well as on changes in the size of the mammary glands.

Breast care after childbirth

In order to improve the breast shape, the ladies turn to the salon, where they undergo a complex of procedures, including all kinds of body wraps and myostimulation. However, during feeding, these methods are not applied on this part of the body. A newly made mother has to do everything on her own.


  1. Wipe your breasts daily with cosmetic ice from chamomile and sage flowers. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 40 seconds.
  2. In the morning, do not pour over the chest with a strong pressure of cool water.
  3. Buy an aerobic ball. Take it with both hands and place the object in front of the chest, bend your elbows. Slowly squeeze and unclench the ball.
  4. The skin needs water, so drink about 3 liters of fluid per day (natural juices, green tea, cool water with lemon).

The postpartum period is a difficult time for a girl. It is difficult to answer the question of exactly how much body shaping will continue, it depends on the characteristics of gestation, the nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and other factors. Despite the complexity, help the body recover, observing the daily routine whenever possible. Pay attention to physical exercises, using authorized cosmetics, then you will succeed! Now you are a happy mom who will soon get in shape thanks to simple recommendations.

Video: how to restore the stomach after childbirth

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