How to fix a bite at home

Only a small fraction of the world's population has the correct bite, only about one in five. The rest have various changes in the bite. Small shifts are noticeable only to the person himself, but serious shortcomings can be noticed by others. In addition to purely aesthetic discomfort, malocclusion can be the cause of many dental diseases, problems with facial expressions and chewing of food. Bite should be corrected, with or without a doctor. But first, let’s determine if you have the right bite?

How to fix a bite

How to detect malocclusion

To pass this test, you need to sit back and take a small mirror in your hand. Close your teeth tightly, as you used to do. Open your lips and look in the mirror.

  1. With a proper bite, the upper teeth are superimposed on the lower. Indigenous while tightly touching. The upper teeth are parallel to the lower - strictly opposite. That is, the upper right incisor is directly opposite the lower right incisor, no shifts. If your teeth are not exactly opposite - your bite is wrong.
  2. With the correct bite, there is no special gap between the row of upper and lower teeth, the teeth are tight.
  3. Sticking out the lower jaw or pushing the upper jaw forward strongly is a sign of malocclusion.
  4. Visually draw a line in the center of the face. If it runs exactly between the upper and lower incisors - you most likely have no problems with a bite.

After analyzing the bite yourself, you can seek help from an orthodontist dentist. He will assess the situation and, if necessary, will take up treatment.

Dangers of malocclusion

Many patients are wondering - why treat the wrong bite? Indeed, why intervene in the body if nothing hurts and does not bother? Of course, strong and obvious occlusal changes must be corrected primarily due to aesthetic considerations. A person with the wrong bite often feels flawed, unsure of himself, ugly. If this situation can be corrected, it must be done as soon as possible!

But why change the bite if it does not interfere with the owner, does not cause discomfort and is noticeable to others? The fact is that even small changes or underdevelopment of the jaw can lead to serious consequences. Firstly, a person does not chew enough food thoroughly, which affects the digestive system. It is more difficult for a person with a malocclusion to swallow, making throat diseases more difficult and occur more often. If the patient has an incorrect bite, this leads to more frequent dental diseases, a predisposition to periodontitis and gingivitis. Such teeth are more difficult to brush; they are more prone to tooth decay. To treat such teeth is also more difficult, and especially when it comes to prosthetics. Incorrect closure of the teeth leads to excessive friction in unnecessary places, tooth enamel suffers from this. That is why, if a malocclusion is suspected, an urgent need to be rectified. But what could be the reason for this development of the jaws?

Causes of malocclusion

In addition to hereditary and genetic factors, there are many physiological reasons that can lead to a malocclusion in a child.

  1. Underdevelopment of the lower or upper jaw may be due to improper intrauterine development of the child. Lack of vitamins, stress, bad habits of the mother can lead to a number of deviations in the child.
  2. Often the wrong bite appears in artificers. Young children need jaw training, which they get when they suckle. If the baby is not breastfed, he is offered a bottle, the milk from which is poured without much effort. The crumbs do not need to strain their jaws, they become weak, develop poorly.
  3. If a child has problems with adenoids, he has to breathe through his mouth very often. A constant presence in this position atrophies some of the jaw muscles, the upper jaw narrows, forming the wrong bite.
  4. A nipple or constant sucking of fingers can also cause a malocclusion in a child.
  5. Injuries, bruises, loss of some teeth - all this can be an impetus for the development of a malocclusion. After such situations, you must definitely show the child to the doctor.
    Whatever the reason for the child to have a malocclusion, it needs to be corrected. This can be done at home or under the supervision of a doctor.

How to change a bite

There are many modern dental techniques that can help you correct your bite in a relatively short time.

How to change a bite

  1. Mouthguards. These are plastic prostheses that are worn on the teeth and can be easily removed if necessary. Mouthguards can be worn around the clock or only at night (if the bite is slightly changed). They are absolutely transparent and do not bring much discomfort. Usually used to correct occlusion in children and adolescents.
  2. Veneers. These are thin porcelain plates that completely cover the teeth and hide their imperfections. With the help of veneers, you can correct bite defects, while immediately hiding them from others.
  3. Trainers This is another modern way to correct a bite. The trainer is a small silicone apparatus that is worn on the lower or upper jaw (sometimes on both). The trainer not only fixes the teeth in the right position, but also holds the tongue in the right position, trains the facial and jaw muscles. After wearing the trainer for a long time, the bite remains correct, the corrected defects no longer return.

Only a doctor can choose a method for bite correction based on the individual characteristics of a patient. If you have not yet reached the dentist, you can try to rectify the situation at home.

How to fix a bite at home

In fact, it’s almost impossible to fix serious violations on your own. However, some minor defects can still be eliminated. The most effective way for this is exercises for the development of the facial and jaw muscles. By acting on certain muscle groups, you will achieve their growth and increase. Trying to constantly position the jaw in the correct, and not in a comfortable position, you will gradually develop the necessary muscles and the bite will begin to change. Here is a set of effective exercises to help you become better and healthier.

  1. First, the jaw needs to be stretched. Open your mouth wide and close it rhythmically in several movements. After that, move the lower jaw one way, then the other.
  2. Touch the tip of the tongue to the sky. Lock in that position. Progressively move into the oral cavity, that is, to the base of the tongue. Try to advance as long as possible, but do not allow pain in the bridle area. At maximum distance, open and close your mouth several times.
  3. Put your elbows on the table and rest your chin on your palm. Open and close your mouth so that only the upper jaw moves with the head. The lower jaw should be fixed and motionless. Repeat the exercise several times.
  4. Try to push the lower jaw as far forward as possible. After that, move your jaw back as far as possible.
  5. Try to fix the bite for some time and be in the opposite state.If during the usual bite the upper teeth cover the lower ones - change their position and stay there for at least three minutes. It trains weak jaw muscles.

Each of these exercises must be repeated at least 10 times. The complex must be performed in the morning and in the evening, if you want to achieve real results. Regular exercises, patience and efforts will put your jaw in order without medical intervention.

A beautiful smile wins hearts, but not everyone can boast of this wealth. Modern methods of dental treatment can correct even the most serious pathology. But often minor problems can be completely solved independently, giving a load on the right muscles. And then you can correct the bite at home - without long lines and financial costs. Be healthy, please those around you with a snow-white smile!

Video: how to fix a bite and make your teeth even

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