How to clean a mattress at home

Cleaning the mattress at home involves certain difficulties. Due to its large dimensions, it cannot be placed in a household appliance and washed with powder. As a result, there is a need for local treatment with folk remedies, depending on the nature of the pollution. Blood, food and drink, baby urine, coffee, wine - all this spoils the aesthetic appearance of the product, leaves an unpleasant odor behind itself and causes bewilderment in the face of the guests. To keep the mattress clean, you need to have sufficient knowledge regarding thorough processing.

How to clean a mattress

How to clean a mattress from blood stains

Hydrogen peroxide. Use a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution diluted with cold filtered water in a 2: 1 ratio. If the contamination is old, use a clean compound. Apply the drug in a generous layer directly to a stain or cosmetic swab, leave for 10 minutes, rub with a brush and rinse with cold water. After that, walk along the surface with a vacuum cleaner, if necessary, repeat the manipulations.

Do not try to get your blood stained with warm or hot water. Otherwise, it will fit into the mattress even more, which completely eliminates the possibility of removing the stain.

Laundry soap. Dampen the contamination with cold water, grab a bar of laundry soap and rub the mattress thoroughly. Leave to soak for a quarter of an hour, covered with plastic wrap. After the expiration of the period, rub the stain with a toothbrush, rinse, vacuum. Blot the treated area with a cotton cloth. Make sure that no stains form.

Salt. Dilute in 100 ml. hot filtered water 50 gr. crushed salt, mix, wait until the granules are completely dissolved. Cool the mixture to room temperature, then refrigerate for half an hour. At the end of the time, pour the mixture into a spray bottle, spray onto a stain, leave for 20-30 minutes. Wipe off excess with a paper towel. Important! Saline solution can be replaced with a composition based on baking soda. For this, dilute 20 g. dry mixture of 90-100 ml. cold water, cool and follow a similar pattern.

How to clean the mattress from traces and smell of urine

Newly made moms grab their heads when the baby once again decided to urinate on the mattress. This pollution is rightfully considered the most difficult to remove, because it leaves behind itself yellow traces and an unpleasant smell.

How to clean the mattress from traces and smell of urine

Dishwashing liquid
The method is designed to remove fresh spots. To use the composition correctly, apply dishwashing liquid on your palms and rub it until a thick foam forms. Spread evenly over the yellow spot, wait 5-10 minutes, then pat the mattress well with a paper towel. Repeat steps 5-7 times.

Stains from urine are washed off immediately after their formation. No need to set the mattress to dry, act immediately. Otherwise, there will be only one way out - professional dry cleaning.

Salt and lemon juice
Squeeze out juice from 2-3 lemons depending on the size of the spot. Mix it with fine edible salt until pasty. Apply on the mattress with a plentiful layer, cover with polyethylene, wait 2.5-3 hours. After time, soak a foam sponge in cold water, remove excess mixture.

A 6% vinegar solution will help you get rid of the unpleasant odor and unaesthetic yellow spots (do not confuse with the essence, its concentration is 12 times higher). Moisten the cosmetic disc, blot the stain several times, wait half an hour.After the time has passed, apply vinegar again on the traces of urine, leave for another 20 minutes. Wipe with a damp sponge, open windows in the room, let the mattress weather and dry.

Moisten the contamination with ice water, sprinkle with a large amount of baking soda, rub in the surface of the product for 5-10 minutes. Remove excess with a paper towel, then apply soda again, leave for 12-15 hours. After the expiration date, vacuum the mattress, evaluate the result.

In order to cope with the old pollution from urine, mix a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda so that gruel is formed. Then cover the resulting mixture with pollution, wait 6-8 hours, rinse with cold water.

Mix tooth powder (can be replaced with paste) and ethyl alcohol (medical) in equal amounts. Cover the stain with the mixture, wait until it dries completely. Rub the dirt with a carpet brush, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Cleaning the mattress from various kinds of pollution

Cleaning the mattress from various kinds of pollution

  1. Fat. A fresh stain should be immediately covered with fragrance-free baby talcum powder, sodium chloride, or potato / corn starch. After a quarter of an hour, remove the composition with a vacuum cleaner, repeat the procedure again. To achieve the best result, after treating the stain with talcum powder, cover the stain with a cotton cloth and iron it.
  2. Pomade. As in the previous method, get rid of bright traces of cosmetics (lipstick, foundation, concealer, etc.) with medical alcohol. Dampen a cotton swab in it, wipe off the dirt.
  3. Wine. Traces of red or pink wine are cleaned with salt / soda. Dilute the granular mixture with purified water, apply the porridge to the stain and wait for it to dry. As soon as this happens, brush off the excess and vacuum the surface.
  4. Marker. To remove marks from a pen or felt-tip pen, use the Dr. Beckmann ”(or others at discretion). It can be purchased at a hardware store or hypermarket.
  5. Wax pencils. If your child stained the mattress while painting pictures, or if you accidentally dripped onto the surface with clean wax, take a look at this method. Put the album sheet on the stain, iron it, remove, replace with a new one. Repeat the steps each time with a blank sheet.
  6. Coffee. Dilute 30 ml. ammonia in 320 ml. filtered water. Moisten a sponge in the composition, cover the stain, wait 10 minutes. After this period, wash the mattress with laundry or tar soap, dry well.Important!Saline helps to get rid of coffee: pour a teaspoon of salt of 120 ml. water, spread on a stain, pat dry with a napkin, dry.
  7. Fruit juices. Surely everyone at least once in his life spilled carbonated drinks or juices on the bed. You can remove the stain with a solution of 30 ml. ammonia and 45 ml. table vinegar. Put on gloves, moisten the sponge in the composition, wipe the trace until it disappears completely.
  8. Nail polish. If you accidentally drip varnish during a manicure procedure, moisten a cotton sponge in a liquid containing acetone or in a solvent. Wipe the stain until it stains. Then dilute 25 ml. 9% vinegar 20 ml. clean water, pour the composition into the bottle and evenly distribute. Get wet and dry naturally.

Universal methods of cleaning the mattress

Universal methods of cleaning the mattress

  1. Professional stain remover. The most effective way is considered to be chemical acid-base compositions. Such preparations do not spoil the fabric, eliminate traces of dirt, prevent decay (mold). Take a look at the means of the series “Antipyatin”, “Vanish”, “Doctor Backman”, “Amway”, “Unimax Ultra”, “Lock”.Based on personal preferences, you can purchase the product in liquid or powder form, in the form of a pencil, wet wipes.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and toothpaste. Mix 45 ml in one composition. 6% hydrogen peroxide solution, 40 gr. whitening toothpaste and 30 gr. potato starch. As a result, you should get a pasty mass. Apply it on a stain, dry, scrape and vacuum. In cases where the trace has not been completely deleted, repeat the procedure again.
  3. Softener for meat. Mix baking soda and a meat softener (sold in the grocery department of the hypermarket) in equal proportions, fill the dry mixture with cold water to a paste-like state. Cover the spot liberally, wait 25 minutes, clean with a wet sponge and dry.
  4. Starch. Pour 50 g. potato or corn starch in 100 ml. filtered water, wait until the granules swell, dry. Rub the crust with a toothbrush, vacuum. The tool is designed for the most difficult pollution.
  5. Petrol. For effective cleaning of the mattress, only pure gasoline with a high octane rating (AI-98) is used. Also suitable is the product used to refuel lighters. Dip a cotton pad in it, start rubbing the stain intensively until it becomes completely discolored. As soon as this happens, sprinkle the contaminated area with fine salt, wait for absorption, shake off.
  6. Glycerol. Get liquid glycerin in the pharmacy, heat it in a convenient way (microwave, water bath). Apply to a cotton pad, then rub the stain well, wait half an hour. After the expiration date, blot the mattress, remove stains with gasoline or vinegar. An important aspect is that bloody traces cannot be removed with this method.

Choose a product based on the nature and extent of contamination. If you want to get rid of traces and the smell of baby urine, proceed with cleaning immediately, do not try to dry the mattress first. In cases with blood traces, be careful to soak the stains only with cold water (in no case hot or warm).

Video: how to remove the smell of urine from the mattress

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