How to clean a copper samovar at home

Technological progress has gone far ahead, modern electrical appliances have replaced teapots and samovars into the background. However, the original Russian household item finds its consumers who do not dare to abandon such a rare thing. The owners often clutch their heads, wanting to clean the device from scale and coating on the outside, spoiling the aesthetic appearance of the product. We have collected for you an effective collection of folk remedies that will cope with the problem in a short time. So let's get started.

How to clean a copper samovar

How to clean a copper samovar from scale

Scale is the enemy of all household appliances, a samovar is no exception. Choose the method you like, prepare the composition according to the instructions, do not violate the proportions.

  1. Means for cleaning dummies. Get a descaler from a hardware store. Never use a mixture designed for dishwashers or washing machines. Read the manufacturer's recommendations, and then proceed with cleaning. As a rule, the technology of use is quite transparent: pour the preparation into a samovar, wait 15 minutes (the exact time is indicated on the back of the bottle), then clean the cavity of the device with a special brush for dishes. At the end of all the manipulations, add filtered water to the samovar, boil, repeat the action again.
  2. Lemon acid. Get 3 bags of citric acid, pour them with boiling water and wait for the crystals to dissolve. When the solution becomes homogeneous, pour it into a samovar and mix with hot water so that the appliance is 4/5 full. Next, turn on the samovar, boil the liquid for 15-20 minutes, after this period, drain the solution and repeat the procedure. Remember to clean the product cavity with a kitchen brush to remove any scale. As in previous cases, after all the manipulations, boil the filtered water in a samovar and drain it, removing the remains of the substance. If desired, citric acid can be replaced with fresh citrus fruits. To do this, chop 10 lemons into thin slices or slices, place them in the appliance, pour over boiling water and proceed according to a similar scheme.
  3. Table vinegar. You can use table vinegar with a concentration of 6 to 9%. Pour 1 bottle of the product into the samovar, fill to the top with warm, purified water and close the lid. The exposure time ranges from 1-2 hours, during which time the vinegar mixture will corrode the limescale. An alternative to table solution is vinegar essence, its concentration is 60–72%. To effectively use the composition, pour 300 ml into the appliance. funds, then fill to the brim with water. Wait 20-30 minutes, at the end of the term, clean the cavity of the samovar with a brush with a long handle. After treatment, it is necessary to boil filtered water and pour it.
  4. Potato peel. No matter how blasphemous it may sound, you can peel a samovar with a potato peel. All that matters is that the product is clean. Take a quantity of potatoes so that its remains fill the samovar by half (from 1 kg. And more). Pour the peel with boiling water, retreating 7-10 cm from the edge of the dish. Turn on the samovar, bring the mixture to a boil, simmer the product for about an hour. At the end of this period, turn off the device, leave it to cool. Take out the peel, pour out the liquid, clean the walls with a sponge or a hard brush. Boil clean water, drain it, removing residual plaque.

After descaling, disinfect the flask. To do this, dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate in purified water, moisten a sponge, wipe the walls.Remove the remaining product with boiling water.

How to clean a copper samovar (outer part)

Before proceeding with the processing, it is necessary to disassemble the samovar. More precisely, you need to remove small parts that interfere with proper cleaning of the household item. Remove the handles, faucet (if possible), stand, key and crown. After all the preparations, you can safely perform the processing of the external part of the product.

  1. Dentifrice. Mix 40 ml in one mass. ammonia, 220 ml. filtered water, 45 gr. tooth powder. The last component can be replaced with a whitening toothpaste without multi-colored abrasive particles. Scoop a little composition with a kitchen sponge, treat the surface of the samovar, carefully rubbing the mixture. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the excess with a wet cloth or sponge.
  2. Sodium borate ("borax"). The technique is designed for external cleaning of the samovar from both copper, aluminum and brass. Mix in a homogeneous mass of 65-70 gr. sodium borate, 25 ml. ammonia and 500 ml. purified warm water. Soak a sponge in the resulting composition, process the samovar from the outside, and then polish it with a soft cloth. Perform the procedure as often as the situation requires. If desired, you can use the hand nozzle for polishing interior items.
  3. Paste GOI. The product is a mixture of chromium oxide. The paste perfectly cleans any kind of product, such as brass, copper, metal. In addition to the cleaning properties, the composition is used for polishing and giving a mirror surface to instruments. Scoop a little paste on a soft rag, evenly distribute throughout the samovar, and begin to intensively rub the product in circular motions. It is better to process each part individually so that the mixture does not dry out. If you want to speed up the process, use an electric drill. Attach a foam rubber or felt wheel to it for polishing, apply a small amount of the composition and treat the surface.
  4. Sodium hypochlorite. To prepare the mixture you will need a solution of sodium hypochlorite with a concentration of not more than 8%. Mix 45 ml. composition with two egg proteins, beat the mass in a convenient way. Spread on the surface of the samovar, wait 10 minutes. At the end of time, moisten a foam sponge in the mass, walk it on the semi-dried surface of the product. When the cleaning procedure comes to an end, wipe the attribute first with a damp and then dry soft cloth.
  5. Vinegar and flour. Mix 35 gr. chopped edible salt with 40 gr. wheat flour, pour 60 ml. table vinegar concentration of 6 to 9%. In the end, you should get a homogeneous pasty mass. Otherwise, bring the composition to the desired consistency, proportionally increasing the amount of flour and salt. Next, scoop up the porridge with a sponge, wipe the samovar with it, wait a quarter of an hour. After the expiration date, rinse the excess with warm water, if necessary, clean again.

The copper samovar is an original Russian attribute. A rare thing is appreciated by amateurs and professionals, so it is important to keep the product in its original form. For cleaning, use sodium borate, potato peel, vinegar, GOI paste, tooth powder. Do not forget to process the samovar from the inside, removing limescale.

Video: how to clean a samovar

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