How to change eye color at home

There are times when a person does not like the native color of the eyes, as a result of which he wants to change it. There are a number of simple tricks that will help to implement the plan without surgical intervention and magic. It is important to follow the sequence, monitor the general state of health and stop the procedure in case of unpleasant sensations. Consider the current methods of changing eye color at home.

How to change eye color

It is interesting
Babies who have recently left the womb have blue eyes. This is due to the fact that melanin is produced, but very poorly. When the child reaches three months, his eyes change, because the color pigment reaches its peak of development.

In the world, 2 types of deviations associated with the production of melanin were found. The albino man looks at the world through blood vessels, because he does not have melanin at all. The iris of these people is pink or red. The following unique consequence is called heterochromia, when the iris of one eye differs in color from the other.

Experts note that eye color often changes after illness. In most cases, they darken, lighten or go on a similar scale. So, blue eyes turn gray, brown - black, and green can turn light brown.

Examine Your Diet Carefully

Food is closely related to all processes in the body, including the production of melanin in eyeballs. The hormones norepinephrine and serotonin have the ability to dilate and narrow the pupils for a certain period of time, as a result of which the eyes darken or brighten. Radical changes in your daily diet will slightly change the color of your iris.

If you like to go on diets, make a menu based on individual needs. Include foods containing the optimal amount of these hormones in your diet. Eat oatmeal, hard cheeses, natural chocolate. Try to eat more oranges, melons, bananas, porcini mushrooms, green vegetables. Sport also contributes to the production of serotonin, perhaps you should change your rhythm of life to a more active one.

Watch your own emotions

When a person rejoices, his pupils dilate and become distinct and bright. If you are angry or sad, the iris darkens. With an endless and prolonged stream of tears, the shell of the eyes brightens, becomes transparent, and the red vessels contrast with the natural color of the eyes, so their shade changes.

Regularly cleanse the body with decoctions of plants

People who change eye color in this way unanimously confirm the effectiveness of the procedures. Medicinal herbs affect the hormonal background, especially for women. Such changes provoke a change in the color of the iris to contrasting shades. Your eyes may be blue, but with prevention and cleaning with herbs, they will go to the blue or green side.

Make an infusion of chamomile flowers, cornflower, licorice root, rosemary and mint, eat with food, but at least 5 times a day for two weeks. Modern tea boutiques, pharmacies and nutrition stores offer all these infusions in a ready-made version. You just have to buy the powder and dilute it with warm water.

Use lenses sold at any pharmacy.

Colored lenses for eyes
The variety is amazing, you have the opportunity to make your eyes not only brown, green or blue. Manufacturers produce purple, gold, silver, yellow and even black lenses, the choice depends on personal preferences. It is important to carefully read the instructions so that the "artificial eyes" will serve you faithfully for many years. Be sure to use a cleaning solution and remove lenses at night.

Do the makeup right

If you apply a restrained and natural make-up, go for bright colors. Shades, eyeliner, mascara and false eyelashes of various colors will create the illusion of a different shade of eyes. They set off the iris, give it brightness and unusual color schemes.

Color cosmetics work wonders! To make eyes with a blue tint, use golden and copper shades, lilac eyeliner will give the iris a green hue, and blue ones can make eyes brown, almost black.

"Photoshop" for indecisive persons

If you often sit on social networks, you are an active user of VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook, buy a subscription to Photoshop. In the program you can change the color of the eyes with one click of the mouse, daily experiments will help you decide on more radical measures.

Learn the art of meditation

Meditation does wonderful things with the human body. The power of thought and the involvement of consciousness change not only the spiritual world, they treat illnesses, help to cope with stress and even change eye color. The situation lies in the control of the hormonal background, during which you change the chemical processes throughout the body. Amazingly, with the help of auto-training, you can change the color of the iris, not only dark or light, but also the opposite. It is important to choose the right technique yourself or turn to the guru of meditation.

Every day, stand in front of a mirror and begin to work with consciousness, follow the process, imagine in the brain how your eyes are changing. Meditation does not work immediately, you will have a step-by-step change in the shade of the iris, continue the exercises until you achieve the required eye color. Autotraining does not harm your health, but you will set your body to change eye color depending on your own emotional state. If you often experience conflicting feelings when communicating with others, such a phenomenon will seem extremely frightening to them.

Eye drops work wonders

One of the most effective ways to change eye color at home is drops. Suppose the color of the iris is now blue-gray, when using drops, you will make them brighter, cleaner, blue. Dramatic changes cannot be achieved, pharmacy products do not last long (5-6 hours), but for important events this method is great.

Eye drops for eye color

By resorting to simple manipulations, you will create a sky-blue tint in just a minute. If you decide to use drops, consult an ophthalmologist first so that he chooses the best option. Buy funds only at the pharmacy, always check the expiration date and do not use the Internet to purchase medicines.

Clothing accentuates eye color

If you are a happy owner of green, brown and blue eyes, wear appropriate clothing. Green eyes accentuate purple and red outfits, blue-eyed clothes suitable for red and purple hues. Brown-eyed can safely buy yellow, golden and white robes.

Clothing tips include scarves, hats, sweaters, T-shirts, and shirts. Jeans or shorts of such colors will not help you.

What can not be done

  1. Many "experts" recommend using honey to lighten the iris, do not resort to this method. The technique consists in daily instillation of the eyes with liquid honey solution, but the danger is too great.Honey belongs to plant products, it contains all kinds of bacteria and fungi. When eating honey, this percentage seems insignificant, but the eyes can be severely affected until you lose sight. Scientific experiments with this traditional medicine have not been carried out, as a result of which the danger has not disappeared. Do not risk your own health by dripping honey, you will irritate your eyes and cause capillaries to crack.
  2. In no case do not affect hormones by medication in the form of capsules or special tablets. Yes, they are able to change the size of the pupil, its darkness / lightness, however, these drugs dramatically affect emotions, the general condition of the body and genitals. No need to force the body, there are many other ways to change the color of the eyes at home.
  3. Do not follow up on advertising signs and banners on the Internet that hypnosis changes eye color. The iris acquires a different hue exclusively during the exposure of the hypnotist to your body, but at the end of the session, the result immediately disappears. Again, the hypnotic effect is directly related to hormones, but the result is short-lived.

Important. After certain procedures at home, did you notice a sharp change in eye color? Contact an optometrist immediately! Meditation is a long-term procedure, one day the iris will not change. As for the drops and infusions of medicinal herbs, they change the color to a small extent.

In other cases, a cardinal change indicates an eyeball infection that can adversely affect your health. Come to the understanding that it is extremely difficult to change your brown eyes to blue; you need to work on yourself for a long time.

Tired of the monotony and want to change the appearance, starting with the color of the eyes? Get drops from the pharmacy after consulting with your doctor first. Brew herbs and drink them daily. Does not help? Choose the right lenses and wear them whenever you want, but be sure to take them off at night. Engage in meditation, visualize all the processes in the body. Take care of yourself and take care of your health!

Video: change eye color to blue

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