How to wash a backpack in a washing machine

The backpack is considered to be a universal device. Students and schoolchildren use it for laying educational supplies, and tourists take with them for camping for convenience. Regardless of the purpose, this attribute wears out over time, spots and stains appear on the surface, which must be removed. The easiest way is to machine wash the product, most importantly, take into account the manufacturer's recommendations and clearly follow the instructions. Consider the important aspects in order.

How to wash a backpack in a washing machine

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Clean the cavity of the backpack

To get started, remove all things from the backpack, check the pockets for small parts, such as coins, keys, etc. The main thing at this stage is to exclude items that could adversely affect the life of the household appliance and the quality of the backpack. If a coin lingers between the folds of fabric, it will oxidize when it comes into contact with water, which is fraught with the appearance of stains and rust circles.

If you are the type of person who carries the same things in a backpack, put them in a plastic bag for safekeeping while washing. If dirty objects are found, wash them so that they can later be folded into a clean backpack.

It is not uncommon for crumbs and extraneous debris to accumulate in the bag to be removed. For these purposes, use a low-power car or household vacuum cleaner. You can also try turning the backpack inside out if the frame is not rigid enough. Before putting the product into the washing machine, open all the pockets so that their cavity is thoroughly washed.

Preliminary preparation

Before washing, clean the surface of the backpack with a carpet or clothing brush. The recommendation is especially relevant if there is dried dirt on the product, which may stain when exposed to water.

You need to knock out the backpack from dust and debris, and then wipe it with a wet rag. Pay due attention to the area of ​​the snake and the location of the pockets, these areas are poorly washed when machined.

The next thing to do is remove the stiffness frame from the backpack, if any. Typically, the device is a tube or wire inserted into the grooves of the fabric.

To avoid damaging the drum, unfasten all belts that may be stuck in the hole in the machine. The same applies to carabiners and plastic snaps (if they are easy to remove). These attributes are cleaned manually, nothing else.

Inspect the zipper area, pockets, pens, etc. for sticking threads. Cut them, if any. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the product if one of them catches on the opposite edge of the backpack.

Review manufacturer recommendations

Any self-respecting manufacturer attaches a tag to the inside of the backpack. For the most part, on a small label, the manufacturer gives the correct recommendations for washing, drying and even ironing, which will help extend the life of the product and keep it in its original form. The label is located in a large compartment on the side seam. Find the decoding of the icons on the Internet, then follow the directions clearly.

It is important to understand that rough mechanical action and an aggressive processing regime will spoil not only the fiber structure, but also the shape of the backpack. The water-repellent ability is broken, the threads in the main seams run out. For this reason, it is not recommended to arbitrarily choose the temperature regime and the degree of extraction. Do not blindly believe that a canvas or nylon backpack can withstand high temperatures or twisting.

If for certain reasons there is no tag on the bag with tips on care, give preference to a gentle washing cycle and spin no more than 400 revolutions. Set the cycle “Hand or delicate wash”. Regarding cleaning products, purchase gel or powder for delicate fabrics.

Print spots
Inspect the backpack for difficult stains that need to be removed. Purchase a stain remover that does not contain chlorine. Treat the contaminated area with the preparation according to the instructions, wait for the necessary interval and rinse off with water. If the contamination is old, after applying the composition, rub the mark with a toothbrush or furniture brush for effective cleaning. Give preference to the Vanish and Domestos stain removers, they are more effective.

In cases where there are no purchased products at hand, prepare the solution yourself. Dilute 45 ml. table vinegar concentration of 6% with 500 ml. filtered water, stir. Dampen the foam sponge in the resulting composition, apply to the stain, rub with a brush, wait a quarter of an hour. Vinegar is used in production to maintain color, so it is suitable for backpacks of any color.

An analogue to vinegar is a gel for washing dishes of a thick consistency (suitable for Fairy, Sarma, etc.). Spread the product over the stain, leave for 20 minutes. After time, rub with a brush and rinse with water. It is important to remember that this technique is effective in combating complex pollution on fabrics of any color except black.

Put your backpack in the wash

After all preparations, inspect the product again for complex contaminants. If everything is in order, feel free to proceed to machine wash. Take a pillowcase or a white sheet, put a backpack in it and sew the edges with threads so that the thing does not fall out. If it is not possible to use such a device, purchase special covers for washing clothes in a household machine.

Pour 30-60 g into the device compartment. powder or pour 40-70 ml. washing gel. Do not forget to add a rinse to soften the fibers so that there are no creases on the backpack. Set the appropriate mode, “hand wash” or “delicate” will do. It is important that the water is slightly warm (not higher than 40 degrees), and the degree of extraction does not exceed the mark of 600 revolutions (if the manufacturer allows such an impact).

At the end of washing, remove the backpack from the cover, wipe the water-repellent surface to avoid the formation of stains. Also, dry the inside of the interior with a dry cloth to prevent moisture from accumulating in the cavity of the backpack. When the backpack consists of soft cloth without any inserts, it is allowed to turn inside out.

If during washing you notice that the bag is distorted and changes shape, put the machine on pause and drain the water. After that, distribute the product across the cavity so that the working balance of the drum and the machine as a whole is not disturbed. After all the manipulations, the washing must be resumed.

An important feature is considered to be that the product must be dried only naturally. The use of household dryers that change the shape of the backpack and spoil the fabric structure is not allowed.

Machine washing the backpack is not particularly difficult if you carry out preliminary preparation. Remove stains in advance, clean the cavity of the product from debris and dirt, remove items, unfasten handles and belts. Use special washing covers.

Video: how to wash a backpack

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