How to increase breast milk lactation folk remedies

The first lactation crisis is experienced by a young mother at 3–6 weeks of breastfeeding. The erroneous decision to replace milk with artificial mixtures, or to introduce early feeding. It is better to seek advice from a pediatrician who will help to adjust the diet, and if necessary, prescribe special drugs.

How to increase breast milk lactation

Psychological aspect

The amount of breast milk depends on the emotional state of the young mother. It disappears due to constant scandals and stressful situations, the reluctance of the woman herself to feed the baby.

To enhance lactation, a new mother needs to create favorable conditions:

  1. Protect from constant screams and unrest. To attract grandmothers or a husband to take care of the baby, so that the child does not seem a burden, and the woman herself does not feel exhausted.
  2. In some cases, the birth of a baby is accompanied by depressive states, which only a qualified psychologist will help get rid of.
  3. Mom needs to please with small presentations, give pleasant impressions and care.

Important: A woman who feels comfortable in a new role, tries to protect her small life from all dangers, and voluntarily devotes her time and body to a child. Such mothers easier to tolerate lactational crisis, and quickly adapt to the needs of the baby, whose appetite is constantly increasing.

Diet support

The opinion that during breastfeeding it is necessary to absorb food in a double volume is wrong. A woman should eat as much as her body requires. The main condition is to plan the diet correctly.

The diet of a nursing mother

Daily use:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese and 30–40 g of hard cheese;
  • about a liter of milk or kefir, you can fermented baked milk or natural yogurt, in which there are no dyes;
  • vegetable (25 g) and butter (20 g) oil;
  • necessarily fruits (300 g) with vegetables (up to 0.5 kg);
  • foods that supply the body with protein: chicken with veal, rabbit or low-calorie fish fillet are suitable.

There is food that stimulates the production of breast milk, and it includes:

  1. Rice, but only wild unpolished, white is of little use. Carrots, which can be added to salads, or used to make juice.
  2. Lettuce and radish, but these products are introduced into the diet carefully, some children react poorly to such additives.
  3. In the summer, it is useful to consume black currants, which are rich in vitamins. In winter, it is advised to make milkshakes from frozen berries, but it is better to refuse jam and jams.
  4. Dill, fresh and dried. The plant not only enhances lactation, but also eliminates bloating and flatulence.
  5. Instead of sweets, it is worth eating 100 grams of hazelnuts per day. They have a lot of minerals and vitamins, but the product is quite high-calorie, and can cause allergies in infants.

During the lactation crisis it is necessary to avoid:

  • sugar and fresh bread;
  • alcohol and hot spices;
  • no baking or sweets;
  • do not drink coffee and citruses.

Attention: Adhering to the rules of nutrition during breastfeeding, you can not only stimulate lactation, but also lose a couple of kilograms.

Drinks for a young mom

Be sure to observe the drinking regimen, because if the body does not have enough fluid, it will not be able to produce the required amount of milk. The daily rate is from 2 liters, including soups, milk and other drinks. You can use a variety of herbs that enhance lactation.

Lactation Carrot Juice

English version
Brew weak black or green tea, and add cow, or better - goat, milk. Drink before and after feeding. You can sweeten with a spoon of honey if the child is not allergic to this supplement.

Orange helper
They recommend carrot juice, which is consumed in pure form, or mixed with cream or milk to improve the taste. Twice a day, 100-150 ml. It is useful to add fruit or berry juices, natural honey.

There is another version of a carrot and milk drink that relieves stress and improves mood.

  • Peel the orange root crop and grate finely.
  • Heat the milk, but it should not be too hot.
  • Put 3 tablespoons of grated carrots in a glass.
  • Pour with warm milk, insist for about 15 minutes. If desired, add a spoon or two honey.
  • To drink in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, going to bed.

Herbs from all problems

If problems with the digestive tract become the cause of milk shortage, it is recommended to brew anise or caraway seeds, tinctures of dill and fennel are useful.

Young mothers, tired of lack of sleep and a tight schedule, recommend melissa and oregano. It is better to refuse mint, because it worsens lactation.

Nettle decoction, pomegranate and beetroot juice are useful for women with anemia and physical exhaustion, but on condition that the child normally perceives such additives.

Tip: In order for the herbal tincture to work, you must drink the drink regularly, twice a day or more often. But if the effect is absent after 2-3 doses, it is recommended to try another plant.

Tasty and healthy cocktail

  1. Grind walnut kernels (100 g of product is enough for 2 servings). To warm milk or cream, it is advisable to use natural, not store-bought raw materials. It will take 250 ml.
  2. Pour the dry ingredient with hot liquid, leave for 20 minutes. When the drink has cooled slightly, you can put a spoonful of honey.
  3. To prepare a healthy nut paste, you do not need to insist on products, but cook on low heat, adding 30 g of sugar.
  4. Stir the ingredients so as not to burn, remove from the stove when the mass thickens. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

How to increase breast milk lactation folk remedies

In the old days, women did not have access to drugs to enhance lactation, so they used improvised means. There are many recipes that increase milk production. A young mother needs to choose her own version, which solves her problem, and does not harm the baby.

Dandelion broth for lactation

Brew a teaspoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, cover, and insist for 30 minutes. Consume 4 times a day a glass of broth.

Alternative: pass leaves and stems through a meat grinder, shift to gauze, squeeze juice. Or use a juicer. Salt the resulting liquid, you can improve the taste with lemon juice or honey. A glass twice a day, preferably in small sips. You can drink juice not from dandelion, but from nettle.

Dessert for a young mom
Combine a glass of walnuts with dried apricots, figs and raisins (each 100-150 g). Grind with a blender, you can use a meat grinder. Add honey and cream (100 ml each) to the mass. Stir the ingredients thoroughly, transfer to a jar. Put in the refrigerator, and start every morning with a spoonful of nutrient mixture. It is good to eat nuts with dried fruits before feeding.

Warning: Ingredients can cause allergies in the child, so you need to start with 5-10 g, and gradually bring to 30-35 years.

The second recipe: mix dried apricots with walnuts (in equal amounts), and add oatmeal. Wash the dish with fermented milk products, for example, yogurt.

Roasted buckwheat will replace seeds, and increase the amount of breast milk produced. Ready porridge can be eaten all day, in small portions.

Water treatments to increase milk lactation

Blood circulation improves the contrast shower: massage the mammary glands with hot and cold jets, rubbing them with light circular movements. Turn your back to the water so that it falls on the area between the shoulder blades.

After hygienic procedures, fill the basin halfway with warm water. Place the container on a high table. Submerge in breast fluid. Keep the mammary glands in a bowl for 15 minutes, constantly adding hot liquid, but trying not to raise the temperature.

Wipe your chest thoroughly, put on pajamas made of cotton cloth, put on a wool vest or sweater on top. You cannot go outside or be in a draft after a hot bath. It’s better to crawl under the covers and lie down for at least 3 hours.

When planning to feed a baby, a woman should drink a cup of hot tea, preferably green varieties. Taking the child in his arms, sit in a chair, and lower his legs into a basin of warm water. Maintain temperature until the baby finishes the meal.

Important: Foot baths are contraindicated in thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

During lactation crisis, some mothers are helped by a cold douche combined with fasting (to refuse food for a maximum of one day, no longer). Others consider compresses to be an effective option: dip small terry towels or pieces of cloth in hot water. Squeeze lightly and attach to chest. Hold until lotion cools down. Important: Compresses can not be done with lactostasis and mastitis.

Gymnastics for lactation

Exercises are advised to do in the morning, without a bra.

Gymnastics for lactation

First approach

  • To connect palms, as if for prayer, to raise to the level of the chest, bending the arms at the elbows.
  • Fingers should look up.
  • One or two - squeeze your palms with force.
  • Three to four - relax, but do not separate your fingers, and do not lower your hands.

Second complex

  • Get down on all fours.
  • Raise your head and pull it up with force, straining your neck and pectoral muscles.
  • Walk in this position the distance from the kitchen to the bedroom, make the return trip without getting up from your knees.
  • Rest for 2 minutes, repeat the walk.

Third approach
Counting from 1 to 10, imitate the movements of the scissors with your hands: cross-breed, gradually raising them. The limbs should be straight, not bent at the elbows. At the "time" they are at the level of the belt, and at the "ten" rise above the head. Repeat the count in the reverse order while doing the exercise, so that the arms lower.

Observations of nursing mothers

Lactation is enhanced if you bring the baby to the chest at least 10 times a day. The baby's lips should be in contact with the mammary glands of the mother, eye contact is useful. The child must be offered milk after 2, a maximum of 3, hours. You can not refuse night feeding, because it is in the dark that prolactin is produced. Low concentration of the hormone - little “food” for the baby.

Expressing breast milk

You can massage the mammary glands: apply a small amount of oil to them, rub them with light strokes. Hands should move clockwise. It is impossible for the product to fall on the nipples or areola.

A young mother will help increase the amount of milk produced by decantation. You can do it manually, or buy a breast pump. If you regularly empty your breasts, the body will decide that you need to produce more “food” for the baby.

Preparations for improving milk lactation

To use any drugs, even herbal teas, you need after consulting a doctor. During lactation crisis, women are prescribed brewer's yeast, nicotinic acid or oxytocin, which is dripped onto the tongue immediately before feeding.

You can take royal jelly, "Mlekoin", "Grandmother's basket" or "Lactofitol." Mom helps Apilak, vitamin and mineral complexes like Centrum or Gendevit.

Lactating women are shown fresh air, regular walks and positive emotions.Not only folk methods or medications can increase lactation, but also a positive attitude, good nutrition and psychological support for loved ones.

Video: 13 ways to enhance lactation

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