How to soar your feet with a cold

Hot foot baths are one of the most effective home treatments for colds. Foot baths soothe, treat, produce a powerful preventive effect. In this article, you will learn how hot foot baths act on our body, how to properly soar our feet with a cold, and also find out who foot baths are contraindicated for.

How to soar your feet with a cold

The benefits of hot foot baths

Why did grandmothers teach us to warm our feet with colds? How steaming legs affects the overall well-being of a person - let's try to figure it out.

  1. On our feet is a huge number of active points that affect our health. Therefore, at the first sign of a cold, the bath is able to stop the disease, which never has time to start. Hot baths are especially effective at the onset of the disease - for example, if you are exposed to rain and cold.
  2. The blood vessels on the legs are closely connected with the whole body. Warming up the legs, we warm the body completely. Therefore, during hot baths a person sweats a lot.
  3. The onset of the common cold is often accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, and reddening of the throat. Hot baths help get rid of these symptoms, as they contribute to the outflow of blood to the legs.
  4. Foot baths enhance blood circulation, which is so necessary during an illness. Active blood circulation is an increase in the functioning of immune cells.
  5. Hot foot baths are an excellent remedy for snot and other respiratory diseases.
  6. Hot foot baths are often used in the treatment of residual and lingering cough. Warming up the legs helps to thin and release sputum from the lungs.

In addition, hot baths are so safe unlike many drugs that parents increasingly prefer this undeservedly forgotten method of treatment.

How to soar your feet with a cold

You need to understand that you will get the greatest effect if you soar your legs before bedtime. Therefore, plan the procedure for the evening.

How to soar your feet with a cold

  1. First you need to decide what we will do the baths with. The most popular option is a mustard bath. Mustard itself is very beneficial because it irritates the skin and enhances blood circulation. And coupled with hot water has an invaluable effect. However, allergy sufferers may have a reaction to mustard in the form of a cough or skin rash. Therefore, for hot baths, you can use various essential oils - they are also very useful.
  2. For warming, you can use the pelvis, and it is best to stock up on a bucket. After all, in it you can warm not only the feet, but also the calf muscles. If you are doing a baby bath, lower your feet in water with him so that he is not afraid of the procedure. At the bottom of the tank you can put a rough washcloth - it will additionally stimulate the feet.
  3. First, you need to put your feet in water at a comfortable temperature, especially if you are doing a baby bath. It is important not to scare the baby and present the procedure in the form of a game. First let the water be warm - 36 degrees.
  4. Gradually add hot water from the kettle to the basin. Before lowering your feet into the liquid again, stir the composition so as not to burn your feet.
  5. Gradually bring the temperature of the water to the maximum that you can tolerate. Usually it is 45-50 degrees. The legs should be red and hot. There should be steam on the forehead.
  6. A child needs to make a hot bath no longer than 10 minutes, an adult can keep his feet warm for about 20 minutes.
  7. After the bath, you need to rinse your feet in clean warm water, carefully wipe them and put on woolen socks on bare feet.Nothing that the sensations will be a little scratchy - this is an additional effect on the active points of the foot.
  8. After the bath you need to lie under the covers and drink something warming. A glass of vodka with pepper is an excellent solution against a cold that has begun. Children can be offered a cup of raspberry tea - raspberries will help to sweat. After such manipulations, you need to lie under the covers and do not protrude until the morning.

This is one of the best ways to get rid of a cold quickly, cheaply and safely.

Who should not do hot baths

Despite the usefulness of the procedure, baths can not be done for everyone. The first contraindication is a high body temperature. If during a cold the temperature rises above 37 degrees, there is no question of a bath. It can dilate blood vessels and aggravate the situation. Take a foot bath later when the condition stabilizes.

You can not soar the legs and pregnant women. The fact is that hot water stimulates a rush of blood to the legs. In this situation, the placenta suffers - the blood drains from it, and the baby in the womb loses nutrition. This can lead to the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

In case of frostbite, feet should also not be soared. Sudden changes in temperature can damage blood vessels. With diabetes and varicose veins, soaring feet is also not recommended. If you have any chronic diseases, you should first consult with your doctor about the intention to steam your legs.

What else to make a hot bath

If the traditional method of treatment (mustard) is not suitable for you, you can make baths with other components.

Hot foot baths

  1. If you make a bath with a mint broth or eucalyptus essential oil and actively inhale the vapors during the procedure, this will allow you to get rid of nasal congestion.
  2. Potato broth will keep the water hot for a long time and will allow you to warm your legs well.
  3. Can be done for baths and decoctions of medicinal herbs. They will help not only in the fight against colds, but also relieve many skin diseases. Calendula in the composition of the decoction will disinfect wounds, will contribute to the treatment of fungus on the legs. Chamomile softens the rough skin of the feet. St. John's wort will soothe your legs and relieve swelling after a long hard day.
  4. Soda foot baths are also very helpful. Soda actively affects reflex points and makes a person sweat a lot. This helps to eliminate toxins, viruses and toxins from the body. In addition, soda eliminates the fungus on the legs.
  5. To prepare the bath, you can use salt and iodine. 5 liters of water will need half a glass of salt and a teaspoon of iodine. Such a cocktail will perfectly warm your skin.

Hot foot baths can be done several times a day. It is best to do them at the very beginning of the disease when the first symptoms occur or after an acute period when there is no temperature.

From ancient times, people knew that a hot foot bath cures diseases, relaxes, pacifies, disinfects the skin, and eliminates the unpleasant smell of sweat. In modern times, powerful drugs and ointments, we want to recover more quickly - we do not have time for the disease. However, such a rush often leads to the fact that we throw a huge number of pills into the body, even without an accurate idea of ​​their action. Do not rush to drink chemistry, help the body recover on its own. And the hot foot bath in this case is the first assistant.

Video: how to soar feet

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