How to eat in order to lose weight: useful tips

Weight loss begins with a well-composed diet. A person can spend hours in the gym exhausting his own body, but if he does not give up hamburgers and convenience foods, fat deposits will not disappear. Fasting is contraindicated, as well as all kinds of diets that impair health and slow digestion. Then how to become slim and fit? Eat right and balanced.

How to eat in order to lose weight

About sweets

Sweets are the main enemy of teeth and a thin waist. So say nutritionists, calling to switch to stevia and low-fat cottage cheese. Do you really have to forget about cakes and eat exclusively green apples?

Sweets are not prohibited, but you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Eat only one bar of dark chocolate or a small piece of cake.
  2. Desserts eat up to 12 days so that the body has time to convert the resulting carbohydrates into energy.
  3. Flour dishes and pastries are replaced with homemade marshmallows and fruit jellies, which have fewer calories.
  4. Before sweets, they eat an apple or grapefruit. A light meal will fill the stomach, dulling hunger, and start the metabolism, so the figure will not suffer from a cream cake.
  5. Desserts are not washed down with soda or tea. Sweet liquid dilutes the gastric juice, slowing down the digestion of food, and fermentation begins, due to which the stomach swells.

Chocolate and candy can not be carried away. Desserts are sources of fast carbohydrates that turn into subcutaneous fat and cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels. They try to buy cakes and pastries no more than 2-3 times a week, and after each bar they go to the gym or go for a run to spend the accumulated calories.

Fiber for a Healthy Intestine

In people who eat exclusively processed foods and sausage, metabolism slows down. The liver and stomach can not cope with a lot of fatty foods, particles of undigested products enter the intestines and remain there, sticking to the walls. Fermentation and decay begins, which slows down the metabolism. Calories are not burned, waist and hips are constantly increasing.

The first stage of losing weight is cleansing the body. Frozen meatballs are sent to the bin, fresh and stewed vegetables, lots of fruits and berries appear in the diet.

Zucchini and pears supply the intestines with pectins and coarse dietary fiber. Substances absorb toxins and cholesterol, put out rotting food. Bowel motility improves, metabolism accelerates, and the waist gradually becomes thinner.

Sources of fiber should be present in the diet:

  • cereal cereals like oats, millet or barley;
  • vegetables in the form of stew or salad;
  • young peas or beans, as well as green beans;
  • berries;
  • fruits, especially apples and grapefruits;
  • almonds and peanuts;
  • raisins and other dried fruits;
  • potatoes;
  • whole grain bread from wholemeal flour;
  • pumpkin seeds.

Dietary fiber helps control appetite. Once in the stomach along with the liquid, they swell and fill it. But if there is too much fiber, constipation and other digestive problems occur. The daily norm of dietary fiber is 30 g. These are three servings of green peas or bran bread.

Salt and water

The body needs fluid to function properly. With a lack of water, the metabolism slows down, the work of the liver worsens, and after all this body is responsible for the conversion of cholesterol into energy. An adult is advised to drink 1.5-2.5 liters of fluid per day. Useful:

Slimming water

  • berry fruit drinks;
  • vegetable soups;
  • herbal teas;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • natural coffe.

But the emphasis should be on mineral or distilled water. Always keep a bottle of clean liquid on hand, with a lemon slice or juice.

People who dream of losing weight are advised to give up sugar, and use salt in moderation. Seasoning holds water in soft tissues. The work of the kidneys worsens, swelling appears that make the arrow of the scales show 0.5–2 kg more.


The diet of slender people is 50% composed of complex carbohydrates. They are contained in cereals:

  • buckwheat;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • pearl barley;
  • brown rice.

The body receives complex carbohydrates from vegetables and herbs, wholemeal pasta. The body processes cereals and salads into energy. The balanced menu contains protein sources:

  • chicken breast;
  • eggs
  • cottage cheese;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • tofu
  • walnuts with almonds and hazelnuts.

A person should consume about 100-150 g of foods containing protein, which is 30–35% of the diet.

Fats are also important for normal health. They are responsible for the absorption of vitamins, energy production and the reproductive system. With a lack of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, hair and skin suffer, and libido decreases. Useful substances are obtained from:

  • avocado;
  • cod liver;
  • olive and peanut butter;
  • flaxseed and sunflower seeds;
  • walnuts.

Fats account for only 10-15% of the diet. The daily norm of walnuts or avocados for an adult is 50–70 g. And how much to eat vegetable oil? 10 to 30 ml per day.

Thanks to a balanced diet, in which there are complex carbohydrates, and fats, and proteins, the body breaks down subcutaneous fat, turning it into energy, and muscle mass remains. A person loses weight by 2–4 sizes without damage to health.

Correct servings

The thickness of the waist depends not only on the quality of the food, but also on its quantity. For people who like to eat well and eat a lot, the stomach gradually stretches. A standard serving does not quench your appetite, they ask for an addition. The body receives more calories than it burns. Residues turn into fat, settle on the hips and sides.

The right amount of food

Overeating is the main enemy of the figure. Fighting a bad habit is difficult, but there are several ways to trick the brain:

  1. Buy dishes in dark blue. The hue dulls the appetite.
  2. Pour food into small plates. The brain seems to have eaten a lot. He sends a “Stop” signal to the stomach, the feeling of hunger disappears.
  3. The food is divided into small pieces, and each is chewed 40 times.
  4. Instead of forks, wooden sticks are used.
  5. Products are not washed down with soda. Sweet water “pushes” undigested food into the intestines, making room for a new serving.
  6. The standard portion is stretched for 15-20 minutes. It takes so much time for the stomach to make hunger disappear.
  7. You need to focus on food, not being distracted by books or films, talking with friends.
  8. Food should be fun. You can not stuff unloved asparagus or stewed eggplants into yourself.
  9. Drink water before meals to mute the feeling of hunger. If you drink the liquid after a hearty lunch or breakfast, the metabolism slows down.

The stomach gets used to new portions gradually. The body rebels, a person is hungry. Distract from the desire to chew something helps training and active games. Interesting books, favorite work, hobbies save others. The brain is busy reporting, stop thinking about food.

How to eat

People who eat breakfast are less likely to suffer from a constant feeling of hunger and consume fewer calories. But you need to choose the right dishes:

  • boiled eggs or steam omelet;
  • cottage cheese with honey and berries;
  • oatmeal with dried fruits, seeds or a slice of oil;
  • a slice of bran bread with avocado, bananas or hard cheese;
  • muesli.

Porridge supplies the body with complex carbohydrates, while eggs and cottage cheese supply protein. Dishes are slowly digested, so a person feels full for at least 4–5 hours. Do not refuse a second breakfast: an apple, a glass of yogurt, a chocolate bar.

Do not skip lunch, which should consist of soup, vegetable salad and a piece of boiled meat or steamed fish. A person needs both slow carbohydrates and proteins to stay active. Snacking is not necessary, but refusing to eat dinner is prohibited. The stomach is pampered with baked fish and a vegetable side dish. This is enough to fall asleep full, and in the morning to get up with a slight feeling of hunger.

Excess weight appears among fans of stuffing sandwiches on the go. You need to eat while sitting, relaxing and fully concentrating on the process. After swallowing the last piece, do not get up from the stool for 5-10 minutes, allowing the stomach to prepare for work.

Fat Burning Products

People who dream of losing weight are advised to eat at least 800 g of vegetables per day. Preference is given to cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and other varieties in which there is a minimum of starch. The diet also includes foods that activate metabolism and help burn subcutaneous deposits. These include:

Fat Burning Products

  • Chile;
  • cold soups;
  • figs;
  • ginger root and powder;
  • mustard and red pepper;
  • mashed vegetable soups without potatoes;
  • pine nuts and almonds;
  • color salad;
  • green tea and steam fish;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt without sweeteners;
  • apples and pears.

It’s useful to play sports or just walk outside, especially if the sun is shining outside. Ultraviolet, on the skin, interacts with cholesterol, turning the harmful compound into vitamin D, which contributes to better absorption of calcium and strengthen the skeletal system.

Can I have a snack before training? Yes, if it’s chicken breast or cottage cheese, but you can do it 2 hours after lunch or afternoon tea. How to satisfy hunger after going to the gym? Protein shake or lean meat with lettuce. Protein food does not allow the body to destroy muscle tissue, forcing to burn fatty layers.

What can not be done

  1. Hunger is a bad idea. It does not help cleanse the body of toxins. A body devoid of food is stressed. Metabolism slows down, and every calorie gained after starvation turns into a fat reserve “for a rainy day”.
  2. You can not use marinades and smoked foods, fast food, convenience foods, soda and chips with crackers. They clog the body, impair digestive function and increase cholesterol.
  3. It is forbidden to scold yourself for "harmful" snacks, like a piece of chocolate or pork. It is better to be glad that you managed to pamper yourself, and then go run or dance.
  4. Do not eat porridge and meat with fruit, otherwise fermentation begins in the stomach, which causes flatulence, and food is absorbed worse.
  5. Chocolate will not solve all the problems. Food is a source of energy, and nothing more. You need to relieve stress in the gym, and not next to the refrigerator.

Switching to a balanced diet is difficult. The body resists, not wanting to part with fried potatoes and mayonnaise. We have to overcome ourselves and our weaknesses, gradually abandoning harmful products. But you can’t give up, because healthy food improves well-being, helps to lose extra pounds and become healthier.

Video: how to lose weight without harming the body

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