How to use a quartz lamp

General cleaning, even with the use of modern cleaning products, is not able to ensure the perfect sterility of rooms, especially if there is a person with flu or respiratory diseases in the house. You can destroy the microbes that live in the air with a quartz lamp, an improved invention of the Soviet era.

How to use a quartz lamp

What is a quartz lamp for?

The ultraviolet radiation emitted by the device disinfects the room, killing bacteria. Using a lamp, you can sterilize not only the air in the rooms, but also upholstered furniture with children's toys, in which many germs and infections accumulate.

The equipment is recommended for use in inflammatory processes in the throat and oral cavity, from trophic ulcers, pressure sores and dermatological diseases. The device is effective for otitis media, colds, joint pain and muscle dysfunction.

Destroying microbes, a quartz lamp stimulates the regeneration of the skin, helps the immune system cope with the infection that attacks the body. It is used to sterilize manicure accessories, and some housewives process UV preservation.

Types of quartz lamps

The bactericidal type lamp is suitable for disinfection of rooms, and is more often used in medical institutions. Ultraviolet rays emanating from the device not only kill bacteria, but also saturate the air with ozone, poisonous to humans.

Physiotherapeutic varieties of lower power are intended for home use and local exposure, for example, the nasal mucosa or oral cavity.

Open and closed
Bulbs for open-type lamps are made of quartz glass, they are fixed on special tripods when turned on, hooked to walls or the ceiling, necessarily directing ultraviolet radiation into the room. A type called “crystal”, which can be installed on a table or floor, is popular. A variety of "electronics" has additional infrared emitters, similar to a regular table lamp, and the "sun" is used for local type irradiation.

Closed options are intended for medical and children's recreation facilities. They are built into the ventilation system, with the help of which decontaminated air is supplied to the premises.

Shielded varieties are equipped with reflective panels, thanks to which the ultraviolet rays go up, and practically do not fall on people in the room.

Special Purpose Options
Quartz devices with low power, emitting a pleasant blue light, are used at home. They irradiate the skin affected by psoriasis or acne, treat painful joints, inflamed mucous membranes of the nose or throat, and auditory canals for otitis media. They are compact and safe, usually sold with special nozzles and goggles.

By type of mount
Floor and table varieties are convenient in everyday life, they can be transferred from one room to another to carry out disinfection. Hinged options are fixed on the wall under the ceiling, have a limited scope, therefore, are not in demand.

How to use a quartz lamp

Before disinfection, it is necessary to remove people from the premises, ultraviolet radiation for children is especially dangerous. Pets close in other rooms, clean flower pots.Install the lamp, put on safety glasses, turn on the device, leave the room, closing the door, or sliding the curtains that separate it from the rest.

Wait from 15 to 30 minutes, turn off the device, trying not to inhale air saturated with ozone. Open the windows wide to ventilate the room. Use the lamp to disinfect the other room only after it has completely cooled.

Do not touch the glass tube. If there is an imprint on it, you need to wipe the surface of the device with a soft cloth dipped in an alcohol solution.

How to quartz a person

Irradiation can only be done after consultation with a doctor. Use only devices with low power designed for human quartzization; bactericidal lamps cannot be used.

How to quartz a person

Protect the cornea with special glasses, which should be sold with the lamp. Apply oil or tanning cream to the area of ​​the skin to be irradiated. Spread a thin layer of the product evenly over the body. Cover the remaining parts with a towel or other cloth so that ultraviolet rays do not fall on them.

Warm up the lamp for 5 minutes, and only then bring it to the skin. During illumination, no indoor flowers or pets should be near the patient. Keep the device at a distance of 50 cm from the treated area. The first session should last 30 seconds, it is recommended to conduct 1 quartzing per day. The duration of the irradiation course is 5 days. The second session should be increased by 30 seconds. The duration of the fifth is about 3 minutes, but not longer.

The patient should feel pleasant warmth, so if necessary, the lamp can be moved closer or farther away. You can not keep the device perpendicular to the irradiated area, correctly, when the rays fall at a small angle.

If you hold the lamp over your skin, a burn or age spots may appear. The patient who underwent the procedure is recommended to rest, it is advisable to lie in bed and cover with a blanket or blanket. You can not go out into the cold or drafts for an hour, so quartzing is best done before bedtime.

Blue lamp and little children

Kids who are under 3 years old can be irradiated with a cold and a runny nose. It is recommended to carry out procedures when the baby is sleeping. Be sure to put a diaper or a small towel on your eyes. They recommend constantly touching the skin of a small patient: it should be warm, but not too hot. Better underexposed than overheated.

Blue quartz lamp for home

The lamp is brought to the heels and back instead of mustard plasters, the maxillary sinuses, the forehead and the area behind the ear are processed to spread the nose. Warming up is best done at night so that the child remains warm after the procedure. After irradiation, woolen socks can be worn on the legs to enhance the effect.

Quartz lamp and runny nose

The device can not be used for sinusitis, but it copes with an ordinary cold. It is recommended to purchase devices with special tubes for the treatment of the nasal and oral cavity. First you need to rinse the maxillary sinuses with salt water, gargle. Turn on the device for several minutes, be sure to wear glasses.

It is better to start with 30 seconds, carry out 1 procedure per day. 4 days are enough for the inflammation to go away. Do not irradiate the nose or throat for longer than 2 minutes, so as not to burn the mucous membranes. It is advisable not to use a cold drop for several hours.

Quartz Precautions

  • The room must be aired after quartzizing.
  • Safety glasses protect your eyes from burns.
  • Do not look at the lamp on or touch heated surfaces while the machine is in operation.
  • For patients with dry skin, prone to cracking, and dilated vessels, the quartz device is strictly contraindicated.
  • The dosage and duration of the course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, do not engage in amateur performances, because you can not joke with such medical devices.
  • It is forbidden to sunbathe under open quartz lamps.

There is a group of patients to whom ultraviolet radiation does only harm. Irradiation is contraindicated in people with body temperature above 38 degrees, renal and cardiovascular failure, tumors, both malignant and benign.

You can not use the lamp for diseases of the thyroid gland and the active form of tuberculosis, hypertension, a tendency to bleeding and ulcers. The category of people who are contraindicated with ultraviolet treatment includes persons with advanced atherosclerosis of the brain and coronary vessels, blood diseases and acute inflammatory processes.

Patients who feel a headache or other ailments during the procedure should stop irradiation, and abandon this method.

A quartz lamp can be an excellent helper for people prone to colds, and young mothers who often have children. You need to understand that this medical device does not harm only with proper use and following the instructions.

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