How to wash horizontal blinds

Blinds protect better from sunshine than traditional curtains and curtains. They are compact, easy to use and fit into any interior. A minus of a useful invention is rapid pollution. Dust settles daily on horizontal slats, so alternative curtains should be washed once every 2-3 weeks. What methods should be used to make cleaning quick and not take a lot of time?

How to wash horizontal blinds

Paint brushes and vacuum cleaner

Wet rags that try to wipe off a layer of dust from plastic or wooden strips often leave dirty stains. It is necessary to change the water several times, wipe the horizontal blinds with a dry cloth, and only after all the manipulations do they begin to please with perfect cleanliness.

It should be armed with a spray bottle with clean water and a fluffy brush. Such cleaning accessories are loved by the maids from the TV series about the rich and the unfortunate. A brand new long-brushed paintbrush or a piece of sheep's wool, which for unknown reasons ended up in the kitchen table, is also suitable.

Brush away a layer of dirt from the horizontal blinds and at the same time moisten the air from the spray gun so that dust particles floating in the air settle with water droplets on the floor, and do not return to the slats.

A simpler option is a vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle for the care of upholstered furniture. You can use the husband’s accessory, which he bought for his beloved car. The vacuum cleaner should move from the upper bars to the lower ones, gradually removing dirt. No dust in the air, and cleaning with such an aggregate will take a few minutes.

Simplifying work
It will take a few pieces of soft tissue, which is not a pity to throw or put on a floor rag. If nothing old and unnecessary was at hand, wipes designed to combat dust on various surfaces are useful.

How to clean horizontal blinds

Pour soap solution into a bottle equipped with a spray bottle. Prepare it from detergent, powder or shavings from laundry soap. Combine any ingredient with water, chop it thoroughly and use it to clean the blinds. An alternative is not to bother and buy a special tool designed for windows.

  1. Blinds should be in the "Sun Protection" mode to facilitate the cleaning of lamellas.
  2. Spray a small area from the spray gun so that it becomes slightly moist, but not wet.
  3. Walk on a plastic or wooden strip with a prepared rag. The fabric can not be washed or soaked, so you should use it sparingly, so that it is enough for all windows or several.
  4. When one side of the blinds becomes perfectly clean and dries out slightly, they are turned over and the manipulation of the spray gun is repeated.

It is recommended to finish cleaning by washing the window, because droplets of the solution fall on the glass, forming stains. You can use the same solution and a rag designed for blinds, so as not to complicate your life.

Option for lazy housewives

It is not necessary to spend half a day to make alternative curtains look clean. In a handbag there is always a package of wet wipes or baby wipes. Suitable varieties for household appliances or a phone.

It is advisable to vacuum, and then arm yourself with napkins and gently wipe each lamella. The blinds must be open so that the strip can be grabbed from two sides at once. This will speed up the cleaning process.

Move from the eaves to the windowsill, trying not to leave stains.If necessary, you should finish the mini-cleaning with a piece of dry cloth so that the surface of the blinds becomes perfectly clean, without the slightest hint of dust.

How to wash heavily soiled blinds

It seems that there were not enough wet wipes? Lamels look terrible, so can not do without soap and sponge? You have to wear rubber gloves, get a basin and a couple of fleece rags.

How to wash heavily soiled blinds

You can prepare the solution from a dishwashing detergent that will remove both grease, dirt and stains of unknown origin. Dilute a few drops with water, mix thoroughly to form a foam on the surface, and proceed with cleaning. Additionally, you will need a bucket or other container with clean liquid without additives and a napkin.

  • Blinds must be closed.
  • With a sponge dipped in soapy water, carefully walk along the surface of the lamellas, removing dirt.
  • It will get rid of soap stains with a damp cloth, which is dipped in clean water.
  • Walk through the blinds with a dry rag, wetting the remaining liquid.

Important: Do not advise leaving the slats wet. The metal parts on which they hold are rusted due to water, so the blinds do not open and close well, and quickly fail.

After the procedure, you will have to tackle the windows without fail, because the soapy solution leaves cloudy streaks on the glass, from which an ordinary rag will not help.

Water treatments for blinds

If the lamellas are covered with a thick layer of dirt and grease, which the soap solution and the sponge cannot handle, alternative curtains can be taken to the bathroom. Warm water and strong pressure are an excellent remedy for dust and other amenities.

To separate the blinds from the window, press on the brackets, and then pull the plastic or wooden fixture down. The lamellas must be closed. Carefully spread alternative curtains so that they do not bend anywhere. Remove plugs, weights and other parts that are afraid of water.

Hang a plastic sheet over the bath with a strong stream of water. You can gently sweep the lamellas with a sponge to wash off the dust. The next step is to prepare a soap solution from a powder or detergent. Dirty blinds are soaked in it for several hours, after the second time they are washed with tap water.

Wipe alternative curtains with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks of water on the surface. Hang and straighten, it is advisable to use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of the lamellas. Return the plugs to the place, install the blinds back on the windows, do not forget to wash the cornice and windowsill.

Tip: You can not resort to this method too often, otherwise the metal parts become corroded, and the service life is reduced.

After bathing, the swivel mechanism of the lamellas should be treated with silicone grease so that it functions better.

Preventative measures

To avoid dusting the blinds every week, after washing, alternative curtains should be treated with an antistatic agent. A special tool or a few milliliters of fabric softener will do. In a small amount of water, dilute the polish and antistatic agent in equal parts, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and be sure to wear rubber gloves.

How to prevent blinds from getting dirty

Use a soft napkin or sponge. An alternative is cotton gloves that are worn over rubber gloves. The solution is applied either to the slats or to a napkin. The product is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the blinds, and then rubbed thoroughly until the plates become dry. Antistatic does not allow dust to settle, therefore, a useful invention will remain clean for a long time.

How to wash wooden or fabric blinds

Plastic lamellas look ordinary, reminiscent of something like an office, so some people prefer to decorate windows with wooden or fabric varieties.They can not be bathed in the bathroom, treated with soapy solutions or cleaning products.

The fabric options should be vacuumed or dusted off with a brush. Jacquard varieties or with photo printing are trusted only by professionals. If the instructions say that the blinds can be washed, they should be carefully removed from the window, freed from fittings and rolled up. Pour water into a basin and dilute a little soap there. Dip alternative curtains into the liquid for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry on a flat surface covered by a cloth. Be sure to shake after swimming and straighten. Wash fabric blinds are recommended no more than once a year so that they do not lose color.

Wood varieties are vacuumed or wiped with wet wipes. No water, otherwise they are deformed.

Fabric blinds can be treated with a steam cleaner wrapped in a sheet. This method is suitable for washable varieties. High temperatures are disinfected, and steam cleans lamellas from dust particles.

Caring for blinds is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to wipe them with napkins and vacuum, so that you do not have to remove them from the windows, wash and soak.

Video: how to quickly wash horizontal blinds

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