How to brew ivan tea

Ivan tea is called fireweed, the plant reaches a height of 2 meters or more. Inflorescences have a bright pink tinge with a touch of Magenta. Long green leaves are also often dried and subsequently brewed. It is amazing that a person applies all parts of a plant: roots, inflorescences, stems and leaves. From the rhizome, flour is prepared for baking, tinctures are made on the basis of the top, stuffing for pillows is made from fluff. However, we are interested in the preparation of tea, its proper brewing and value.

How to brew ivan tea

Benefits of Ivan Tea

  1. The tool is used as a painkiller. Tea relieves a person of constant migraines and headaches, reduces the effects of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. Ivan tea is not in vain has a male name, the plant is ideal for the stronger sex. A drink from the herb accelerates blood circulation in the groin area, enhancing potency. Tea cures adenoma and inflammation of the prostate gland.
  3. Most often, Ivan-tea prevents any ailments associated with the circulatory system. Doctors prescribe a drink for people with anemia and iron deficiency (anemia). The composition is involved in the development of new bodies, cleanses the blood channels and thickens blood vessels.
  4. The antioxidants that are rich in grass cleanse the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, intestines. The tool prevents the formation of malignant and benign tumors, removes long-standing slagging from the digestive system.
  5. Ivan tea has a sedative effect, it favorably affects the work of the nervous system. The drink soothes a person after stress, removes sleep problems, and reduces a constant feeling of anxiety. Relaxation is achieved due to the complete normalization of the psychoemotional background.
  6. If you drink the drug based on dosage and regularly, soon you will fully establish the motor functions of the intestine. Against this background, there will be an increase in metabolic processes, constipation will disappear, or, conversely, diarrhea.
  7. The regenerating effect of willow tea allows the use of plant leaves as a remedy for burns, deep abrasions, ulcers. It is enough to grind fresh raw materials with a blender or meat grinder, and then attach to the wound.
  8. It is useful for people suffering from rheumatism to make compresses based on tea leaves and inflorescences. It is necessary to scald the grass with boiling water, partially squeeze it, then apply it to a sore spot (muscles, joints, bones).
  9. Taking tea based on the plant strengthens the immune system. Especially valuable is the drink in the off-season, when the body is depleted. The tool is an excellent prevention of acute respiratory infections, influenza, SARS.
  10. Some people use willow gargle for gargling with tonsillitis and other ailments of this type. In combination with this, it is necessary to take the drink inside as an antipyretic drug of traditional medicine.
  11. Ivan tea is an excellent remedy for food poisoning or toxins. The composition absorbs harmful poisons and excretes them in the urine. Tea envelops the gastric walls, so it is prescribed for use by people with gastritis, colitis, ulcers, etc.
  12. A distinctive feature of tea of ​​this kind is considered to be that it does not fluctuate blood pressure. In this regard, hypo-and hypertensive patients can use the composition.
  13. The diuretic effect allows the use of tea for the treatment of urinary and reproductive systems. It is used by ladies with cystitis. Of tea often prepare decoctions for rinsing hair and face masks.

Features of the procurement of raw materials

Features of harvesting willow tea

  1. The collection of Ivan tea is carried out from the beginning to the middle of July to the end of September. It is this time period that is allocated to the flowering of the plant.
  2. After the process is completed, Ivan-tea is not subject to collection and subsequent sorting. If you took leaves after the appearance of fluff in the field of inflorescences, such raw materials are not suitable for brewing.
  3. Try to make time for the procurement of raw materials in the morning. At the same time, study the weather conditions; you should not pluck the plant in fog, rain, dew or cloudy weather. Wait for a sunny day.
  4. During the collection process, do not tear off one leaf at a time. First, hold the upper area of ​​the grass with your hand, with your second hand, walk along the stem to the bottom, thereby obtaining leaves.
  5. For tea, raw materials that are not affected by insects, dirt, toxic substances, diseases are suitable. For this reason, harvesting is carried out in a clean, ecological place.
  6. To avoid damage to the plant itself, proceed with caution. If you damage the stem, most likely, the herbalist will not bear fruit or begin to hurt.
  7. To get a delicious Ivan-tea, collect raw materials not in one but in several places. Again, choose an environmentally friendly growing area.
  8. In addition to leaves, pick flowers, so you will give the final drink a unique taste and aroma.
  9. After all the manipulations, rinse the collected raw materials under the tap, lay on a dry baking sheet or pallet, leave in a ventilated place for a couple of days. It is important that the grass does not get sunlight. Next, grind the raw materials and dry in the oven at 50 degrees.

How to brew ivan tea

  1. You can brew in a teapot made of ceramic or clear glass. In the latter case, you will enjoy not only the aftertaste, but also a shade of the drug.
  2. To get the perfect drink, you must comply with the dosage. On a teapot with a volume of 0.5 liters. there are about 2 teaspoons of dried raw materials. Before sending the plants inside, warm the teapot, scalding it with boiling water. Important! The composition of Ivan-tea contains a mass of biologically active components, which may be the allowable daily allowance. Therefore, you can not brew more than 5 grams per day. Ivan tea (about two tablespoons).
  3. It is known that the quality of the final drink depends on the degree of filtration of the water and its taste. Use only purified drinking liquid from bottles or a special filter. The ideal option is water from a spring or well.
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil in a kettle or on a stove. It is important that the water has a temperature of about 85-90 degrees. Pour it with a dried plant, cork with a lid.
  5. A brewing feature is that the kettle does not need to be insulated with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, the drink must be shaken without opening the lid. Thus, you activate the release of ethers in tea. After another 5 minutes, you can drink the drug. Ivan tea is taken without sugar, some add dates, dried apricots or raisins.

The essential oils included in the composition allow you to enjoy Ivan tea for about 2 days from the moment of brewing. As a result, there is no release of harmful enzymes, so you can periodically warm the composition and consume it. In the process of warming, phyto tea does not need to be brought to drilling.

How to brew fragrant ivan tea

There is a second brewing option, it is more troublesome. Many gourmets prefer this method to the previous one, because in the end, Ivan tea reveals its taste to the fullest.

How to brew fragrant ivan tea

  1. Place twisted leaves on the bottom of a ladle or enamel pan, add a few inflorescences of the plant. Pour in filtered water, the liquid should be doubled above the raw material.
  2. Send the dishes to minimum heat, simmer until the first signs of drilling. When this happens, immediately turn off the stove and remove the broth. Wait a quarter of an hour, preparing tea under the lid.
  3. After the allotted time, you can strain the drink or carefully pour it into a cup. Sugar is not added; optionally supply the tea with dates or raisins.
  4. Ivan tea, prepared according to this recipe, is useful for drinking with insomnia, heavy discharge during menstruation, sore throat, cystitis, difficulties with conceiving a child.

Raw materials for making tea must be collected during the flowering period of the plant. As soon as the inflorescences replace fluff, brewing should be abandoned. Consider making willow-tea in a teapot and on a stove; choose the appropriate method for yourself. Do not add sugar to the drink, it will only spoil the taste. After brewing, the composition can be stored up to 2 days, as necessary, the drink is heated.

Video: how to brew ivan tea

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