How to take fish oil: useful tips

The human body daily needs a certain balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Each brick on which our food is built fulfills its necessary and irreplaceable role. But sometimes a person, trying to lose weight, excludes fats from his diet completely. And this is fundamentally wrong. Low-fat nutrition can not be called healthy. And to make up for the missing share of nutritious fats in the body, it is necessary to take fish oil as a source of strength, youth, beauty and health.

How to take fish oil

What is fish oil

Fish oil is a product of animal origin. Fish oil is made from the natural fat of marine large fish, for example, cod, mackerel, herring. The fish liver is usually taken for production. Fish oil is divided into brown, yellow and white. Brown fat - industrial (unfiltered), is used for technical purposes as a lubricant. Yellow fat is partially refined, but rarely used in medicine. And white fat is the one that we take orally as a vitamin supplement.

How to get fish oil

Norwegian fishermen in ancient times engaged in the extraction of the so-called "red" fish oil. They went to sea for cod and cut fish on the spot. The fish liver was collected separately in a barrel. When they arrived home a few weeks later, there was fat in the barrel, which gradually flowed out of the fish liver itself. The remaining liver was filled with water and boiled over a quiet fire. So they got pure fish oil. Although it had a pronounced fish smell, it was a natural and healthy product.

Modern fish oil production is not very different from the way Norwegian fishermen get it. The principle has remained the same. Freshly caught fish is immediately sent for cutting. The liver is carefully and carefully cut out, the gall bladder is separated. The washed liver is placed in a large pot with a thick bottom, which is heated to 50 degrees. The liver languishes over medium heat and high quality white fish oil is leaked from it. Then the fire is increased and get yellow fat. Well, at fairly high temperatures, brown fish oil is extracted, which is not used for oral administration.

The benefits of fish oil

Fish oil is an incredibly healthy product that contains many important and necessary vitamins. The first benefit of fish oil was noted in Greenland. It was found that the inhabitants of the island, in the diet of which there was a fish of fat varieties almost daily, suffer from heart diseases less, they are more stress-resistant and efficient.

Fish oil is a storehouse of vitamins and saturated fats that nourish the body during periods difficult for it. Fish oil is taken during exacerbation of viral diseases, as well as after illness to restore strength. Fish oil is prescribed for children to adapt them to kindergarten to reduce the risk of frequent illnesses. The benefits of fish oil can be talked about endlessly, let us dwell on its main advantages.

The benefits of fish oil

  1. Fish oil contains omega-3 fats, which perfectly affect the brain. Constant intake of fat improves memory, develops intelligence and erudition.
  2. Fish oil affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels - it reduces the viscosity of the blood, which contributes to the formation of blood clots. Thus, the risk of heart attack or stroke is reduced significantly. Continuous intake of fish oil normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Healthy fats accelerate the body's metabolic processes.This means that fish oil can be used as an ally against extra pounds.
  4. Fish oil is good for men's health. Regular intake of fish oil helps increase physical strength and stamina.
  5. Fat inhibits the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Constant intake of fish oil normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, increases stress resistance.
  6. Fish oil has a beneficial effect on the joints. It can be taken orally or in the form of grindings. This is an excellent drug and prophylactic.
  7. Fish oil has been successfully used as an additive for muscle growth and recovery after training. This is one of the components of sports nutrition.
  8. Fish oil is also useful for women - after just a few weeks of taking fish oil, the fair sex noted that the skin became much smoother, moisturized and clean (without acne).
  9. Fish oil contains vitamin A, which is an invariable component of our immunity. Vitamin A protects the body against inflammatory diseases and prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  10. Fish oil is prescribed by doctors in a complex to maintain eye health.
  11. In fish oil, a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which the body needs for strong bones and a strong skeleton. A lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to rickets.
  12. There are antioxidants in fish oil that inhibit the aging process in the body. Therefore, fish oil is not only a means to maintain health, but also an indispensable cosmetic product for women.
  13. The course intake of fish oil prevents the development of depression.

How to take fish oil capsules

Natural fish oil has an unattractive smell, shape and taste. For convenience, manufacturers of vitamin supplements changed the dosage form of fat and began to produce it in capsules. Small yellow capsules are odorless, small and easy to swallow. However, to get the benefits of fish oil, you need to know how and how much to take.

How to take fish oil capsules

  1. The daily norm of this vitamin is 1000-2000 mg per day, which corresponds to 2-4 capsules.
  2. You can not take all the capsules at once, you need to divide the daily norm into several doses.
  3. Typically, the daily allowance for men is slightly higher than for women (500 mg).
  4. Fish oil should be taken during or immediately after a meal. You can not take this vitamin supplement on an empty stomach - it can be harmful.
  5. Salmon fat is considered the most useful, expensive and high-quality fish oil.
  6. Fish oil should be taken periodically. One course of taking fish oil is about two months. After this, you need to take a break in a couple of weeks.
  7. Usually, fish oil is taken in the fall or winter to protect the body from viral diseases.

How to take liquid fish oil

Liquid fish oil is less attractive, but no less useful for its gelatinous counterparts. Many believe that such fish oil contains more benefits, since it was not subjected to additional processing. The daily rate of liquid fish oil is 15 ml, which corresponds to three teaspoons. Liquid fish oil can be added to dishes as a dressing, sauces can be prepared from it only if you are not afraid of a light fish aroma. However, remember that fish oil must not be exposed to high temperatures - it must not be fried, etc. Otherwise, it will simply lose all its useful properties.

Liquid fish oil should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid. It is best if the bottle is opaque. Throw away an expired product safely - there is no use in it.

Contraindications and harm to fish oil

Like any other product, vitamin or drug, fish oil has contraindications.

  • It can not be taken if there is an excess of calcium in the blood.
  • Fish oil is contraindicated in hypervitaminosis D.
  • If there are kidney stones.
  • For any liver disease.
  • If you are allergic to fish oil components.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Renal failure.
  • It is dangerous to take fish oil for pregnant and elderly people without the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Fish oil is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

In case of gastrointestinal diseases, heart diseases, ulcers and other chronic ailments, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the intention to start taking fish oil.

Long-term intake of fish oil can reduce blood coagulation, so with any blood disease, you must be careful with this vitamin supplement.

Fish oil for children

Fish oil is often prescribed for children as an auxiliary vitamin with increased mental and physical stress at school. Regular intake of fish oil helps the child to better absorb the material, be more able and assertive. In addition, taking fish oil in the winter allows the child’s body to be more resistant to viruses and infections.

Fish oil for children

Infants are prescribed fish oil against rickets, since most regions do not pamper us with sunny days. The daily dose of fish oil for babies in their first year of life is 2-4 drops several times a day. After a year, the baby can be given half a teaspoon per day, and from two years old - a whole spoon. The student's dose should be at least two capsules or a tablespoon per day.

For children produce special forms of fish oil in the form of marmalade with a pleasant taste and smell. Most guys take them for sweets.

Fish oil for weight loss

French scientists conducted an experiment among several thousand women. The subjects were divided into two groups. They were offered the same nutrition, not different from their usual diet. The first group was given fish oil after each meal, and the second group was given dummies, that is, a placebo. Two months later, it turned out that the representatives of the first group on average lost one kilogram, while the women of the second group did not change in weight.

In parallel with their French colleagues, in 2015, a similar experiment was performed at Kyoto Japan University, only on mice. Mice were divided into two groups and fed them with fatty foods in the same amount. In addition, the first group of mice relied on the intake of fish oil. After the experiment, it was found that the mice of the first group gained 25% less fat than the representatives of the second group of mice. Scientists have proven that fish oil promotes the production of substances that accelerate the body's metabolic processes.

Fish oil has recently become a constant companion to successful weight loss. Indeed, in conditions of limited nutrition, the body does not receive the vitamins and fats it needs. Fish oil means healthy hair and nails, clean and smooth skin and well-being, even with the toughest diet.

Since childhood, we associate fish oil with an unpleasant and tasteless substance that you had to drink at the insistence of your mother. However, times have changed, and fish oil can be taken in a convenient and pleasant dosage form without loss of beneficial properties. Drink fish oil and stay healthy!

Video: how to use fish oil

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