How to chop coconut at home

Coconut is famous for its absorbent properties, it removes toxins from the body, therefore it is used in the treatment of many diseases. Coconut shells are more dense than other nuts. It cannot be split with a foot or a door; coconut does not fit into a nut cracker, which greatly complicates the task. To free the fruit and enjoy the great taste, we have to resort to some tricks, which we will talk about today.

How to open a coconut

How to chop coconut

In everyday life, people chop coconut with a hammer, laying the fruit on the floor. The method was mastered in ancient times, after a time, the craftsmen came up with more effective methods that will save milk and enjoy its taste.

  1. For the “scientific” method, you will need a Phillips screwdriver. Take a nut in your hand, press on all three spots on top of the fruit. First click on the middle, then along the edges of the spot, carefully probing the soil. You need to find a “weak link” that is pushing better than others. As a rule, a circle closer to the pole lends itself to pressing. The fresher the fruit, the more difficult it is to open.
  2. Prepare a container for draining coconut milk, an ideal option would be a mug or glass of suitable diameter. Carefully flip the coconut, do not shake it, so that the rest of the shell does not fly into the container. Place the fruit on the edges of the glass and wait until the liquid has completely merged. Coconut juice is very viscous, so the process usually takes 2-3 minutes. To make sure that there is no milk in the coconut cavity, shake it upside down. Liquid must not leak out of the nut.
  3. After removing the milk, you can safely take up the hammer and knife. No need to beat in a big way, so as not to damage the pulp along with the shell, act carefully. Put the nut on a wooden kitchen board, having previously spread a non-slip wet sponge under it. Turn the nut sideways, place the edge of the knife exactly in the middle, and then hit the handle several times with a hammer. Shift to the side along the diameter of the coconut and do the same. When you process the entire circumference of the fetus, you can begin chopping nuts.
  4. Make sure the coconut plate does not slip. Otherwise, you risk injuring your hands and spoiling the fetus. Place the nut sideways so that the cut processed by the knife is clearly visible. Tap the hammer 1 time in the middle of the line, turn the fetus a few centimeters to the side and repeat the action. Now fix the nut in place and begin to intensively, but not strongly tap on the diameter. After several strokes, the fruit will split in two.
  5. Turn on the oven and heat it to the level of 145-160 degrees. Place both halves of the nut on a baking sheet (not on the grill!), Wait 3 to 5 minutes. Such a move must be made so that the coconut narrows in size under the influence of temperature. This will allow the pulp to be separated from the shell without damaging the fruit. After time, remove the nut with a tack, turn over the halves and voila, the fruit has moved away from the shell.
  6. Before use, peel the flesh of the thin peel with a knife and a potato peeling device, cut the fruit into thin squares, and then treat your friends. If you want to use coconut for decoration, dry it in the oven, then grate it on a medium grater or grind it in a blender. After that, spread the chips on a baking sheet and leave to dry for a quarter of an hour.

Practical tips

  1. If you are unable to poke holes with a screwdriver, use a thick nail and hammer.
  2. In cases where coconut has small spots, the juice will flow out slowly. To speed up the process, hold one hole above the container and blow into the second.
  3. Carefully consider the coconut, on its sharp side, two circles are located close, and the third is at a distance, it is he who is the most susceptible to impact.
  4. To prevent coconut from rolling over the surface while making holes, place the bottom of the coconut in the drain of the kitchen sink.
  5. If you need a nut for aesthetic reasons (making cocktails, an attribute for a photo shoot, a Hawaiian swimsuit, etc.), cut it with a thin saw, after draining the milk.

Before you start cracking a nut, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the important features of choosing a coconut. No obscure chips or black spots should be present on the shell. Take the fruit in your hand, push your fingers on three large points on top of the shell. If one of the points descends inward under pressure, the coconut begins to rot. Give preference to nuts that have a hard, solid surface.

Video: how to open coconut at home

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